Hey /b

Hey /b
What would you call the ability to make acute mental and physical reactions based on constantly changing stimulus? Not just experienced or skilled in something though. I have watched many basketball players talking about reading movements and making lightning fast decisions like they are moving in show motion. The way they describe their thought process during a game is crazy to me.

I wanted to learn about gaining that and I couldn't think of what to search that gave me what I was looking for.

I've been playing basketball for the last 10 years and I'm good enough to beat 99% of the locals in my area. But I play completely without thinking. It's the most relaxing thing in the world. I've just been throwing a ball at a hoop so long it just seems to hit more often than not. It's kind of like my body just does stuff and I'm my own cheer leader in my head watching somebody else play.

I guess it would be focus. Like I need to improve my mental focus during games. Like play the game in the future instead of reacting to the game as I play.

I just typed that and came to my own answer before the end. This post turned into a "supporting writing shit down to figure it out" post.

No one gives a shit.

Intuition, read maybe thinking fast and sloe


Yea I guess intuition would be good. Gotta kinda guys what some else is gonna do.

Calm the fuck down Oprah! I give shits. Plural. Multiple shits.

Nice to see Velma in the morning

You're a faggot

And you're a faggot

And you're a faggot. You're all faggots

God damn it Oprah just leave! Your show wasnt even good. Martha Stewart is more hardcore than you.



When we gonna see her go ssj4 though?




Pretty sure she's a felon, I have a hard time believing Oprah got her hands dirty in her life.




And she's smart too.


You do have to focus, and maybe you could call it focus, but that's not the whole picture, is it? I'd be interested in hearing what the pro ball players have to say about it but don't care remotely enough about basketball to begin a search. If you could toss me some youtube videos like interviews that they talk about focus I'll try to help you with a more adequate description.

niggers do everything for money.

>ability to make acute mental and physical reactions based on constantly changing stimulus?
Being alive?


I'd eat that little sloot for days though.

this was also my answer glad i'm not alone in being confused by op's question

if being alive was enough, we could all be michael jordans.

it's the correct answer to the question you phrased

what you are looking for is the concept of expert practice and "flow". I went to school for exercise science so you might as well ignore anyone elses answer. you're welcome

btw i've seen crackheads that could have been jordan. hard work matters more than anything in life and hard work/practice is the ONLY way you get to where youre talking about.

>Hey /b
>What would you call the ability to make acute mental and physical reactions based on constantly changing stimulus?

Uhh, I usually call it thinking and moving.