Seriously, is this ""woman"" the worst thing to ever happen to music?

Other urls found in this thread:


No, Grimes is


Are you being ironic with these daily threads or are you a genuinely mentally ill lunatic stalker fan gone mad

That pic says massive cunt.

Because that's what she is.

It's the right eye. Fucking chilling.

ae yeah the marina spaz

You forgot your trip, Brandon.

um excuse me don't be rude to her i want to have sex with her

Brandon's in prison waiting on a trial.

Honestly, Marina is just a disgusting old hag.

Really? Damn, that sucks.

>number of posters didn't increase
what did he mean by this

Is this why she's such a failure?

too cute

Nah the worst thing to ever happen to music was when the first caveman banging two rocks together got copied by another caveman, it's all been downhill since then

Marina copied Charli.

It's obvious that Charli is copying Marina. First Charli copied Marina's music video to Radioactive and then her artwork. Charli even copy Marina's style from The Family Jewels era. Charli did a "mixtape" full of songs written by other people which get a 6.3 from your favorite Pitchfork kek.

Charli is clearly superior.

Charli never wrote a song alone so NO.

Marina never wrote a song alone either. Even on Froot she was carried by a male producer.

But she wrote all the songs. Do you even know what music producers do?

Yes, they carry talentless hacks like Marina.

>thinks that music producer carries talentless hacks
>worships Charli XCX who worked with 15 producers on Sucker and has at least 6 on every other record

Marina is objectively better than Charli and LDR. I also prefer her to Grimes both musically and as a person, but I recognize that that's personal taste. FROOT is one of the best electropop records of the decade. The Family Jewels is a nice record too.

Marina has worked with more producers than Charli knows, she doesn't even know how to produce music.
>I also prefer her to Grimes both musically and as a person
Marina is a unlikeable cunt who makes shit music and preaches libtard shit to her bought followers, she's a massive cunt. Froot is literally 75% filler, you can't be serious if that is your pick for Electro Pop AOTD.

>Marina is an unlivable cunt that makes shit music
Agreed, but she still isn't worse than Grimes

You're a really sad, pathetic little man to be this dedicated to hating her. I hope you realize that.

Marina is shit, I hope you know that she's the worst female artist of this generation.

I checked, Charli worked with more. And calling someone a talentless hack or cunt over and over is no argument.

Yet you couldn't find any evidence that Marina knows how to produce music, checkmate, you have played yourself.

Pretty sure her """"""co-production"""""" on Froot just means that she sat next to the guy while he did all the work.

>Pretty sure her """"""co-production"""""" on Froot just means that she sat next to the guy while he did all the work.
kek prove it or I will think that you can't find any evidence that Marina doesn't know how to produce music.

I like Marina, but I don't think about her much because I'm not a big pop fan. Pretty much the only time I think about her is when you post these hate threads. Literally the more you post about her, the more I listen to her.


>number of posters didn't increase

You can stop with your autistic samefaggotry, Marina a shit and her music gets old after 3 listens.

marina is a disgusting hag stop posting her

> autistic samefaggotry
You have to be trolling. I don't see how you can be this lacking in self-awareness.


She's so cute and pretty.

She's also well-spoken, probably as a consequence of breaking through so late, and maturing like a normal person. She seems like a charming conversationalist, infinitely moreso than so many vacuous pop stars.

Why didn't you answer to this ?
Ha, checkmate, you have played yourself.

Thanks to these hate threads I watched this: youtube.com/watch?v=Iw0zRsBnMCI
And I don't really see where she is an unlikeable cunt, just the opposite.

OP is just a fag

She's a lot more articulate and intelligent than her contemporaries, and I strongly suspect that makes the OP feel threatened.

>breaking through so late
lmao she never broke through

She seems more like a smug cunts who's stupid as fuck but pretends to be smarter and better than other pop artists just because her career is a failure.

Really? FROOT debuted at #8 in the US, and #6 in Canada. If you only listen to really commercial pop then maybe you can scoff, but as a fan of indie, jazz, punk, and recently metal and house music, it's definitely successful by my standards.

Answer to this retard

Again, she's done well. She's wealthy from her music, which defines success for an artist. She doesn't seem to fake being intelligent at all, she's just talking about her experiences. I'm guessing she just makes you really insecure about how unintelligent you are. Let me guess, you dropped out of high school? Or went to a really shitty college and didn't make any friends? Hmm? Is that right?

I don't think that someone who talks like you even is allowed to talk about "being smart" because you seem really stupid.

Froot literally stayed on the charts for like two weeks and album success doesn't mean shit, Melanie Martinez' cry baby is still in the charts and she's already a literally who.

See, that's what I mean. For you, as a hollow consumer of disposible pop, she didn't do as well as some others. For me, as a fan of other forms of music, she's done very well for herself. Especially given how much creative control she's had over everything except Electric Heart, which she doesn't even see as true to her vision.

I've never heard a single song of hers and don't care to, I just like jacking off to her flat abs and giant tits.

>he doesn't know about her breast reduction
Welcome to 2017 faggot, her muscles are gone aswell because she fell for the anorexia meme.

Do you have that pic on the left?

Marina's music makes me happy

Alanis Morissette is the worst female thing to ever happen to music

Marina's ""music"" fills me with anger.

Her voice is probably the most obnoxious sound in the world.

she has a really cute personality too, it's comfy to listen to her

She has no personality, all her albums sound like they were made by a completely different person.

that's cause she tries different things musically, each one of her albums is great in its own way

she also is amazingly fun to see live

She's gorgeous, huh?

She's even prettier and sportier now

She has a gorgeous, jazzy voice

She very much has a personality. You must have mostly only listened to Electra Heart, because that doesn't fit with her musical vision at all, which is why she came up with a persona for it. Of course, I doubt you criticized Bowie for doing different styles of music. You honestly seem like an awful, miserable person.

I don't want to jynx it, but, there aren't any grimesfags derailing this thread, thank god.

>she also is amazingly fun to see live

>She very much has a personality. You must have mostly only listened to Electra Heart,
I listened to all her album and I can safely say that she has no personalitty at all.

TFJ: Outsider/Quirky Girl/Tomboy-ish/No Love songs

EH: Party Stacy/Slut/Popular girl/All songs are about love

Froot:Generic woman in her late 20's who sings about love/All songs expect one or two are about love

No consistency.

go to bed Piero

also why do you all care about some generic flavor of the month pop star?

Meant to reply to

if you hate her so much why do you know the nuts and bolts of every one of her albums?

>expecting to be taken seriously

Because (unlike 95% of Sup Forums) I listen to an artist's entire discography before I call them the "worst of all time".

that seems like a bizarre use of your time

God, just imagine having both of them unload their balls into your girly holes

wtf stop

That's literally how I get into her.
Is he a hidden shill?

That's because you only sit at home. Not all people has time for that.

I really think that OP did that video: youtube.com/watch?v=RVS5fI-4x_Y
atleast he seems as retarded as that guy.

No, he likes Lana.

Marina doesn't have that large of a discography and you'd be done in a few weeks if you devoted an hour a day. Not him but you're just stupid.

Lana del Rey is shit, I realised that I only like BTD: PE and not Lana del Rey.

Molly Rankin is my new favorite female artist and Marina and Lana are trash.

He wasn't only talking about Marina but what he does before tslks about an artist. Which means that he listens every record by every artist he ever commented about even the one he hated. It's really weird because if someone you don't like has like 20+ records then you probably wouldn't listen to it. Like 2 records maybe but not the whole discography.

Alvvways is hipster garbage

Atleast Molly isn't an old hag who can't even play an instrument.

Why are you always making up things? Marina plays piano and keyboard. I don't believe that you actually listened to Marina's whole discography, you just write everything without even thinking about what you're writing.

Oh I know that Marina plays an instrument but Lana doesn't. Also Molly is younger than 31 making her, infact, not an old hag.

how long until she gets blown up?

this dude seems obsessed desu

>caring about albums
choose one.

no, he was talking about when he calls an artist the worst of all time, you ignorant ape

Marina basically proved with GMTM that shes a great producer and does know how to make good music

Marina is stupid, I hate her!