Need some suggestions for decent films to watch with my 20 y/o british gf

Need some suggestions for decent films to watch with my 20 y/o british gf.

Nothing too heavy but needs to make her think.

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Monty Python's Life of Brian


Pick one. She wont understand your movie, she wont think about it. She'll get done consuming that entertainment and want more entertainment.

Nymphomaniac Vol 1

If you want your cock sucking tonight


If you want some HEAD at the end of it

Came here to post this. Great movie.

I caught most of it last week / week before, fucking brilliant, I really like Stellan Skarsgard, great actor and he never changes in the movies he’s in!

He would make an amazing counsellor / psychotherapist

Part 2 wasn't nearly as good imo. A lot darker and the actress wasn't nearly as sexy as the younger one. Still worth watching though.

"Her" is pretty decent, different and fun to watch

In Bruges

pic related?

I see what you did there... Kek

Coffee and cigarettes.. great movie imo

dead snow 2??

Dune by David Lynch.

Bicentennial Man


Eraserhead if you want her to vomit on ur dick.

Blade Runner

Liquid Sky

the many faces of death. it's a great film to spark conversation after watching it. doesn't require a lot of thought. may lead to sex after. it is win win win.

>If you want some HEAD at the end of it

I always pictured it being her dead fetus. Each to their own.


>"I visited your home this morning after you'd left. I tried to play husband. I tried to taste the life of a simple man. It didn't work out, so I took a souvenir... her pretty head."

And THEN he tells Brad Pitt that she was pregnant

She'll ask you what the ending means.
You can tell her pretty much anything and you'll sound brilliant.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
... although since it is about a couple who have a bad breakup, you might want to consider carefully the state of your own relationship before watching it.

It will make her think for sure though.

How old is OP? If OP is oldfag or moviefag then probably best to make sure she's seen at least a few of your own cultural reference points.

A few other suggestions risky suggestions that could either win or fail hard, depending on if the humor suits her. explaining the style before might help:

Big Lebowski
The Life Aquatic (or anything by Wes Anderson)
Citizen Kane

>needs to make her think.
sounds like a boring girlfriend.

Yeah, he took it. Doesn't mean he's giving it to him, though I see the obvious inference.

The Truman Show

2001: A space odyssey

The best exotic marigold hotel, or it's excellent sequel. I saw them in reverse order but it's not really that apparent. I hadn't realised it was a sequel when I snagged the torrent.

i thought this movie was generally regarded as shit but someone else recently said it was good. what gives? why is this movie any good? it's just regular old shit as far as i can tell.

In the movie Morgan Freeman's character is the first to see what's in the box; even though I think he'd be horrified to see a fetus in there, he wouldn't have made the connection as to whose it was because neither of them knew she was pregnant. But as it was, he saw whatever was in the box and did everything he could to prevent Pitt's character from seeing it too, which makes me think it was her head in the box.

boogie nights

Can't go wrong with Starship Troopers bro. There's enough girl shit in there to keep her interested but not enough to make you vomit

It's 1984 for retards. And women like Jim Carrey. After OP's girlfriend says something like, do you think it's possible that real life is fake like that somehow, OP could make her watch Matrix and then bring up simulation hypothesis.



Eyes wild shut


Human centipede is pretty alright


Napoleon dynamite

wow if you like that shit you're human cancer

Kids - larry clark. Only if you really wanna fuck

Yeah, the second one was the better one, but they both have their merits.

uhm i meant any of that bizarre twisted shit about sewing people's mouths to anuses is what makes you a waste of skin. that would include any sequels or prequels as well.


Surprised Sup Forumstards have not suggest The Crying Game yet

Se7en and other David Fincher movies are good movies but don't think they appeal to women much (unless you want to go back to when Kristen Stewart was a little boy in Panic Room)
Dune or anything else by David Lynch is probably too weird

Metropolis does so much with so little and it's such an old movie.
An easier option might be the anime Metropolis rather than the original black and white

In Bruges, is a good suggestion possibly also The Guard

Truman Show, good suggestion. Clever premise but presented in an easy to watch form.

Look I get it but Kubrik is too damned long

The Best Exotic Margold Hotel? How old of an oldfag are you. He said his girl is 20 not 70.

Starship Troopers, if she likes it maybe you can convince her to watch Robocop another Paul Verhoven film that a lot of peolpe don't realize is satire

Léon ... kek. classic especially the Euro cut but it will make her think OP is a lolicon

Citizen Kane
Picnic (oldy and not very well appreciated)
The Spongebob Movie (2004 of course)
Rubber (the one about the tire its GOOD)

Make her sit through all of the Dark Knight Trilogy back to back, and every few minutes obviously look at her face to see her reactions and keep asking if she's enjoying it. Both must be done at least twice during every 10 minute period

what did you pick op?

here's another one i suggest: the big blue

ooh a true movie goer. I am not being satirical when I say I appreciate your criticisms and understanding of a wide variety of films. I kinda have a crush on you now user... ever want to read and revise a script, preferably one I'm writing?

i have that shit on google. i watch it all the time.

post your script here so we can insult it and make you feel bad

Looking at her to see her reactions is the most autistically OCD thing OP could do. It's a sign of actual autism.

>Citizen Kane

Classic, works best if you know a bit about how it was made and how different it was compared to other films at the time, and how influential it has been since.


Clever film, Guy Pearse, violence might be a bit much.


If you want something shiny and computer animated watch Pixar.
If you're going to bore her senseless may as well watch Dances with Wolves.

>Picnic (oldy and not very well appreciated)

Recent clever, and might make her more receptive to superhero movies ... or just watch some of the classic Westerns that inspired it.

>The Spongebob Movie (2004 of course)

Goofball humor, maybe hold this in reserve in case you get stuck having to watch a movie with her kid brother or something

>Rubber (the one about the tire its GOOD)

Funny, low budget, technically counts as a horror though, so depend on if the girl likes horror. OP needs to give more info about his girl.

>The BFG

Lots and lots of gratuitous lesbian sex, distracting from what is actually a fairly interesting coming of age first love story


Don't think most chicks dig horror.

OP describe yourself and your grill more


Mr. Nobody

Here's my script. If you want to make fun of it that's fine. I just ask you refrain from bashing my skull in about the formatting. It's very hard.


I'm old unemployed and currently live with my parents, getting fatter and balder too.

Love watching films but don't have any background in script editing or story construction, wouldn't be able to provide constructive criticism. You could ask any decent English teacher about story construction but at the whole other end of the scale you jsut need to know your audience and pander to them shamelessly (I feel dumber when watching Michael Bay films but sometimes enjoy them in spite of myself).

Pretentious twaddle featuring Jared Leto (aka the shitty Joker no one wanted)

Actually it might totally work. Chicks dig Leto, and pretentious might be what he's looking for.

I was bored bored bored by that film and then at the end I was disappointed when I understood the needlessly complicated structure. Maybe if you don't go into it knowing nothing and at least know it is the story of a man living three different lives it might be less annoying.

This thread got me thinking about that South Park episode Broadway Bro Down

(Randy Marsh takes his wife to a Broadway musical and it makes her want to give him a blowjob)

Any Sup Forumstards got any non porn regular mainstream movies that got their girl especially horny after?

I remember an ex-grill who got super hot after we watched some tedious arthouse movie which I hated, but I think it was because she was lusting after the leading actor who took his shirt off a lot

OP here, she's fairly quiet and reserved but is social with her friends. Reasonably intelligent - she's doing a decent degree at uni.

She claims she likes sci-fi but I'm not entirely convinced.
The film can't be longer than 2hrs though as she will fall asleep.

It would be good to have an element of something sexual in it.
