What would you do if your girlfriend showed up at a date like this?

What would you do if your girlfriend showed up at a date like this?

go home and fap

excuse myself to go to the bathroom and fap

>What would you do if your girlfriend showed up at a date like this?


Tell her I'm going to tittyfuck her after dinner

dump her

I would tell her to pay the bill. Obviously she is ready for anything.

Is that a garbage bag she's wearing? This really looks selfmade

Nothing. We would proceed as normal. She'd find the most attractive man at the bar, seduce him, and then bring him back home where we'd both fuck the shit out of her on camera. Just another Tuesday night.

Fap relentlessly the next year imagining how our waiter fapped to her tits.

Have a normal dinner then take her hope and beat the shit out of her for dressing like a whore. Then I would fuck her.


A back handed slap. Then a kick in abdomen. Then some ruough fucking. I love when bitches cry.

How the fuck is that staying on over her nipples? Like nipple tape? Is the sheer aroused stiffness if the nipples keeping the shirt barely covering them?

It's tape

If you hit the face it leaves marks. Then the cops come you have to beat her with things that won't arouse suspicion in hidden areas

OP, who is she? I need to know moar about her. I need to see her naked body.

tl;dr MOAR

I'd cheer, OP.

A punch on the nose. The craking sound of a broken nose makes me hard.

Get really hard

My girlfriend has much bigger tits than her too, I wish she'd show them off more (ex: braless and a super low cut shirt down to just above areolas)

You can break a rib by punching it too and it's less obvious

And the lesson stays learned for longer

Rib break can be fatal. I like to torture, not murder.

Encourage her to go out like this more often

smash quickly or die from lack of bloodflow to the head

I'd send her home to put a fucking bra on. She trying to get free food or something?

Ask her what the fuck she is wearing. Do you like looking like a whore? People are staring and you're not only embarrassing me, you're embarrassing yourself. The only thing keeping that dress on is your nipples. Do you want to meet my mother and be respected or should i tell her to expect a street walking whore? You dumb bimbo.

>tfw nobody in this threadd is happy to have their girlfriend dress sexy for them

You must have sad lives


>tfw girlfriend doesn't dress all that sexy

I have the opposite problem. She has a great body (especially breasts) but is insecure and doesn't believe it. Best I get is like two fingers of cleavage viewing from over her shoulder.

Now I don't want her dressing like a complete slut but it'd be nice once in awhile if she'd wear something more low cut.

Lady in the streets freak in the sheets. She should dress normal outside and like a whore inside

Think she was trying to seduce me into raping her. Sending the wrong message to Trick me into trying something that she can put me in jail form. Begone gangreneous harlot. You deceitful uncouth whore you shall not trap me in your game of female seduction for I shall trap you first. It's not rape if the scopolomine makes you say yes

Mines the same, great rack but won't show it. "I'm a mother now I have to dress appropriately"

Insecure faggot
I do.

mhhh you could try to talk to her, an go shopping with her for clothes
No need to push it to the extreme, but convince her to at least try on some lower cut t-shirts or shirts, and then compliment her when she end up looking fantastic in them

nice try, Abdul.



Most girls today would consider that dress normal, if you threw a fit about your gf wearing it in public she'd probably roll her eyes and wear it anyway and think you're a little more insecure

Only whores would think this dress is normal.

>tfw you will never have a girl dress nice and put on makeup just to see you

Fucking disgusting! Save that shit for a Thursday night man..

Shake my head desu and leave after accepting my free water from the restaurant.
This is the same shit my last gf kept pulling and I did not appreciate it one bit and asked her to stop many times. Everyone at school thought I was a cuck.

Mines the same, she always likes to wear loose boring clothes. I've only just started getting her to wear thongs! Wish she'd dress a bit sluttier sometimes.

say good girl but you forgot your collar