Why is she so perfect lads?

Why is she so perfect lads?

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Thanks mr skeltal

Say hello to miss skeletal

Reminds me of Riley Reid.

White girls and their eating disorders, lol.

They really need to put her on an anorexic watch-list.

The Skeleton Man isn't here yet, he's still got 3 more days till his ban is up.

>Black guys and their stolen white last names, lol

she looks like skeletal crystal reed

>girl slightly thinner than the average
>amerifats think she's anorexic
I'm really sad for you, media fucked your brain so much that you think that the average girl is whale-sized.

Black girls and their being abused by niggers on crack, lol.

She legitimately looks like she has progeria

nah, she's gorgeous

"le fat meme" is just a handful of redditors and rejects from Sup Forums

girls are more consciously /fit/ these days than ever before

She looks better with more meat on her bones.

Le big booty, right my fellow black man? *tips gold chain*

european here

she has american features and is sickly thin

a bad combo

>slightly thinner than average

She's like 20% underweight.

Best grill

she's so fucking ugly it hurts

t. fa/tv/irgin

She looks really good right now.

>using fa/tv/irgin as an insult

if you find that manjaw attractive, I have some bad news for you,user

The show emulates the 80s mentality well. Skinny cumslut that is really smart and skilled in all ways. Has a loser hog human best friend that is slaughtered and nobody gives shits.

Not to mention the black kid is aggressive, negative and coonly illogical in his actions.

It's stereotypes: the show. People dont seem to care because they are blinded by the nostalgia factor.

The black kid was the most logical one in the group.

>Not to mention the black kid is aggressive, negative and coonly illogical in his actions.

The black kid was the only rational person in the entire show

Wtf the black kid is the only one acting normally

>not wanting to hit this

You know what to do, user

Yeah but this is the average euro girl body type desu

Jesus, imagine grabbing her ass and just feeling two bones protruding from it, fucking terrible



we wuz kangs

but srs thos arms r long

Who? There's no one in this picture


ITT: gay faggots



how can she be this adorable ??

She reminds me of that emo goth chick on youtube who is just bones on a wig.

You know who i'm talking about.

>those gigantic feet

ftfy. Shes the epitome of overcompensating british middle class.

Jesus, I didn't know chins could go like that. That's disgusting. She should put on a few pounds.

what are you trying to prove? There's more meat on this girl. Her chin for one doesn't look freakishly misshapen.

Please DO NOT post my daughterfu without my consent.

This makes me smile



Do NOT make lewd implications with my daughterfu. Last warning.

Please delete this

Sorry Finn, the blanket's full

>wants her to be her daughterfu
but she hates her papĂ . get frogged son

that kid looks like baily jay

>she would rather snuggle with the gay black kid who couldn't even say "badass" than Finn
Why do british women have such horrible taste?

I just finqlly watched them and it is amazing how good she was. she says like 30 words but hands down steals the show. just her eyes and the expressive looks are better than most actresses twice her age could dream of.

When she was getting undressed in front of that gimp, I almost puked from her skeletal body.

typical jew head

nah, penelope b

Finn is a shit kisser and looks like a girl

She must be pretty high functioning considering her extremely likely eating disorder 2bh

>in before amerifat I was in a psych ward and know a skele when I see one

lmao i bet that in glorious ameriland they put you in a mental istitute if you don't eat like 3 burgers a day

I'm a britfag


>it's a Finn start lurking /r9k/ episode

I love them all but omfg caleb is so cringey

listen here, eurocuck
just because you have to starve your self for Ramadan, and you've gotten used to it, it doesn't mean everyone else in the world should, too.

i hope he gets on hormones ASAP

don't get it. seem like actual kids instead of weird brainwashed hollywood assholes.

didn't think this kind of child actor existed anymore.

Is Millie the next Emma Watson?

Watson's a fucking pleb so I hope not

i fuckin hated her after i saw she just tweeted a quote of alan Rickman supporting feminism when he passed away.
Like what a fuckin cunt, dan and Rupert wrote like paragraph and she just used his death as an excuse for her shitty organization.


Watson is beautiful but part of the reason she's so popular is because she gave an entire generation of boys their first boners. Same thing happened with Carrie Fisher.
Stranger Things isn't really aimed at younger audiences so it's not going to have that same kind of impact on young boys, and it definitely can't compete with Harry Potter in terms of mainstream exposure.

That said, Millie a cute and a good actress, I hope she has a successful career.

look at those ankles

humans arent supposed to look like blobs of fat m8.