My Name Is Ozymandias

My Name Is Ozymandias

that's not what real blood looks like

start a new thread. try again

King Of Kings

Woah what's that skin called?
Is it bloodweb?

Nice try OP


Show us your dick

I fucked up the joke shit.

What did you do OP

Literally paint...literally an edgy art project.

Oh shit Saran trips of truth




My hand are shaking.

show us the corpse faggot, satan called you out himself

Crimson Dust

This is some john podesta level shit right here.

I wnt 2 see shit fucked up dead kids and cum to it nig

Op you're a fag

Fuck off, Ozymandias.


Ur knife sucks dick op

I Just Want To Be Loved

Date and time stamp your cuts or gtfo

drawing a fucked cheeseburger won't help!

I'm Sorry A.

Confirmed OP is faggot

could be an ARG tho

your grammar are shaking too faggot sort it out

are you that autistic kid across the street?

Gayest thread ive seen in a while.

I feel like OP is the sort of person that you see walking out of hot topic with a deadpool hat on

>tfw we'll never get we'll never get another set of Cicada 3301 puzzles

That's an ARG. This shit is some autistic faggot playing with paint and bought a scary knife from a sandnigger who deals with "exotic" weapons.

>forgets an 's'
>literal faggot
i giggled though

No It Is Not.

ya. that seems about right


pre-prepared photos, fake blood, no body, unrealistic OP comments.
must really suck to go through all this effort just to get called out on you bs.
can only imagine how bad you must feel after this shit failed.
you better thank the good lord your user XD

You misspelled faggot, faggot.

>Uh oh, thread's dying. I'd better give them something to keep them interested.
>Posts... scribbling on paper?
>Hehehe, works every time.

Shut up, you'r not Ozymandias, Ozymandias is an episode from breaking bad, you can't be an episode, duh

>Implying the blood has dried but didn't oxidase and turn brown

You shouldn't be posting here t. underage faggot

But mang that's fucked.

Knees weak arms are heavy.

I know
But I laughed.

you need to apologise to Sup Forums for this cancer

Nobody cares, and that knife is cheap and gay.

yo what crate was that in op?


yep that's today's date

i feel so bad for him :,(
Guys he spent money on this shit, can we just humour him?

prove its not fake and show us the source of the blood or you can fuck off

I think OP is dead




Ohhh nice
Moar? Source?

Also checked

satanic trips checked
Hell Yeah


Shut up Shelly, you ain't Ramses.
