No rekt ? get rekt

No rekt ? get rekt.
Everyone is allowed to contribute.

Other urls found in this thread:


Pack it in boys. That's game

Well at least he's starting early

Jeeeeeesus Christ, I can't even... wtf

What is the story anyway. I assume it's central or south America

>Everyone is allowed to contribute.
OP is a generous god

rek something




With all the horrible shit I've seen in these threads, this one makes me cringe every single time.



>fidget spinner



thats some tom and jerry type of shit



If he's on the toilet, he probably has some major constipation problems. I've known people who would sit on the toilet for hours until they smoked a bowl.




Didn't mean to post that.







that filename lmao


what the fuck is happening in there?


the niggers are nogging.



Cultural enrichment of course! Isn't diversity great!?

1.21 gigawatts



fuck my life


Lmao holy fuck




reminds me of when I saw napalm death live

Why the fuck doesn't anyone turn it off?


Those were some weak ass shit right there lol


oh my

Damn I meant these


start song at 5 sec..lmao right now



What a demented fucking cunt.

why do people still post this? only newfags like this


Anyone get hurt?


And there's a thread saying we don't need police


just niggers being niggers


My heart is broken. Fuck.

Shaddup, homo.

OH SHIT! i've been looking for this for ages, thanks user


Is he OK?

this is why niggers are the way they are


This isn't YLYL.

Why I don't send my kids to public school. When I was in school these subhuman apes would do shit like this all the time. The male nogs would just have shitty loud rap battles in the middle of class.

By 11th grade I got tired of nigs, punched one girl square in the side of the neck. Crumpled her, cause she was chimping in the teachers face.


when a snake grabs you, dont pull back..
it will rip your flesh.

i've been kissed by a boa constrictor like that too. looks much worse than it is

Anyone have the pasta of the teacher coming out and telling what it is really like teaching at black schools?

dude... poor guy trying to run away and get busted by the pole

chinks, right? Subhumans

Im so sry for that kiddo

Fucking nigger

he just has a headache, should be fine in the morning .

Fuck, is that a baby?

Scarred that kid for life

60 years ago brazil was a white nation set to be the most industrious and progressieve nation on earth.


Don't worry, its just a tiny little old man

Wtf is that?

holy shit, god hates him

Moron.... Kid deserves it

prolapsed butthole

What a pussy. Couldn't even dare to do it from the front



If you're gonna post the final battle from the end of "War for the Planet of the Apes" put a

*********SPOILER WARNING*********

Next time!

Goddammit. It's my leg day today, Fucking hell

if it wasnt for the cops all nigs would have been murdered by now.

Well, they them self allowed their society to turn in to a niggertopia.

fucking saved