She died wearing her pajamas

She died wearing her pajamas.

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Thank goodness for those diversity hires. Really made the police force so much better.



Again the bitch was from Australia... what's the big deal? Aussie cunts are not even human.

White Lives Matter protests start when?

Muslim men would not want their women to be like Western women, they are too sexual and consumerist. It scares Muslim men and it is not the way of Muhammad. The Karan gives justification for killing all non-Muslim people, because they corrupt the Muhammed's guidance of lifestyle. Also, almost half of Muslim people throughout the world are proven to be incest children, since Muhammed said it's okay to marry your cousin. This is probably many have an IQ of about 70.

right? she was dead from skin cancer anyway....

Join the following groups

White Pride in Stride

Whities unities

White is alright

Fight for whites rights

Black chicks sucking white dicks

Philando castille did nothing wrong either

Now you white people get to feel the sting we black people feel everytime this happens to one of us. But dont worry, you wont feel it that much because i guaruntee you that she will get her justice because of her skin color.

>pick one

I hope they shoot more white people, maybe Americans will wake up

But when it happens to blacks its because they're violent towards the officers. Tell your people to stop commiting crimes. Thanks.

Sadly, I agree. The leftists are so sure they are right with their version of Utopia, but the rape and murder crises caused by Muslim migrants in Europe have proven otherwise.

America's answer to the intolerant man is diversity

The Strange Death of Europe is a highly personal account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Declining birth rates, mass immigration, and cultivated self-distrust and self-hatred have come together to make Europeans unable to argue for themselves and incapable of resisting their own comprehensive alteration as a society and an eventual end.

This is not just an analysis of demographic and political realities, it is also an eyewitness account of a continent in self-destruct mode.

most black on white killing are not reported in the media.


Most anything really. You have a low iq

How do you know that? What non-media source do you have?

Fuck those yoga instructors, fuckin' got dang hippies.

I mean who fucking cares, THIS IS GOOD. Do you fucking morons even understand that this has to happen SOOO SOOO much more before people will fucking start thinking a little bit?

This is ONLY the start. Lmao fucking niggers caring about ''black lives matter'', its a hoax just like the wage gap and feminism. Niggers are really fucking stupid, why would anyone listen to them. Muslims are the worst tho, they need to go eventually.

Here is the woman who wrote a sorry letter to her rapists for letting the police know the rapists were Muslim.

Do you think the blonde yoga instructor was also apologetic she had to die at the hands of a poor, helpless Muslim?

Sorry for being white.

Blue Lives Matter

She shouldn't have resisted. Sad!

their destructiong and subsequent utter lack of moral foundations nor ethical recognition let alone patriotism is the cause of it.

there's really nothing of value left in europe anyways though, sowho gives a fuck

To help her cope she wrote an open letter to a fictional refugee and posted it on Facebook. It read in part: 'I am really sorry that your sexist and line-crossing treatment of me could help fuel aggressive racism."
'I'm going to scream... I will not stand by and watch, and it can happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem. You're not the problem. You're usually a wonderful human being who deserves as much as any other to be safe and free.

'I will not stand by and watch and let it happen that racists and concerned citizens name you as the problem.'

It will never be reported on national news, only local news.

Did it occur to you shitlords that part of celebrating diversity is accomodating our new neighbors, not simply presuming that they must "assimilate" to our ways. Perhaps if the Western harlot had covered her head modestly like the beautiful Islamic sisters in the second picture she'd be alive today. But no, her culture of whorishness somehow trumps his decent, God-fearing culture. You should be ashamed of your cultural imperialism.


Cops are shit that come in all colors and religions.

all because the negroid was spooked by a firework. he should be put on trial for murder damn fool

Diversity hires are shit that come in all colors and religions.

Hah I fucking knew it, called it earlier when I was watching the news with my dad

Hey guys look at this guy. He knows thing.

Where in the information age ppl can believe as they like but we need more crazy Muslims to show how they haven't evolved so we the white race can rise up give us a excuse

Found the nigger

Lol. Must be 18

Who cares how he was hired he was a cop.

The police problem isn't only connected to Somali-Muslim police officers. They're all the problem.

Once they put on that uniform they change.

What are you talking about

Yet another picture depicting the total insanity of the left.


The cop who killed the white australian lady is a nigger, I called it!

>dad what do we do this weekend

"Finally, a non-white officer. You're going to do great things."

Australian girls are easily the hottest; plus she was blonde. We should just exterminate all the Muslims once and for all

No, he's a devout religious man in a very dangerous religion that promotes the execution of Westerners

Let me add, I'm not being racist; I'm being Islamophobic, big difference. Fuck Islam

>hand tattoos

color me a nigger, what a shocker

All these "unarmed" nigs who keep getting shot were either not actually unarmed or they were chimping out. This is a big difference to a literally unarmed woman.


>Australian girls are easily the hottest
you cant be serious

Liberals don't know the difference. You can't be white and not be racist. For your heritage's history, you must apologize to the brown and black people.

Wow i didnt know you personally know every cop in the US. Thats a lot a of people man.
Go on make more stupid claims.

It's 50% the accent, but the point stands, prove me wrong



not realizing there is a huge problem in America's police force.


Oh shit, it is that one girl from that webcam video where she fucks her ass. She looks about 14.


What problem

>it is current year meme

>What problem



Carry on brother.

The biggest problem is Muslims are pouring into Europe, while Europeans no longer have children: those idiots. Muslims? THEY BREED LIKE RATS.

>calls about domestic disturbance
>says she believes its dangerous, possibly hears weapons
>when police arrives she runs out into the middle of the action instead of where she was safe
Idk if the cop did anything wrong, but I can tell you she did.

Who the fuck cares about her hair color???

They are rats

Of course CNN is calling people racist for being outraged by this but not when it happens to a groid that chimps out. I don't even know why I give them clicks

Myfairylove is her name, beeing hot as all hell is her game...

>CNN is calling people racist for being outraged by this


I heard he was an affirmative action hire. Probably dumb as a rock.

But at least we met the diversity quotas!


Australians are all descendants of criminals. Don't stick your dick in crazy!

>Castille Dindu Nuffin

>ooga booga
>But I gotta pull this out
>ooga booga


Yeah completely obeyed the cop shouting at him, while at gunpoint. Clearly Dindu

Lost the link, I told Google to get the card the fuck off my newsfeed. It's pretty new though

Summerfag go away

>Find out one of my ancestors was a slave trader
>The white guilt is crippling
>Fly to Gambia with 26 of my white friends as a "sorry trip"
>Parade through the African streets wearing sorry-shirts and chains sobbing and screaming "sorry"
>This will relieve my white guilt
>Apologized to 18,000 blacks for what my ancestors have done
>I'm sure they'll pass the message on to their dead ancestors
>As I weep on my knees, vice president of Gambia accepts my apologies
I still feel guilty: what do Sup Forums?

What is that kid guilty of, HONESTLY.

I'm not that racist. I'm actually mixed race. I'm from South Africa. My blood is probably as impure as it can get, I don't have a right to think highly of one race or another.
But fuck Somalis.
You will never ever meet an honest, good-intentioned Somali. Every Somali you meet will be silently calculating how they can fuck you over, throw you under a car and steal your shoes to give to one of their offspring.
A Somali does not have any morals. A Somali does as he pleases, and what pleases him is violence.
A Somali's forehead may be huge, but do not mistake that for a large cranium. The average Somali has the intelligence of a three week old Shih Tzu.
A Somali is not a friend. Never relax around a Somali.

Is it true there is a government instructed white genocide going on in South Africa?

>congratulations on being black

She was killed because the Australian foreign minister insulted Donald Trump. So they had to kill an Australian to show that America is boss.

No, just a drought. Black people are used to going thirsty so they are surviving longer without water.
Zuma is a hack with no authority. Even his own kind hate him.

But her emails?

Omg plz more or sauce i think im in love

seriously? if this is true then I'm OK with it.

Long live Trump, the greatest living president alive.

he did tho. how many times would you say stop reaching before you put a bullet in a suspect? if you thought your life was in danger of say no more than two times. fucking dindu

its funny, as a whitey I feel this way about white south africans

creepy nazi fuckers

never met a white saffer who wasn't a bastard

ouch the sting!

I thought in South Africa, extensive affirmative action in the favor of blacks is refusing whites of employment. Also white farmers are being killed more than any other people there. Whites are attacked, tortured, maimed, raped, and murdered in the most violent ways by blacks. Whites are forced to live in squatter camps under inhumane conditions to keep them safe.

Nigga plz hit me with that sauceee or moar

Lizzie Valasquez
Thank me later Sup Forumsros

I love you

wow. looks like she tried marijuana. that shit fucks you up.


Damn it.

I don't know where you're getting your news.

>tfw somali minnesotan
get fucked whiteys, finally got revenge for all of my brothers that you've killed over race.


Dumb bitch deserved to die.

Used to be, only black people had to worry about cops. But the militarization of police has turned them against everybody. If you call the cops, whatever your color, you're asking to be killed.

I heard she ran out to the police car and started telling the officer about this nigger that was nigging. That's when this shitskin shot her.