Dubs gets their event active, but it can be reversed or negated with another dubs/trips+.

Trips and above is god's law, it cannot be reversed.

white: snow
dark green: forest
grey: mountains
yellow: desert
pink: white people
red : middle eastern people
brown: black people
purple: asians
every dot of humans is 1000 people
technology level - stone
culture - primitive
exploration level - 0

white culture: -
black culture: -
asian culture: -
M.I. culture: -



buuump cmon faggots


Nice legend

yeah its oc
i just wanted to play a game

3 whites appear in desert

ice age occurs

Frost crabs appear

all the niggers die

Ice age decimates affected population in affected regions down to 100, food is short, nights are long


trump builds a wall

The whites board on Cape Tawi and make an accord with the asians

Aliens come and tinker human dna making everyone equal race called 4channers

OP here
Fuckit, this is moving too slow

5s, dubs, and 69s get posts
5s cannot overrule, dubs overrules 5s and dubs, trips overrules all and cannot be negates

the whites enslave the niggers

the niggers start to riot

we race war now

jews start popping up in white village

M I start building a giant fort in that mountain



Jews appear in white village and kick whites out, whites travel across sea and exterminate sand nigs

Due to the cold and harsh age of ice, the southern Black tribe starved to death, despite being next to the ocean.
The Whites in the north spotted the Whites in the south, weary of their warmer climate, they developed the next tier of technology: Simple bronze and insulated furs, giving way to thier bronze age.
The Easterners spotted the blacks to the west, in bad conditions, and barbaric. They initiate plans to enslave them.
The Asians Spotted a small encampment of whites just northeast of their territory, and also increased their age to bronze.

whites: half bronze
black: stone/half dead
mi: stone, almost bronze
asian : bronze

w: 1200
b: 400
a: 1200
mi: 1100


A religion in the north springs up, of Abrahamic faith, and begin a crusade against the southern whites. Emboldened by thier faith, they overrun the encampment, killing 150 whites and converting many others, and loosing 50 as they banish them from the island. The whites sail east to the middle of the cpt dick islands and begin the conquest of the MI people, having an edge due to technology. Before that, the MI completely enslaved the blacks.

Population increases.

w: 400
b: 500 (enslaved)
mi: 900 (war)



A time traveller named Jackie Chan gives the Asians an edge by teaching them martial arts and giving them the secret to iron. Also the blacks get more retarded

Jews castrate too many of their kids and end up with retard kids from inbreeding

China creates miles of sea fortresses in Bon-Nerts Ocean, new breed of Asians appear. Chinese build and create everything super fast, fuck like rabbits, and grow up fast. Thousands of Chinese are everywhere in the Ocean sea forts, their population is instantly 3000. China develops nuclear weaponry at the speed of light with their fast chink hands. China hates everyone and has advanced medicine, making them immune to all pathogens. Their years of living in fucking smog filled cities have given them a natural resistance to pollution and they all wear gasmasks. China focuses on creating defense systems. Anyone who attempts to attack is blown up and shot and blown up again by the chinks absolute hatred. They will never fight eachother but they have no morals. They will kill fucking ANYTHING. All octopuses are driven to the point of near extinction as the chinks slurp them up. Chinks fly around the islands in search of dogs. Chinks eat dogs at a rapid speed. Chinks kill everything that isnt a chinese. Even other Asians. Only Chinese are safe. China will grow stronger.

Also you should draw with pencil, works better than the paintbrush.



This doesnt count btw, im op