Ryan Gosling Impresses Director With His Performance In ‘Blade Runner’ Sequel

>Denis Villeneuve has admitted that directing the upcoming “Blade Runner” sequel is a challenge, but when it comes to the film’s cast, it seems that the filmmaker couldn’t ask for a better mix.

>“It’s a bit berserk [in the sense] that we’re taking … risk. It feels like you are flirting with disaster every morning,” Villeneuve told Deadline of what it’s been like helming the film. “[But] at the same time, I have actors that are really wonderful, who are really impressive.”

>The 48-year-old Canadian director then specifically praised Gosling’s performance, saying, “I am really impressed by Ryan Gosling.”

>Gosling entered negotiations for a role in the sequel in April last year. The 35-year-old actor then confirmed his casting during an interview with Collider last November, citing the involvement of Villeneuve as one of factors for his decision to join the movie.

>In an interview with Entertainment Weekly in July, Villeneuve revealed that the sequel — just like the original movie directed by Ridley Scott — will take place in Los Angeles. But this time, the Earth’s atmosphere will be different. “The climate has gone berserk — the ocean, the rain, the snow is all toxic,” he teased.

Get ready for cyberpunk kino

Ryan does seem like a perfect fit.

Ana De Armas is in this, probably as a robo sex worker

Yep and he does look great on screen when surrounded by many different sorts of lights.

>........................I run

>a human bean must kill non human bean robots


>..............I retire

one fucking job

>"So you were attacked by a robot you say? And the robot looked like Jesus" (referring to Jared Leto who may be playing a Replicant in this).
Anyone hope for some comedy in this film?

>Anyone hope for some comedy in this film?

Go back to >>>Marvel

I bladerun

real human bean ?

I know it's a bad word around here but can you even remember a single quip in the original?

The first one is better


Of course he is. He's great.

Ryan Gosling is really perfect for the film. He has the same soft speaking, almost ASMR type style.

I really hope this film maintains the pacing of the original. The noir pacing of the original is part of the reason it's so good (other than the design and amazing lighting). So many Hollywood films these days feel the need to be paced at break neck speed, which gets tiring sometimes.

This sequel hasn't even finished filming.

I just hope it doesnt become an action flick but continues with its themes of mortality, human feeling etc

A statement of fact/peudo-query by a non-native English speaker is not a quip, no matter what South Park says

Will we get another attractive female Replicant?

>You were born too early to play Cyberpunk 2077
>You were born just in time to see at least 1 cyberkino.

they are going to pull an ALIEN$, I guarantee it

This. Watching Gosling explore many different locations filled with many different practical props just like the first one would be great.

>Ridley Scott not directing
>Vangelis not making the soundtrack
>Jared Leto as a "CUHRAAYZEE" replicant

We all know that the whole movie will use that horrible grey filter that makes everything look boring.

Are you from the future?

Is there something we should know?

Gosling is the best actor of his generation.

Not as statuesque, but still gorgeous

>I just hope it doesnt become an action flick but continues with its themes of mortality, human feeling etc

You're gonna be disappointed.

>>Jared Leto as a "CUHRAAYZEE" replicant

You know the Joker isn't his only role right? you know there's no indication his character will be like Roy's right?

cyberpunk 2077 is the name of a video game and pen and paper RPG series.

You still have time to delete your post

Cant wait. I was really skeptical hearing about the sequel till I found out who was involved.

Thank god it wasnt handed to some capeshit director

>cyberpunk 2077 is the name of a video game
stopped reading there

Surprisingly, Jared's Joker reminds me a lot of Roy


remember the Robocop remake that had an award winning foreign director?


>Cast right after Soo-eeh-cide Skwod
They cast him to be the Joker, face that now and save yourself the disappointment.

This isn't a remake
And it still has Harrison Ford in it

>circumstantial evidence

I can tell people in your life can't STAND any time you open your mouth

>And it still has Harrison Ford in it
rumor is that Ford will only appear in the 3rd act so don't expect him to be the main character.

I didnt watch it precisely because it was a remake.
As long as Blade Runner 2 captures the classic cyberpunk feel and has a half decent plot, ill be satisfied.

He's old and withered and doesn't give a shit about acting anymore

>and doesn't give a shit about acting anymore
Well he is cast to play Indy again in Indiana Jones 5.

If they kill him off or he hardly is in it (and instead some young guy or girl is the lead) then I am not watching it.

NO ONE can play Indy apart from Ford. It is his character.

The film will be made by Disney so all my hopes are very low for it.

It'll probably be better than the first, overrated as shit tbdesu

This literally. Fuck off with your "drama/action films need humor and quips to be entertaining/good" mindset you fucking stupid bastard. This is what's ruining cinema

could the blade runner sequel be good like mad max : fury road?

It better not be like Fury Road which was action driven and not story driven

Fuck no, are you joking. Is Leto seriously in this? If so I'm out.

>like mad max : fury road
Pick one faggot

Yeah he is
But he was cast less than a month ago so it will be a glorified cameo at most

I hated the idea of a sequel until I saw who was directing and that Goose was in it. It's going to be so good.

He sort of looks like that blonde commando replicant.

Reminds me more of Rachel tbqh.

>talking shit about the best action movie of the decade

Ill not stand for this without handing out a (You)

>the best action movie of the decade
ok i admit you made me laugh. fair play

>"so good"

he really likes the word "berserk"

>not one of the best directors around today
Sicario and Prisoners are fucking great films and you're a tasteless faggot

I fucking hope so

On an unrelated note, will thqis be rated R?

t. IMDB user

nice meme

Describe to me why they were bad
Also, lets get a sample of your superior taste, what faggot films do you like?

mad villeneuve pleb. lol


Name one (1) better from the past 10 years

you are a faggot.

Sicario a shit but Enemy and Prisoners are great.

The Raid

better a faggot than a villeneuve fanboy. lol

I liked the Raid but it didnt give me the sheer adrenaline rush of Fury Road.

I've only seen one bad movie with him in it, he's really not that bad.

this movie is going to suck isn't it?

>get panic attacks easily in cinema for some reason
>mfw watching Fury Road in cinema

I've watched it like 5 times after at home, but seeing it in cinema was painful because they didn't slow down.

>The atmosphere/weather is toxic

This has been done to death tee bee haych.

It's just an excuse for them to film indoors.

And yet here you are in a thread for a scifi sequel that will be nothing but brainless action.

You've obviously not seen the director's previous movies, outing yourself as a full pleb

She has been cast.

GOOD. I don't want this to become some diversity casting

she was qt in the martian

Well here is some concept art images for the sequel so judge yourself

>directed by a man who has never had any involvement in an action movie
>co-written by one of the writers of the original Blade Runner
It'll probably have more action than the original but I doubt it'll be pure mindless action. It'll probably be a neo-noir that explores the themes of the original.

"Is this testing whether I'm a replicant or a lesbian Mr. Deckard?"

this is gonna be amazing 2bh, gonna be the first movie i see in theaters since...well i think force awakens.