Does it hurt or improve your chances with a girl if you tell her you're bi? discuss

does it hurt or improve your chances with a girl if you tell her you're bi? discuss

It increases your chances of having a threesome with her and another guy. Other than that, no.

So if you are bi and looking to swing both ways for the night, go for it.


Depends on the girl. Some are into it, some find it disgusting and think you're gonna cheat on her with a dude.

Would any girl not get second thoughts about the fact that the dick you want to stick in her has probably been fudge-packing up a number of sweaty men's hairy asses?

There was a poll that showed that women who were bi/bi-curious were more likely to be turned off by bi guys (go figure...)


Some girls are into it and ask loads of questions

Most act like they don't give a shit and are waiting for you to bring it up again and sound like a poser

Some where out right rude and said they felt ill thinking about it cos its disgusting

What about straight girls?

If you want a woman to stay with you long term, don't ever let her know you are bi,she will subconsciously lose respect for you and be on the look out for a real man.

Also never let her stick things in your anus.

I think they were mostly negative about it too.


No, you will be considered even more creepy than you already are. women hate bisexual men.

This. My last girl thought it was awesome, the one before that shot me down because she "didn't want to have to worry about the guys around me as well as the girls" and the one before that was a little uncomfortable with it, asked me if I would leave her for a guy and shit but she got over it eventually.

Hurts in my experience. To straight people you are a faggot and to gay people you are just a closeted homo. Of course the last time I had to worry about dating or getting laid was a very long time ago so things may have changed.

>success with women being determined by chance not skill

OP is a faggot

>using your sexuality to get girls

if you're this desperate faggot I'd just give up and try for wizard already

You wanna get easy pussy?
"Pretend" you're full on gay (not hard for you, I'm sure).
Girls will undress around you thinking you're safe, and more than a few will try to convert you.
I got a reputation as being a bear somehow (I think it's because I do shit like home repairs which includes some decorating like color suggestions and furniture to go into the newly remodeled room/place, guess someone thought I was overcompensating by being really manly). I don't ever correct it because it doesn't bother me honestly. Been hit on by a few gay guys and just told them they aren't my type rather than I'm not gay. Had more than a few women throw themselves at me trying to "convert" me.
Easiest trim I've ever scored, and a lot of those chicks are hot.

She'll think you are a little bitch who is afraid to commit one gender. She'll be right

If you look like prime Hugh Jackman, yes.

If you look like Michael Cera, no.

If you tell her outright and don't act all timid about it then you should be fine. Women care more about a strong confident man than they do sexuality.

No, because as they may like strong and confident guys, they themselves are insecure.

I met up with an girl and told her I was bi. We ended up having sex and she admitted she got turned on by the though of two guys having sex, either alone or with her.

BUT... she said she could never develop a relationship with a bi guy and she would feel too much competition.

I didn't think we where talking about relationships. I was only talking about getting them to fuck.

It depends on delivery and how hot you are more than anything, but also depends on the girl. I have a nice face and I'm tall and barely overweight, so I have an easy time with women. Admitting I'm bi usually piques interest and gets questions, but I only mention it when the topic has come up and it naturally adds ethos to what I'm saying.


Buy a prostitute, cheaper. Besides, no girl wants to fuck you.

Just be rich and you can fuck whatever you want.

It fucks your chances. I was banging a girl 20 years younger than myself until I left my phone at her apartment by accident. I returned about 30 minutes later, but she had already gone through it and read my texts with the guy I was screwing around with. She refused to fuck ever again. Sucks, bc she was tiny and very good at playing rape victim.

Also the same reason why my babymama (who is also 20 years younger than I am) doesn't talk to me or let me see the kids.

I'd keep that shit to yourself, if I were you.

Stay mad