Good songs to kill yourself to

Good songs to kill yourself to

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xtc - helicopter

listen to phonemenomicon lexemenomicon and then tonemenomicon first then decide

Lego Ninjago theme song

Killing yourself to music is so pleb

What do you suggest then?

Wriggle like a fucking eel

Not killing your self and experiencing your life to its fullest degree

Fuck me, I meant:

I've been trying that since I was 7 and it's just not working out

how about good songs to NOT kill yourself to

Hang in there friend i love you and so does Kate Bush and Peter Gabriel. The story is not over yet.

This. What kind of pathetic coward kills himself? Literally anything is better. If you don't like your life how it is just take the ultimate risk toward anything you wanted to actually do with life. If you're gonna die anyway then why the fuck not? Ask that girl out that works at the supermarket, take a bus to California and start a new life trying to be an actor, etc. But I guess if you're that weak Unwound's probably got a dozen or so great songs to do it to. Or maybe The Cure- Pictures Of You

Iktf user, but do stick around and try new things, figure out whats the root of your discontentment and try to relieve it.
Surround yourself with people that care for you be it friends, SOs etc.
Ily user try your best!

This clueless argument will literally never get old.

When dark seem darkest, is when light is right around corner user

My antidepressant dose has been doubled two days ago, things don't get better soon then I don't have much hope left

I'm still in school, it's not that simple unfortunately, and I have mental issues that will follow me for life, no matter how happy I should be I will probably never feel good. I've been rich from birth, which is what most people strive for in life and I'm still not happy.

I have a mental disorder that is probably incurable and makes me want to kill myself constantly and hate my body with a passion. Staying alive isn't easy user. I'm trying my best.

nvm you're just another teenbro
Please kill yourself.

quit meds, get job, make money, move out of parents basement, buy video-games

>What kind of pathetic coward kills himself?
None. Actual pathetic cowards are always make excuses to keep living

That sucks man, ofc you could get /fit/ etc etc but other than that i dont really know how to help you.

These help

Fuck off

I'm really not

I've been essentially starving myself since the end of last year, making good progress

read more, try meditation and mindfulness and learn something new.

Anyone post adams song by blink 182
Some kid killed themselves to that

don't do it user


You still have plenty of beautiful experiences to have in your life.
Keep living user, don't give up to the depression!

bitch ass niggas

Dont starve yourself user, thats the last thing you wanna do. Instead try to choose healthier food meals that are able to sustain you.

Also this

No you fuck off.
This kid isn't going to kill himself, ever.
Stop feeding attention whores.
You're disrespecting people who killed themselves.

Money doesn't have shit to do with it. What's ONE thing that makes you happy? Just one activity, crush, literally anything that you get enjoyment out of? Have you ever learned an instrument?

I love computers

Thats too big of an assumption, id rather put my thoughts out there and help anyone who might be in such a state a tiny bit. You on the other hand are not achieving anything other than boosting your own ego.

epic lulz is true joy


here user i will try to cheer you up.
put a smile on your face!

can't be unseen

>"mental illness"
>still in school
>starving yourself
attention fag. it's called a mood swing.

A mood swing that lasts 9 years
Go fuck yourself

Respect my pronouns!!!!!!

There you go man. Learn programming, or how to build computers, or sell them, and get a job doing it. Boom, happiness. Just take your true interests and pursue them, man. It's that simple. Eschew the negative influences in your life and pursue the positive, and never look back.

I already do programming and built my computer, she's called EVE

Think about all the beautiful and wonderful moments that are waiting for you in life.

New music that you will love
Going to travel in a beautiful place
Learning new abilities and feeling a sense of accomplishment...

Stay alive user, life are too valuable to just give up on them
i think this fits my mental image of you. try it out.

I enjoyed that song, thank you user

Suicidal thoughts are different than being suicidal. Believe me, my girlfriend has dealt with that same issue with the obnoxious little voice in your head, but she is still an incredibly happy woman with interests and things she loves to do. Just tune it out as best you can. I know it's hard but it's absolutely worth it.

The suicidal thoughts are constant, they never go away, I am suicidal, I research methods to kill myself, I know how I would do it if the time ever really came. I'm seeing a new psychologist on Monday, I might get put into a mental hospital. I'm scared and alone.

I'm also very, very drunk, although it might now show in my typing because I'm not retarded.

It sounds like you just lack serotonin in your brain, because you still have interests and desires but you have constant ideations. Just let your psychologist help you, and see where your neurotransmitter balance is at. A lot of times there is a simple medication that can help you, and you can be referred to a psychiatrist for a prescription. But this is not the end of the road

And believe me, you will NOT be thrown in a mental hospital against your will or anything like that. There's nothing to be afraid of. All they're going to do is run some assessments to see how they can help you. My girlfriend and thousands of other people have the same problem, it's not just you. But you can be helped it certainly won't involve involuntary commitment. As someone who worked in a mental hospital for a couple months I can guarantee you that.


I'll post a sad video because the thread demands it, but don't do it man. Similarly, I got into dancing because I had those thoughts and the process of improvement has helped me a lot.

My Dad is important enough that I can get therapy for free. I'll be seeing a new psychologist on Monday but I'm honestly afraid. I'm already on fluoxetine (20mg, upped to 40mg 2 days ago). I have researched methods to kill myself a lot recently, I really do fear that I may be forced into a hospital. The fact that I actively research methods to kill myself will probably be considered as a legitimate danger which warrants me being put into a hospital.

I could deal with being shoved into a hospital if my Mum didn't have to find out.

It terrifies me that she might know what really goes on inside my mind.