
>g to pay 10 buck

Other urls found in this thread:


is really?

Yeah dude, the fool take a picture of his flight reservation!


I feel it coming

What's this new spambot shit?

Fucking Hiro. This is getting worse and worse per day. Soon we have anontalk spam level. WHILE having captcha

>hot girls in your area want sex!
>click here to make your dick bigger!
>I'm serious!

It´s not spam, but wathever...

is not spam, check his instagram, there is the picture

change the destiny of the flight, only ten dollars

Not is fake, this is the original post on instagram instagram.com/p/BWu1_PSBcYp/

Someone is samefagging extremely hard with 7 different IPs

What the fuck

ok brother, teng and you ten doloures

>brother, teng and you ten
no, nada que ver entra aca

We are not samefagging, we are just trying to fool this dude.
This looks like a missunderstading because these faggots have the same level of english as the Argentinian president.
Someone send us that Instagram link and we just got into his fly account(on latam, page that is from an Argentinian airline) but we don't have enough money to pay the change of the fly.

It's not samefagging, just a bunch of idiots from a shit-tier website


que nivel de inglis

Se vieneeee

Nada que ver , solo que no sabemos como hablar en ingles y usamos el traductor y parecemos todos iguales

voxed>Sup Forums

y'all should learn from us, we're the bestest country and we have the best englando in t he word xd

Of course gaspar

Hi, I'm from Canada, someone to explain what it's about because I would like to work with the cause, I have a credit card and could pay the costs of the operation if it is not expensive.

Like I said before.
We found this dude fly code on Instagram, and we have access to his Latam account(the airline web-page) so, if someone pay the change of the fly he will loose it.

I forgot to say that It only costs 10 bucks

What a hero, pá!

i wonder if it is illegal :o

He wants a flight date reprogramming

It's not

Some guy from Argentina posted his flight reservation and forgot to erase the code. Using the code and his last name (Sicaro) you can access his reservation on the Latam website (posted by OP) and reschedule the flight, which apparently costs only about 10 US dollars.

Se re viene, voxeros?

well that settles it

Bien dicho pá, sos joel?

why though

No man. Soy el que escribio en el vox lo que subio el op aca

He says on the stories that he likes to kick and kill dogs

>socially engineering a sicario

h o t w a r

The guy's a quite known dog abuser


Here is the link
Anyone change his flight date lmao