
whyyyyyyyy just whyyyyyyyy

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>call your band "stray from the path"
>make incredibly safe political statements

its like politics too you is more of like a posh button i can wear, ewww

This cuck shit ain't got nothing on the alpha alt-right revolution

That's most punk (or whatever you call the shit they make). It's just so obvious in this case. Also, the name"Stray from the Path" is fagginess on the level of Falling in Reverse, Design the Skyline or Escape the Fate

Gonna copy a Youtube comment and say they should call themselves Rage for the Machine.

Cool let's get a good metalcore thread going. I'll kickstart things:



Being so unfortunate as to be white and alt right means you live a terribly dangerous life behind that computer I'm sure


that will be an epic joke, friend

i look forward to upvoting it


>(((Alt-rightâ„¢))) doctrine opinions
>not safe

(((Skeptic Communityâ„¢)))

Imagine being a white man who is a progressive leftist. Literally supporting policy and ideals that will disenfranchise you, trying to erase the privileges and status that was granted to you by great white men in the past. Pushing for egalitarian nonsense. The definition of a cuck

>calls band stray from the path
>follows the exact path in its entirety

Source on these claims are are you just pulling them out of your ass?

At least you'll always have porn

What "claims"? That's the self avowed progressive agenda... I get the feeling you're a bit of a wee lad. Please leave this board.

So this is the power of the alt-right...


>Different views then yours
>I have to leave

literally the entire internet, all entertainment, all education, all media and every other sector of american life

look at this buzzfeed reading kike thinking he's doing something by "insulting" the scary alt-right, go back to your cave

You misunderstand. I don't care what your politics are. The fact that your worldview is so narrow that you interpret an uncontroversial description of a basic progressive platform as an attack on progressivism, and ask for "sources", suggests you're and edgy tween. Edgy tweens have poor taste in music and no one wants them here or anywhere else.

None of the All Right likes Milo. He is an homosexual.........

Progressives pride themselves on attempting to dismantle the patriarchy and white supremacy. Organic institutions btw

>your views don't match mine so their narrow minded and you know nothing

>fedora tipping pseud refuses to back up what he learned on youtube.com

this is quite shocking indeed

Who wouldn't pride themselves on that?


This sounds like people who want to even the playing field and succeed based on their own merits. sounds pretty honorable desu

I'm not the original poster you replied to. I just thought it was funny that you asked for "sources" that progressivism is progressivism. It's still funny and it still shows that you're either stupid or too young to contribute to any worthwhile board. If you really need confirmation that progressivism exists and is what it's proponents openly and loudly proclaim it to be google "white privilege". Don't know what else to tell you. Very weird convo.

>organic institutions

is there a bigger non point that brainlets always make?

>X is right/wrong cuz it is/ain't nachurall

On dismantling natural hierarchies? I guess bleeding heart faggots would

The playing field is more than even, blacks and other non whites can get jobs and into college based on being non white alone. Asians have done incredibly for themselves in western countries. There's just something inexplicable holding back the blacks and browns..

>was funny that you asked for "sources" that progressivism is progressivism.

good one. now let's see those sources backing up your hysterical definition.

>republicans want to raise military spending and get tough on crime
>WHAT? I'm gonna need some sources on that.
>I think you are probably a tween because you don't understand basic political information that no reasonable and informed person would find controversial.
Does something about this not make sense to you?

I unironically enjoy the breakdown. The rest of the song is hot trash though.

There is no natural hierarchy, you just wish there was because you're an insecure little faggot.

Explain how they were erected then.

None of those things were mentioned in his post. There's other things that money can go to, we already spend the most than any other country on our military .

Once again, not mine, and, once again, getting rid of supposed advantages held by ethic whites is a self avowed goal of various progressive politicians, political organizations, journalistic organizations, academics, etc.. The fact that you could doubt this is really odd to me so I'm not sure what to link you, but here you go, welcome to the world, cavedweller. Progressives exist:





Do you know what an analogy is? I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were literally retarded.

What analogy?

I'm not sure if you're trolling now...... The first greentext sentence about a basic republican platform stands in the same logical relation to the rest of the conversation as the original posters post about a basic progressive platform stands in relation to the rest of that conversation, i.e., I made an analogy.

he was drawing an analogy between his definition of progressivism and the republican party's tendency of constantly pressing for greater military spending and getting tough on crime, suggesting that it's self-evident that progressives are "the definition of cuck"

basically he's fucking retarded

why is there a kpop thread in Sup Forums and nobody cares but hen there's a grimes thread everybody starts losing their shit? kpop is obviously a thousand times worse than grimes

>Imagine being a white man who is a progressive leftist. Literally supporting policy and ideals that will disenfranchise you, trying to erase the privileges and status that was granted to you by great white men in the past. Pushing for egalitarian nonsense

Now read the links here: What part of the statement is not supported? What part of the definition given by the other poster do you even find controversial? As stated, and as now "sourced" to satisfy tween poster, the definition given by the other poster is an uncontroversial description of a basic progressive platform.

either way, you're just assdamaged someone thinks different than you. you're not going to sway my opinion.

this song and video are so bad, but after reading the comments alt right nerds get just as triggered and left wieners, how do they not realize this.

I'm certainly not a progressive, but I probably don't even agree with the politics of the poster who wrote the definition in the first place. And I'm not trying to "sway your opinion" about the value of progressivism positively or negatively. I'm trying to get you to acknowledge that progressivism is progressivism and that you don't know what you're talking about since you fail to understand that, and now deny it, even after having been provided with the "sources" you required.


>you're not going to sway my opinion
It's sad seeing an adult do the equivalent of putting his fingers in his ears and shouting "la la la I can't hear you".

>Literally supporting policy and ideals that will disenfranchise you

"hysterical" really is the best way to describe this
you're fucking paranoid.

I do acknowledge progressiveness, but I'm not going to agree that it's destroying the country, white culture or anything like that.

People don't have to agree with or accept everything you say. Grow the fuck up.

I have nothing in common with the "great white men of the past" so it seems like some pussy shit to coast on what they did

I don't have ear gauges though

Thoughts on this tweet by a young progressive black advocating for the extinction of white people, with nearly 50k retweets by others that I'm sure call themselves progressives?

I would have to ask you the same question. Why do you post these exact same threads constantly?

Except for being European stock? You don't feel a need to protect what they created? I'm not holding it against you, maybe you're just more apathetic than me, whatev brah

No. Why should I? I have no vested interest in things someone who lived hundreds of years ago did thousands of miles away. It's not relevant to my life in any way.

That the post is flat out racism, and it's progressive.

You mean isn't progressive?

Literally ever facet of your livelihood exists because of what they did. Do you have vested interest in the comforts afforded to you by living in a western country?

>be a fucking cultureless mutt
>secure the white race honor thine ancestry DEUS VULT XXXD
>black person brings up slavery
>lmao dude calm down that was like a kajillion gorillion years ago haha get over it


what point is trying to be made here?

that you're an insufferable fucking faggot. go take a walk and think about how you're wasting your life

I make 85k a year, you?

Imagine having empathy for other people

How did this White privileges thing racism start anyways?

Multiculturalism/different races living together. It's unnatural and uncomfortable for all involved

what a shit meme

Says you, so you speak for everyone now?

If it wasn't natural it wouldn't happen, go to Madagascar, any caribbean island or Singapore and tell them that

theres racial prejudice in all of those listed countries

go to any multi racial country and there is deep seeded problems involving race

Imagine being an 'alpha' alt-righter who has been brainwashed by the right-wing establishment to think brown people are the problem and not the capitalists. Alt-righters are the biggest cucks going around, willing getting fucked up the arse by the rich.

t. nu-male

Are you offended?

Most alt right, including its leader richard spencer, recognize capitalism as a shit system which has corrodes traditional morals and values for degenerate materialism. browns and blacks are still a big problem nonetheless

Only to you, there's people who aren't full as hate as you are.

Fair point, but they still fall right into the hands of capital. Hitler certainly didn't abolish it when he was in power. Fascism is just capitalism in crisis mode.

there can be prejudice and division in every single sort of community, by ethnicity, by religion, by region, by beliefs, by race, how the fuck do you think so many wars, invasions and migrations were started

arguing about the unnaturality of several cultures and races is inane, especially the former

>alt right leader richard spencer
im actually loling pretty hard. forgot how retarded this board is

Lol look how faggy underageb& Sup Forums is, you can taste the salt from the responses to your post.

And you didn't even state your political opinion either.

This song is gay af, the antifa punk scene is even gayer, and the LGBTQASS are the gayest.

The progenitors of fascism were wholly anti capitalists though? Mussolini and fascist Iberia were syndicalists, hitler was a socialist

> hitler was a socialist
national socialism =/= socialism
get a fucking grip

I don't understand the right/alt-right. I don't understand the misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia,and racism. Maybe it's because I can't hate anyone without a legitimate reason, and just am not a hateful person in general.

Is this the nu-anti-flag

both sides are that bad though
jesus fuck i hate anglos

...economically hitler was very much a socialist

Agreed. Was and odd and poorly thought out way challenge an otherwise properly worded and logically consistent post.

Don't bother friend. The 3D hardcore and metal scene will shit on these bands, let alone Sup Forums

Hate is stronger than love. Love makes you weak and complacent, hate is the fuel of the masses. Human nature is hate, to hate those different from you is very natural

Absolutely not.

Well, if you want to live your life like that, it's your life. I disagree with it though.

I don't care what a fat retard waifufag pedophile thinks. Ugly beast

So you have no argument to back up but go straight to insults. Speaks a lot of you character as a person.

Maybe it's my city then, but all hardcore and metal scenesters here absolutely despise 90's mathcore.
Feels bad living in a country full of farmers

Brown people really are the problem and hating them is good.
>right-wing establishment
The "right-wing" guys with all the political power are people like McConnell and Paul Ryan and McCain and Graham who all think DEMZ R REEL RAYCIS. You have to dig into Jared Taylor, Steve Sailer, Charles Murray, and Rushton/Jensen in addition to other stats provided by TAH for proof that niggers are the worst fucking thing in the entire fucking world.

Yeah, they're literally just third world bootlickers that want third worlders to get voted a bunch of free stuff at the expense of whites, in addition to implementing speech and behavior controls against only white people. The preferences of whites aren't a consideration at all.

No, you're just an asshole.