These songs are literally all about raping and torturing people...

These songs are literally all about raping and torturing people. One of them is even about killing somebody because they're a homosexual. I thought this was supposed to be a good album. This is so edgy.
What the fuck Sup Forums

worst death album senpai.

>an album called "Scream Bloody Gore" is edgy and contains lyrics about torturing people
More news at 6.

It's the best Death album. I bet you prefer The Sound Of Perseverance.

I mean I really like the aesthetic of scream bloody gore the best but would you really say it has better songwriting than pic related?

>staring your severed head in the face
>I celebrate a faggot's death, human disgrace
>Hanging your mangled corpse for display
>My revenge was fulfilled upon this day
Fuck this album and anybody who likes it.

Metal wasn't meant for you hipster numales.
Also, death metal is supposed to be ridiculous and over the top.

> I bet you prefer The Sound Of Perseverance.

You mean their second worst album? Nah, I perfer ITP and symoblic.

Why is Sup Forums full of numales?

>I prefer prog wank over OSDM


Grow some balls

Found the sensitive homosexual man. Why is it that homo's are the single most sensitive people on the planet? You can make fun of any other group and they'll laugh along with you, but gays, make a joke and they just go apeshit nuclear and pretend that they're oppressed


lol. hun...

How the fuck can you actually take it seriously? It's like listening to a b-horror movie. If you seriously can't stomach extremely weak shock lyrics, stop listening to death metal while you can. This shit isn't for you.

t. numale

Where's the joke, though?

Hilariously enough, Chuck spoke with a lithsp, and was suspected of being a homosexual.

...and? It's death metal. I'm sorry you can't enjoy instrumentation and atmosphere cause you get thrown off by a few non-PC vocal screeches. I'm a bisexual hiphophead, I don't even flinch when I hear Nas and Jay Z say "faggot" back on their old tracks. And lyrical content actually reflects character in hip-hop, this is death metal you're complaining about. Like mentioned, it's over the top, deal with it.

ur life

That's literally the point, it's supposed to be cheesy

Yeah i'm pretty skeptical on that one. It seems like it's just a phase/cry for attention. You don't see alot of old bi people. You see alot of old gay people. But you never see old Bi people.

That being said every "bisexual" i've ever met all fit the criteria: Low self esteem, attention seeking and highly impressionable. I lump bisexuals in with the trans species, pan sexuals, non binary etc etc .

I'm aware, that's what I'm pointing out to the OP I replied to. I personally love the lyrics, and as a death metal lyricist myself, draw influence from early Death.

Fuck you. I like it.

literally this


guys literally it's probably just this one fucktard from /metal/ trying to bait cause he's bored

I know it's Sup Forums and I don't want to derail too much, but what's wrong with the label "bisexual"? I'm just comfortable being a relationship with either a male or female right now. I'm aware later down the line my relationship into death will just be hetero or homo, but right now I'm available for either. It's not uncommon that people change how they describe their sexuality later in life. So in that case, phase makes sense, but cry for attention? Please. I shared my sexuality here cause I think the lyrics are a non-issue to people like me. I'm sorry all the "bisexual" people you met are nu-(fe)males though, you gotta amp up your queer circle.

you're flipping off the do you like it or not? This is confusing.

I mean, nothing wrong with the LABEL. But I have a couple questions for you.

#1 Do you constantly think about tits and ass like every other man does?

#2 Do you feel feminine, or more masculine.

#3 When you see a dude do you get the exact same thing you get from a cute girl?

Stop biting your fingernails, it is disgusting