Remove one song to make an album 10/10

ill start
>Album: pic related
>Song: Love in vain

Kill yourself.

>inb4 ok computer
fuck off its a 10

> Crawl Away


No. Just fucking no.

>A Day in the Life

Fucking no, just no
Also, kill me
>Revolution 9

>Revolution 9

Removing that wouldn't even save that excuse of an album.

>pic related

Her majesty

>I Want You Now

>removing one of the few good songs from that album

>Thank you for talking to me africa

>not octopus's garden

What Goes On. God I hate that song

SPEaking of music for the masses has quite the filler for being such a short album. Some great tracks off it tho

So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright

Student demonstration time.

Fuck that song.

its a good song dude

>Not removing Life of a Tree instead
pleb ass bitch
If SDT was on their earlier surf rock albums I guarantee nobody would hate it.

>If SDT was on their earlier surf rock albums I guarantee nobody would hate it.
obviously not, since they're not very good to begin with and it would have actually fit in the album
it's a shit song

it is a good song, but the way Jagger sings it brings the song's grade from 10 to 9. if he sang it in a more bass/quiet/lower voice it would be a 10

What's the matter? You don't like Robert Johnson?

Actually there's nothing wrong with this album, but if songs like Country Honk and You Got The Silver were deleted I wouldn't miss them.

All these albums are perfect just as they are. No need to remove any songs

You must be British since What Goes On does not appear on the U.S. version. Actually I like What Goes On, but then again I'm a Ringo fan, so perhaps you shouldn't listen to me.

However if there's any song that should be deleted it's In My Life. I HATE that song with a passion!

>Remove the one good song

Also Pic: Dirge for November

>It's so easy



That's one of the best, you retard. if you had to remove anything, it'd be You're Crazy

Fear will be plentiful, death will be bountiful
I will spare none of you peasants

Fuck no, you should remove Out ta get me

>remove Blue in Green

>tinkering with this album in any way

>Sgt Pepper's

>if there's any song that should be deleted it's In My Life

I disagree strongly, pepper's is very inconsistent especially in comparison to MMT and Revolver. In My Life is simple but still a gen imo (and this is coming from a guy who loves songs like Rain and Blue Jay Way)

Fitter Happier isn't a 10 fag

Good God, how you could be more of a piece of shit OP? The only song on that album that deserves to get nuked is Monkey Man.

"Fingerprint File" for pic related

The devil and god are raging inside of me
>that random ass bagpipe solo
