You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a girlfriend

You have 10 seconds to explain why you don't have a girlfriend.

Other urls found in this thread:

because she left me

I'm ugly as hell.

I killed the bitch .true story

Dating is a farce and I don't want to play into the idea that you need to do accomplish anything.

I derp a lot when talking which gives me the title "cute shy boy but not bf material"

Because I don't want one.
Why have one when I can enjoy many?

I prefer drugs

Because my wife would become angry with me.

I'm gay

My standards are too high.

My Car is my Girlfriend.

I dislike women and don't go outside

beta af

why should I?

Terrified by commitment and love

I'm not worth the effort for anyone to be with me.
It's not like I'm trying or anything.
>b-but there's someone for everyone
nah, I'm good.

I haven't found anyone really worth getting into a serious relationship with, and why get a gf that you know you won't last with?

I'm 15 and I don't have time for them

Pussy tastes nasty

i don't want more gfs they're more of a hassle

I need way longer than 10 seconds

My crush hasn't said her first word yet.



got big ass inheritance from grandparents. Cant tell if hoes are gold digging or genuinely interested

Because if they're not mentally damaged goods they're full of themselves and if they're not full of themselves they're thots and if they're not thots they're already taken and if they're not already taken they're my ex and if they're not already my ex then I masterbate 14 times a day and lounge around doing nothing. Only plus side is I have money I normally wouldn't have because I don't have to spend it on some needy bitch.

slightly overweight and no confidence also no job

Liked her for years, but she was going out with one of my friends.
He fucked her over, she left.
Left it for a while, we still hang out and chat 'n whatever, but didn't ask her out as it's still pretty recent.
Some fuckend comes out of nowhere, she goes silent for a few weeks, then boom, there's pictures of them on facebook and they're going out with eachother.
None of us know who this guy is but what can you do?
Just gotta move on.


The patriarchy

In the long run, prostitutes are actually cheaper.

Because I browse Sup Forums

I'm a divorced communist alcoholic. Most women find that bizarre and unnerving believe it or not. Lol.

cock too big, might kill someone

> you can't have a girl friend if you don't have any friend


My wife would kill me

you aren't that shit
you don't know what that shit is
>hurr look at me im neato dasting

5 in. isn't big.




Couldn't really follow that second part bud

I'm an alcoholic & autistic ludophile programmer. My days usually go like this:
>wake up at 2-4 pm
>coke zero & cigarette breakfast
>watch stupid shit on youtube
>play games
>work, still in my undies
>take a bath
>buy more cigarettes and coke
>work a bit more
>dinner, usually pasta or pizza
>beggin drinking
>work, watch youtube and play games
>go to sleep at 7 am hwn i'm too drunk to stay awake

My life's boring, i don't blame anybody for not wanting to share it.

Because she left me to go be a hoe. Literally said "I want the college experience"

I don't have enough time and energy for a relationship.

I'm not fit, kinda ugly and got no self-esteem and autism.

no surprise there
you play-pretend edgelord shitwit

Cause I have a wife. Like a real man.

cause I'm straight

it can parrot

I have

Its a catch-22 having a girlfriend/wife.

On the plus side you're not lonely and if you're lucky they're your friend.

On the negative side you now have to explain where your money goes, sacrifice your pleasures for someone else's sometimes, and you don't get to be a greedy bitch. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice.

Honestly that all it is to have someone always there you can regularly fuck and have a connection with. For some people its worth it, for others it's not. Everyone has a preference.

Been in a relationship for 9 years now and it has its ups and major downs.

lol , dubs



Watches at 0 $?

cause she broke up with me three weeks ago and im still getting over it

Because I'm asexual.

You're certainly an excitable fellow

Not social enough anymore, rarely get out

Not appeasing to women in any way

that is sad
i hope that you were not in love :/

Had a boyfriend for 1 month and then he left me.

Didn't try again because I'm still in love with him

Tell us the story, dubslord.

greentext the story

probably because I missed any opportunities while in school, and I think i'm too selfish/lazy to thrive in an actual relationship

Sit at home playing games all time. Recently recovering from ball cancer.

Best possibility is public swimming pool since I go there every 3 days to train and check out some girls n boobs.

Maybe I fucked up with some other girls because they like to say things they don't mean. I would say it was their problem to be so confusing

I don't have a girlfriend because my wife would kill me if I did.

because I'm a self-pitying weeb

they all laugh at my benis and say "haha your penirs small"

not enough stax

gib $200 so i may have stax


Because I haven't found any girl that I'm interested in.

Because I'm gay and I like it up the butt. Mind you I do have a boyfriend

i'm pretty good looking but every girl I meet is totally weirded out by me cause i'm shy as fuck and probably seem like a serial killer

>broke up with a girl a few years ago because I thought she had commitment issues
>she probably did but
>turns out I have lasting trust issues with forming relationships from being sexually abused as a kid.

I was and that was the worst part. Dated for 1 1/2 years. I know that's not long but she built it up like she wanted a life together and I was down for it. Taught me to not trust women anymore

It's called my steam account.

she left me

Vid VERY related

a lot of reasons

mainly, I hate people

So your hand

sorry to hear about that user, been there as well

You're not in love after a month, you dumb bitch. Goddamn teens and their incapacity to wait.
You are infatuated, learn the difference and get over it.

I don't go outside

Because I'm a trap. I have a daddy tho

I just don't

I only want pussy, mate. I don't care about hugging and cuddling.
Never had human intimacy in my life. Just not my thing I guess.

The only girl I'd cuddle with is asian and was never touched by another guy.

I fuck alone

Get a load of this virgin.

enjoy your ban

I'm not a lesbian

I'm 22 and have played World of Warcraft since 5th grade.

Cause I'm a looser.

Took me 3 seconds.

Because the only actually attractive woman interested in me has two kids

It was 4 months since then and I still miss him and can't get over it.

Yeah I also tell myself it's stupid that I care so much.

Also I'm nearly 20

cause it's the basic rule #3 in the normiebook

If you have undergone any consensual sexual activity with a person of the opposite sex, you are obligated to enter, or at least try to enter into a serious relationship with them.

notice how the rule says "opposite sex", it's a loophole and one of the reasons of homosexuality in 2017

because I'd rather fap

Ugly af and I'm not very interesting. I also have no irl friends so I never get to meet anyone. I tried tinder but I must be 1.3k swipes in and I've only had 5 matches

I get bored of all my girlfriends after like 2 weeks, I feel like all women around me are unentertaining as fuck and have nothing else aside from their bag and tits to offer.

Rather spend my time chilling with good friends than with one girl all the time. Also if you don't love them, sex is just masturbation, but with more work .