Itt: Things you should own but dont

Itt: Things you should own but dont

Pic related: my favorite book




That's genuinely your favourite book?

20 something idealistic retard detected.

I mean I wasn't thinking like that but I guess it works

It's bait, you turd.

I'm 21 but I'm sure as hell not idealistic, to put it quite frankly, I want to die

Ayn Rand was against social security and then proceeded to use when she was too old to work and sick.

I hope the bitch suffered.

You're a living stereotype. Kill yourself.

That's the plan m8

What are you waiting for then?

That sounds very idealistic to me...

Oh I see, you just thought you'd see what everyone's favourite books are before you do it?

Silly child.

Not really sure, any ideas on how I should?

I didn't mean just books, items in general that you should have but dont

>Ideas on how I should?

You mean to tell me you can't even commit to killing yourself without seeking advice from others? Grow the fuck up and do something on your own for once in your miserable life. How fucking sheltered are you? Use your own brain and figure shit out. You want to die? What a fucking cliche. No you don't. You just want attention like 99% of young faggots in this disillusioned world.

>items you should have

A strimmer to cut the grass around the borders of my garden. My mower can't get at the longer grass growing out from the fences and my old one broke, so I keep meaning to pick a new one up but can't be bothered.

She still payed into social security fuckwad.

She wasnt mooching, she was taking back the money she was forced to surrender in the first place.

Have you tried scissors? I know it will be a bitch but it will get the job done in the meantime

>ayn rand

>Not understanding how society works this badly

Jesus Christ, Che Guevara.

It's a massive area, that would take me hours and hours and I'm no nigger.

Better yet, just buy a fucking goat, never have to mow the lawn ever again


oh look a newfag/millenial using che's name without knowing fucking anything.
keep embarassing yourself fuckhead.

this guy's right you inbred american

Good idea, but like I said I'm not a fucking nigger.

It's no big deal to go and buy a goddamn strimmer, I just haven't got round to it. It's the only thing I can think of that I should own but don't right now, however.

Fuck poor people amirite guys?

Fair enough

Never, ever, never go to /lit/
A fountain pen

What's wrong with Anthem? I read that in grade school. Really great book. Still a favorite. And I'm 35 now.
A lot of people like the book The Giver. Lois Lowry didn't deny that her entire inspiration for The Giver came from reading Anthem.

>implying anyone goes to lit

The most ironic post award goes to you, faggot.
It's hard to believe anyone is genuinely this retarded.

Ayn Rand was a dumb cunt whose theories were as unrealistic as Karl Marx's. The fact conservatives masturbate to her ideas only further prove how truly moronic they are.

ayn rand is such a pretentious cunt
reading her babble and realizing people like it and identify with it makes me want to off myself even more than i already did

D-d-d-damage control!!!

Ayn Rand made herself a symbol of self-righteous destructive evil, and people have all the right to blindly hate her work because of that.

ideal is also neet
+ it doesn't take a month to read it
like atlas shrugged

Ayn Rand in a nutshell.

>uses che as an insult at someone defending rand

I think id just avoid trying to spot irony if I were you.

Because the ideas the book promotes (indeed, all her ideas in all her books) are idealistic garbage that read like an ignorant child rambling before they have actually realised how the world works. It's dross, pure and simple, and like Marxism it appeals to the young minds who know no better, but who inevitably realise how retarded they were when they grow up 20 or so years later.

>missing the point this much

I think I'd avoid using the internet, if I were you.

>it's totally okay to be a douchebag

unfortunately, this is core of most conservative ideology

>more damage control

Yall some dense motherfuckers, missing the whole point of this thread

That book sucks.

>more irony

If I really have to point out the sarcasm this post was dripping in...
then you really are a lost cause. Go fuck yourself, we're done here. "but but muh damage control"

Fucking hell. Pathetic, you're trying too hard.

You just dissagreed with two people in a disagreement, what side are you even arguing for?

Actually those ideals are mostly prevalent in her later books. Anthem is mostly just about individuality and the discovery of one's own Id and Ego.
But you wouldn't know that because you didn't actually read the book. Which is a shame, cause its only like 90 pages.


Nigga that's the expanded 50th anniversary edition with an introduction and an appendix. Ain't nobody got time to read that. There's a reason doctors remove appendices: they're a fucking waste.


ayn rand is based god


Do you even id m8

I have the same version. I'll tell you, the book is exactly 94 pages. The appendix is the original draft with her notes on it, in tiny print. Only another 30 pages. The Introduction? Another 10 pages.

Still less than 150 pages total. But if that's too much book for you to handle, you should leave this thread and go read some goosebumps.

Nigger please, the ideas of individualism are exactly the kind of garbage I'm talking about. Of course I've read that shit and wish I hadn't.

You're about as edgy as Paul Ryan

Are you ted cruz??

being conservative is not "based", it's not edgy, it's not pushing boundaries.

>faggot on /b
>likes the anthem
Checks out how powerful and lonely are u wizard

As a general rule, collectivism doesn't take into account certain human qualities such as greed, selfishness and self-preservation.
As a general rule, individualism doesn't take into account certain human qualities such as empathy, sympathy or morality.

They're both great on paper but they are both equally broken because we're human beings, not robots.

And then you grow up and find a middle ground based on experience in the real world, not idealistic notions that appeal to the young mind.

it's literally the opposite of pushing boundaries or being attempts to 'conserve' a past that we have transcended

Most Goosebumps books are over 120 pages, faggot.

lol Ayn Rand sucks. George Orwell is superior

She was objectivist but when her husband found better life with other women, shy went nuts and destroyed his life. So much for objectivity.
I hope bitch died alone and forgotten