Rekt bread. Shitcken sandwich edition

Rekt bread. Shitcken sandwich edition

Ima train ima train Ima chucky train yeaaahh

You spin me right round baby right round

My cousin touched my arm and I got a boner AMA

I ate a hamburger today AMA

I want to see some dead niggers

Im such a fuckin troll man I tell all my friends about doing my troll stuff and they're pretty impressed. I sent them that pic that looks like a video and laughed so hard vernors shot out my nose and my grandmother started screaming. It burnt like a lot as you could imaginr.



I've never understood this gif. There seems to be no context whatsoever. Just makes me chuckle cuz that rooster's acting all hard, dashing around and shit, being all cocky, then the dude just casually blows him away.

that dude cutting his bread with "the worlds sharpest knife TM" thats insane truly the best rekt bread ever 10/10
















both of them kick it open and then walk in

What the kung fuck is the problem?
"i kicked the door open and i can tell it's dark and no elevetor is inside, let's forget that and step right in!"

Such sweet release

Holy shit that white jacket person is so fucking lucky.
What the fuck.

I'm fucking gay. Less elevators more gore please. Also I'm a fucking faggot.

It's a shame too. Lovely Cochin (chicken breeder fag here) would have made a good show bird. Don't think they did it to eat him, slugs ruin the meat. Some countryfag being edgy prob. I'd rather she shitskins get obliterated imao.

His tail gate bitch slammed him.

lel at the 2nd dude who pussed out on the an hero and ditched his chick


Anyone have this with the faces?