ITT: overrated video games

ITT: overrated video games
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The Witcher 3.

Salty little bitch.

never heard of that one

Fallout (all of them)

Pubg is the best game I've played in a long time. Get better at it.

it's true though. people use Arma and start building their "own" shit based on it. and while they cannot even improve in performance, they heavily ristrict the content on every possible level.

i mean, i don't have any beef with people playing PUBR or the game itself, i just don't get why'd you play it instead of just hosting a mission like that on Arma 3 and use mods to change things up to your liking.
just make one server unmodded and show people how to get the ones running on the other servers via the steam workshop with just a few clicks.

Gears of war. All of 'em.

Final Fantasy

It's a great game, but overrated for sure! Once you've played through it, I don't see the replay value. Sure, different choices/different outcomes, but you'll have to suffer through a shit ton of regurgitation. Also, once you've beaten the game, you have this massive world with fuck all to do in it.

OG fallouts and nv were good but fuck 4 tho

reminds me of GTA V. i generally don't like single players for always feeling dead after you recognize the patterns. but they also cut out so much good stuff from what they had going before. like why even have an ambulance show up anymore if they can't revive people and fist fights are dumbed down where it just isnt any fun at all.
the multiplayer is just cancer to the max.

but that way the developers of PUBR don't make any money. don't you get what this is all about!?

Overwatch (just team fortress 3)

No one has really hyped up the first few fallouts from what I remember, but 3, and 4 were defiantly hyped up. I don't really remember there being much attention towards new vegas until fo4 comes out and now everyone is a fan of NV

gta 5 sp was really good imo. mp is fun, public servers with annoying kid that blow you up are annoying but heists with a good team + voice chat is incredibly fun to do

well i do, but just what's with people who then go and buy it instead of just doing the arma-thing i said?
if i had to take a guess it's probably younger kids that don't want to put any effort into learning how to master a game and fully exploit its possibilities, which are immense on arma. so they just pick a ristricted version and rip off instead where you can fast join into the same mission over and over again and there's literally nothing else to it, so no need to learn how things work

Nah man,the game isn't over rated at all.
Yeah,it has no replay value,just like the best movie ever doesnt need to be watched 3 times.
The game is great because you can see how hard the devs wanted the game to be great and how they suceeded at it.
Its pretty much a flawless 80 hours of gameplay.
Thats really hard to achieve.

ok the SP was pretty good, but i cant arse myself to replay it now. my old pc crashed and i had the safe locally. tried going through it all again but it's just tiresome now. maybe i'm just getting old.


Probably Fifa

>i mean, i don't have any beef with people playing PUBR or the game itself, i just don't get why'd you play it instead of just hosting a mission like that on Arma 3 and use mods to change things up to your liking.
>just make one server unmodded and show people how to get the ones running on the other servers via the steam workshop with just a few clicks.
Too much work.Sure PUBG is over rated,but dont act like getting into ARMA and moding is something the average player will want to do.

No doubt CDPR did a great job! but the,

>Oooh, I'm on my 12th straight playthrough now, it's so guuuud.




PUBG has everything packed into one. Where you don't have to mod.

Oh thats complete bullshit.
But come on,thats on the fanbase.
I loved the game but only playdd it once(did all sidequests though) and got around 120 hours i guess.
Main storyline is 60-80,thats a fucking lot for a game with that quality.
Still have to pick up the expansios,left my xbox for a while amd havent gone back yet.

Fuck you lil nigger fallout is single-handedly the best game series ever dude I'd beat you up irl rn bro I swear to god

NV was the best game I've ever played....ever. It's is much fun. I kinda want to go through it a third time.

You are telling people to invest time into learning a game aside from playing the game. That is retarded. If thats your thing, cool. I would suggest that you buy Pubg and use that other time doing schoolwork or something constructive. Telling someone to learn modding and game setups is the most neckbeard thing ive heard in awhile. Pubg is a convenient package that offers little thinking and just plain fun, plus it has a tremendous amount of users.

Seconded. I've never enjoyed an FF game through to completion.

it's shit.
>shoot guy in head 40 times
>80 percent health remains

The Elder Scrolls

The "fans" of Fallout at the time didnt consider NV a real Fallout game as it wasnt developed by Bethesda and didnt "innovate" from FO3 (IE it used the same engine.)

However I loved NV because it took FO3, fleshed out its features and bugs, and placed it in a IMHO cooler world.

I'm on my third but I stick to death march, but I agree with the ladder. I don't think I could do it again dlc and all

Why the fuck would i want to do any of that extra work when i can just play PUBG.

its good that ppl die after 2 hits

ego shooter with damage systems like in diablo should go fuck themselves

there is simply no competition

>But come on,thats on the fanbase.
True, but they scream the loudest and make those silly claims to everyone too.

Expansions we're dope as hell too tho! You'll enjoy them.

you think it's retarded to learn how to use the things you enjoy?


oh you're a child ok

yes i love the game that i have to spam down to lower graphics to get an advantage over others

By the time you turn arma into pubg, you've essentially changed or enhanced every single detail

Fuck they should never have made dark souls 3, they easily could have just modded demon souls

Gtfo fanboy

maybe his point is that developers should start making NEW games with fresh concepts instead of regurgitating content because it will sell

God damn WoW being evolutionary is garbage, they could have just modded everquest, idiots

Pubg is a new concept based off of old concepts

Every new fps is CoD?
Crash bandicoot, sonic, etc never should have come along, we already had mario, right?

Fucking summer, just kids and women anti-logic, thinking with ur fanboy/hater emotions, not using ur fucking brains

All of the call of duty games suck. Unreal Tournament was a better fps, and was 10+ years earlier.

Black ops was the best COD bc of zombies and the top down arcade shooter game.


Y tho?

ok settle down strawman

pubg was ripped from arma. it runs on the same engine. that's not at all the same as sonic being made after mario. there's a difference between a concept and a genre and you don't seem to understand what it is

i am not a fanboy as i have never played arma or pubg

>use ur fucking brains

Let's fight, guys

All of it, my friend had like 5 lvl9000 chars eso, couldnt get my wood elf past 20 or sth, never understood what people get from no skill games, unless your easily stimulated visually, i get the grindy reward, but you have to be silly or choosingly naove of you don't see how frivolous this is, unless ur a complete weeb who is going to grind not for fun, but for money

>same engine
No it doesn't


Of being autistic

it absolutely does run on the same engine

>Unreal Engine 4

naming the genre of the games i stated is not the same as what i was talking about. if someone took the mario source code and changed the sprite sheets and sounds to be sonic the hedgehog your point might be closer to the truth. but they didn't.

Might be overhyped and overrated but its still a very good early access game thats getting weekly updates

Fine, crash bandicoot.

Go google the engine, you're wrong and now your swinging at the wind, ttying to make up a lot of flaccid arguments

Regardless, you want to try take everything i say out of context and ognore facts? Let's say it did use UE4, what, Russian Farmer 2016 is also a clone?

GIT GUD OP engine

Also banjo and kazooie should bever exist, we alteady had mario64, nor should spyro or jak and daxter

arma on unreal?

you what?

Real virtuality 4 is no UE4, sorry

Ur just wrong and can't admit it, lol i have too much time on my hands rn this is too much fun, now dance

Shit next time im in a real war simulator I'll remember to loot every hpuse because every civillian carries a a scar, and that the vast world is only a flat island, also can't forget the ominous giant blue wall and safety zones, modern earfare is complicated, thank god i can chug a2 energy drinks and run faster or else it just wouldn't be a real war simulator

ESO is barely can be considered an elder scrolls game, though. It's just an mmo for fans. And it's doing a decent job for that particular niche.
Other ES games are all pretty good, in their own rights. Morrowind was fucking monolithic in its content and lore. Skyrim is flashy and more dynamic. Oblivion is somewhere in between and, by now, accumulated a metric ton of nice mods.
New "reworked" Skyrim, tho, is fucking cheap cash-grab. No class, Beth, no class...

Outlast 2

I knew the second OP posted PUBG that the butthurt would be massive. Glad to say I'm not disappointed.

League of Legends, i get aggresive when I hear people talking about it.

Suck my ding-a-dong and calm down, faggot.

PUBG is still in beta and shows great promise even for the slightly clunky unoptimised rendition it is now. I prefer it.

PUBE is the new call of duty. It was enetertaining for a while but it just boring now. Every fucking tit streamer and try hard faggot plays the game now. I also wish we could get away from this trend of selling games in early access form and never actually finishing them.

that doesn't work anymore cleetus

I enjoyed your mom through to completion

>everything packed into one

it's nothing but a restricted and still shit running arma mod (as which it started out, don't forget that) without giving you the options to play something else on it. it sucks, and you know it's true.
when you have a hobby, you invest time into it because it's enhancing the fun you have. if your hobby is just rushing into something, then your hobby is normie tier faggotry and you have no passion for it.
and if clicking into the steamworkshop and hitting "install" is too much for you to "learn", you are literally retarded.
>extra work
you don't have to work, just ask around and learn a little bit - like how to click on the fucking steam workshop, hit install and start the game again, exploring all the new content you just got with just a bunch of clicks.
nice false equivalents you got there, it's almost as if you seriously attempted an argument


>nobody plays pvp arma insurgency anymore

>I also wish we could get away from this trend of selling games in early access form and never actually finishing them

one reason why i didn't buy into Day Z Standalone. as much as i suck Bohemia Interactives dick, i had the same distain for this mod becoming a stand alone as i have now for PUBR.
and i'm so fucking glad i didn't get into it. i knew that arma 3 would get continued develpment because i had great experience with Arma 2, and what they were promoting for their DLC politics sounded interesting.
but making a stand alone of some mod is never a good idea, especially when it then goes into early access.
just smells fishy every time. selling old content packed into a restricted version and never finishing in polishing it up.

what exactly are you saying?
was insurgency a mod of arma too? if so, i hope they do better with the next one. didn't really enjoy the first one they made, it was shiney and fast paced good fun, nice maps and all, but still a broken mess in some ways.
i prefer the coop insurgency mission, it's pretty cool. in TvT the best mission i played so far is PVP Warfare.

Get good faggot

Because no one plays ARMA?