Be me

>be me
>realise i have phimosis
>dont know how to tell anyone
>dont know how to tell parents

what do

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circumcise yourself

If Britfag, wait until 18, go to doctor, get it sorted for free.

If Amerifag, good luck.

Satan demands it.


First time I rolled my foreskin back was at 18. I have slight PPP but it's still not too late to save yourself.

What you have to do is get a boner and just tug back your foreskin bit by bit. Once you reach the point where the spines almost disconnect from behind the head of your penis it's going to feel like it'll hurt, but it doesn't.

Just don't rip it open, be gentle yet firm, keep pulling it down until it's detached. It's going to make a THWEOP noise and probably smell like rotten cat food but your foreskin will forever be disconnected.

You're welcome. And good luck.

This. Happened to me when I was 13 but since then has been permadisconnected naturally and doesn't hurt/smell

Everyone is born phimosis, as you get older it goes away.

If you aren't able to pull back the foreskin by atleast 19 then you have phimosis

Whitch country faglord


I have a theory if you wait long enough the PPP is a build up of encrusted jizz getting lodged in there microscopically and not being cleaned. If you wait too long I think you develop PPP but I'm no doctor.

i got rid of mine at 12. i remember seeing dicks in porn and thinking, wow wtf why do theirs have a mushroom at the end. Little did i know, that my mushroom had been hiding the whole time :D just tug and stretch

Circumsition should be the last choice. There are steroid creams or something that works.

For real. I like my dick cave. Being able to stretch it back over my dick head for protection is based.

Kill urself, you disgustin

Do I have phimosis Sup Forums?

Why is her butthole so clean?
Will she ever start questioning her life choices?

Possibly, pull your foreskin down as far as it can go and take a picture.

inb4 b&

my advice tho;
do stretching exercises, helped me a lot


Wouldn't be that bad if she shaved that thorn bush

I can pull it back like this but it kinda hurts

stretch it everyday a little further, that's what i did when i was a kid. perfectly fine dick now.

Exactly like mine mate. Don't worry, you can have a normal career. I have. The more you use it, the more the pain goes away. By use it, I mean by sticking it in things

Just wait a year in discomfort for medical attention. Yup, sounds like glorious Brit healthcare alright.

Rotten cat

what a piece of shit.

what will girls say/think...

I don't understand what I'm looking at