Suppose I want to get into TNG

Suppose I want to get into TNG

Should I watch from the start?

Yes. Suffering the first two seasons makes the rest even better.


It's an episodic show. You lost nothing by just starting with the good episodes

If you want to get into something, you need to have a good experience with it first

Watch Elementary, Dear Data or Cause and Effect first. Then you might just want to go back and check out the filler

the first 2 seasons are 'iffy' but elements from those come back later on. There are also some good ones here and there and even the bad ones are enjoyably silly.



Remember watching the related films when you're done with the series.

Nah, he doesn't need to do that.

>The Neutral Zone

Who made that fucking list?

I swear I've been seeing more and more troll infographs like this on Sup Forums and Sup Forums.


I mean yeah, the characters are introduced and start developing at the beginning.

>disagree with 1 episode out of 176
>therefore it's a troll list

If you know shit about TNG there is much more wrong there than just 1 episode. Did you make it? You have terrible taste in Trek if this isnt a troll image.

I'm just sick of you "first two seasons were the best two seasons" contrarians shitting up the threads.

And yes, "shitting up" is the correct phrase to use, since you've now progressed to the point of calling anyone who disagrees with you a troll.

This is the plebbest list Ive ever seen.

>it gets good 48 episodes in

Kill yourself dawg.

>anybody who disagrees with me should kill themselves
It's just a fucking Sup Forums show.

It really isn't worth this level of aggravation.

Their going to give the Klingons ridged heads in Discovery aren't they?

Youre the one getting mad over others calling out your shit taste dawg. Maybe Trek isnt for you.

hope not, Enterpeise established why no ridges

Should I watch the new star trek when it comes out if I've never watched any before?

I know, its the default design but they've acknowledged the change in-universe.

I'm also watching ENT, Daniels just said the Klingon are part of the Federation, wtf?

Star Trek is a fun franchise, and you'll be missing out if you avoid watching any of the prior TV series.

its gonna be a 10 episode mini-series, properly not exactly like the other treks but more accessible for a new viewer, modernised and self contained.

Daniels is from the far future, I suppose in his time the Klingons joined.

Not too unbelievable, considering they were becoming closer and closer allies through the end of DS9

13 episodes

well I got it was from the future but cant imagine that happening, the Klingons would have to give up a lot of their Warrior ways and they always seemed stubborn.

I suppose he could've meant Klingons in general rather than the empire itself.

Then you lack imagination.

>BEVERLY CRUSHER – Leslie's 35-year-old mother. She serves as the chief medical officer on the Enterprise. If it were not for her intelligence, personality, beauty, and the fact that she has a natural walk of a striptease queen, Capt. Picard might not have agreed to her request that Leslie observe bridge activities; therefore letting her daughter's intelligence carry events further.

What did Gene mean by this?

Wesley might have actually been a better character as a girl, then we could call her Mary Sue.

perhaps I don't want to imagine it.
like i said they would have to change completely, which would make them less interesting.

It's like when you prefer to see two different types of characters interact.

All they have to do is act like Worf while on-duty.

He still likes honorable combat, but he also knows how to control himself and follow peaceful orders.

> the Klingons would have to give up a lot of their Warrior ways and they always seemed stubborn.
The Klingons are just a planet of hats, user

They can literally be summed up by one phrase: "We fight for honor," because hack TV writers like to write alien races as all being about one thing even though it makes zero sense

don't fall for the ds9 meme

I always liked how Worf was the most ignorant person when it came to Klingon culture. He had this idealized concept of honor and other Klingons just kept on stabbing him in the back.

One user put it perfectly, that Worf had only read up on Klingon culture via Space Wikipedia and thought that's what it was like

He's like a white Muslim convert, yeah.

Start from S05E17

accurate depiction of muh heritage fags

Not really, their society places high importance on honor but as individuals they see it as something that can hurt/benefit their social standing. Vulcan logic is closer to what you're talking about.

You will love it and end up watching it all any way. Marathon the first two seasons and then set phasers to comfy.

You're talking about like the best Klingon episodes from DS9 or something

Most of the time they just fight for honor

tbf it is mentioned there are others out of the the warrior class we just barely see them.

In production order.

There's an episode of ENT where the Klingon Lawyer laments the rise of the Warrior caste above all other classes of Klingon society and their underhanded ways.

Then the high council rots away for 200 years and they become fully corrupt.

Then they have a civil war

Then they vote in a madman for their highest office

Then they have another civil war

Then ???

Then Martok makes Qo'noS great again.

Then Martok becomes chancellor, has all the corrupt fucks killed and ushers in a new and strong era for the Empire.

So which is objectively the GOAT episode?

The first two are by far the greatest.

Dear Trek friends:
Whenever you see a "which episode should I watch" Trek thread please ignore it and immediately make a real Star Trek thread to compete with it. Only in this manner will we rid ourselves of these terrible threads.

Thank you,


>ctrl+f organs
>0 results
is this the right thread? am i lost?

Start with Wrath of Kahn, and watch the classic movies until you get board, then goto TNG, it's true because TNG is based off the TOS movies, the style and everything, it's why Worf was there.

It's more a stylistic thing, but it's how TNG was made to be watched was after the movies. TOS episodes are optional, but just start with WRATH OF KAHN.

Good movie regardless, most people wouldn't think to start with the movies.

Thread dead.

Please see:
for the current Star Trek thread.