Innovative jazz

Are there any jazz artists who are actually doing anything innovative? I like The Epic but I have to admit that it's not innovative at all.

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I came up with a new playing technique

The Epic is one of the most boring fucking things to ever exist.

It has its high points and works as a throat clearing exercise for the last 17-18 years

Me too

There are so many musicians doing great things with improvised music. You just need to leave your house once in a while and see these people.

Is this jazz?


David Binney!

Download link?

After this album there should have been a collective "right, let's go with it" and there wasn't. I think ms. Washington should be given another attempt

Well done, keep it to your chest

Well, he's clearly going with it, as he's collaborated with hip hop artists.


You're saying everybody should have just decided to start watering down their music to make it more accessible to hip hop and rock fans in order to sell albums and be popular?

The whole album is on YouTube

That sounded like a really long sound check...

Thanks, but I'd rather listen to more than 64 kbps. I think I'll find the album in archives.

Listen to it on youtube to see if you like it and if you do then you should purchase t

I've never listened to him before. Should I start with this album or one of his other ones? JTG seems to think some of his other albums are much better.

You must be a really great musician.

(Not really)

>white jazz

no thanks

I don't know, is it?

fuck off

Cool. Just keep listening to Kamasi "Pentatonic Scale" Washington then

quote me where I said I listen to Kamasi Memeington

I think it's about on the same level as Barefooted Town and Anacapa, but I haven't heard all of his albums. I'm still getting into his discography. It looks like jtg isn't that big on Anacapa though either.

We'll he's black so he must be good right?

here's something new cool and innovative you can do with jazz

forget that trash ever existed

that's not at all what I said brainlet

>haha joke's on you! I'm not completely retarded. Only half retarded.

Damn, you said it brother!

if jazz never existed, music would be massively different right now, especially rock, which owes credit for 90 percent of what people call "innovation" to jazz

racist faggot

This is pretty fucking awesome, but the hype machine hadn't caught on, probably for the best:

Fuck Fantano. He stopped caring about music years ago.

The best modern jazz is electronic fusion

Fire! - She Sleeps, She Sleeps
Tashi Dorji/Tyler Damon - Both Will
Anna Hogberg Attack - s/t
Ex Eye - Ex Eye

There ya go, all jazz acts to some extent all going complete opposite directions

What separates jazz from classical? I've seen a few people recently on Sup Forums saying that jazz is just post-classical and I don't understand their argument

>What separates jazz from classical?
Blues harmony

That was just a fucking dumb pol thread


das racis

t. nu male

Innovation is a meme.

Could I have the gist?

vocals don't fit the rest, akward to listen to
also pretty generic vidjeo
wut that sax also doesn't fit at all

isn't this just two songs mixed?

and what the fugg does "t. something" mean?

A. D. D. Trio, Paavo, Tipographica, Samurai Jazz, the list goes on...

Someone exploiting the option of no moderation and the oh so satisfying opportunity of being a jerk on the internet for free.

t. newfag

Brad Mehldau


more like, been-away-for-a-while-fag

Preeeeettttyyyy much everything?
Classical can be vaguely described as a musical dictatorship, with the composer creating a vision for the piece
While jazz is more like a democracy, setting up chord progressions and then having pretty much anyone doing what they want as long as it still sounds cohesive
It's why classical pieces should sound pretty much the same no matter who plays them, and why jazz standards can sound wildly different between who's playing them or even between sets

Nobody on Sup Forums knows anything about Jazz OP I'd look elsewhere.

For complex, grandoise compositions, there's Threadgill and Leo Smith; Ken Vandermark is also at the vanguard of jazz composition, though his seem much more humble than the previous two mentioned. Nate Wooley is doing some innovative stuff, timbrally and compositionally, mostly with his solo works. Ikue Mori, Okkyung Lee, Fred Lonberg-Holm, and Le Quan Ninh (esp. with Michel Doneda) are some performers that consistently challenge the timbral boundaries of their instruments, but most performers who are "good" in free improv/jazz are constantly maturing/ evolving

>Killimajaro Dark Jazz Ensemble
Theyre a little old now, but some nice tracks in there

and you do?
what makes you think we don't if you don't either
not saying that I do, I'm just looking for names

>lots of differences between the genre (instruments, performance and performers, time and place, improvisation, intended audience) then I wondered about the similarities which I thought was the better question

good post


>Fire! - She Sleeps, She Sleeps
easily one of the least interesting mats' records in last years. noodles around build ups but never go somewhere to release the tension
>Tashi Dorji/Tyler Damon - Both Will
isn't it free improv record? that had nice drumming/percussion and shitty guitar freak outs? most free impov records relying too much on on drummers these days. surely paal nillsen love, balasz pandi, eli keszler, chris corsano and plethora of other peeps are great drummers, but hell they collab with some narrow improvisers
>Anna Hogberg Attack - s/t
that's a nice free jazz record that was probably more written than improvised, but there's nothing much to stand out and for average listener it might sound like any other modern free jazz record
>Ex Eye - Ex Eye
r u for real? it's just atmosludge with sax
might as well recommend brain tentacles or merkabah, fuckin hell

the whole concept of the album is building tracks on samples of old work songs and prison chain gang field recordings and such

I personally don't like that track too much - or other parts where the guitar is that prominent, but I listened to Be So Glad a lot last year

it's a relatively interesting album, but I think the first Transcendence album is better

dude looks like schoolboy q

No band in any genre is innovative these days, everything had been done before. There's nothing new left.

I'm def not a jazz expert so I may just be talking about normie music but what are /mu thoughts on BadBadNotGood

The Kenny G of our generation


That's Jewazz


I met someone who unironically told me Kenny G is one of the best jazz artists of all time

>might as well recommend brain tentacles or merkabah, fuckin hell
This, why do metal kids think replacing boring metal riffs with boring sax licks means it's jazz?

I'm a tad pleb when it comes to jazz but Cerulean Skies may be the most beautiful piece of music I have ever listened to.