Why are all youtube reviewers gay and/or austistic?

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Lack of Friends, Projecting, wanting to be a star without going down the hard route. Same as people on any social media. People who care too much about nothing at all.

How comes thye get a lot of followers? are the fans autisitc or am i missing something?

Because people that waste time watching shit like that are faggots and/or retarded.

Mostly 8-18 year olds or just normies. The reddit crowd too. They follow it because they've grown up on it. It's the new media, without any reading or self thought on the topic.

It's literally baby feed information with someone being over emotional. I mean if you look at any game news channel, they're either have a 'RAGE' fit at some video game or some pointless shit around games.

It's unfocused emotion that distracts the viewers from anything else. More emotion™, the more the viewer will be sucked in. It's how any gossip magazine or reality TV show works.

So yes it's autism but not the good kind.

They're probably from Sup Forums

anyone who is that attention seeking has problems

99% of them get paid nothing but they want attention

demanding attention is a feminine (gay) trait

autism is because they dont realise that they're embarrassing themselves to potentially billions of people, they don't think that far ahead or understand what it means to be embarrassed

ty for the info. i started looking at some of the reviewers that get posted here and they are all like, manchildren. i guess the people can relate?

>I mean if you look at any game news channel, they're either have a 'RAGE' fit at some video game or some pointless shit around games.

oh fuck i stumbled on this cunt called angry moe and i have never wanted to leap through the screen and punch anyone so fucking hard.

Whats his excuse?

omg the first 30 seconds of that video is the most cringeworthy shit i have ever seen. can someone tell me how to make it into a gif please so i can terrorise message boards with it.

It's a sad world in there. I usually watch youtube channels that don't film themselves, or only talk about the subject matter. Who never cause any drama or not want any

Tell that to Zod's snapped Neck!

the vast majority of people who actually go to youtube for original content are preteens and early teens.

This would be fine if shit on youtube wasn't being confused for a cultural landmark with people between 18 and 35.

we're basically creating a society of women, geez i wonder who could benefit from this

>Someone says kys
>is a leafy fan
why do they do it? to show their age?

No one. No one benefits. If the jews ever wanted control of media (rather than simply profit), they've lost it.

>youtube reviewer
>gay and autistic
Why can't people realize this question answers itself

>we're basically creating a society of women

kek no like i say manchildren, and you sound like one of the basement dwelling ones

I can forgive younger youtubers, but most of the worst are like in their 30's-40's and most are weeaboos.

Also not to be cruel i find it very hard to believe chris isnt gay. My friend looks exactly like him (but asian) and is the gayest person to walk the earth.

Nice dubs

omg just checking out his older videos hes a total perv was he single back then?

is dat sum bunneh :3c


more bunneh

>"pass the controller bro"

i dont get it. but kek anyway.

this is bunneh


>ywn solve the case of the missing carrots with detective bunneh


Dont worry, he still loves you.

so fuccn cuddly holy fucc

Hes a very distinguised gentlebun donchaknow

can we get some bunnehcore lists pls?

I'm way behind when it comes to rabbitkino

you want cuddly? you want CUDDLY? I'LL GIVE YOU FUCKING CUDDLY!


That is not a bunneh. THIS IS A BUNNEH!


>ywn curl up and take a nap with giant bunnehfu

we big guys now

use google faggot

Heres some rabbitkino


get out hothead

does he believe he isnt gay?

Why not? Many are abandoned at sanctuaries and its really sad. i would adopt a few sf i had the money they apparently need lots of cuddles a day and get sad without them ;_;

Well hes got a wife nao so.....

>mfw currently training my puppup to hunt rabbits

Why isnt there a bunzilla movie? i would watch that.


Is that because you're too much of a fat faggot to catch them yourself?

Lemme guess....american?


this guy channels Tom Cruise really well. Makes good use of his autism

why the fuck do people actually care about the oscars?
they mean nothing, they dont validate shit, all they are is an ego boost for the celebrities that win them, i will never understand why people bitch and moan
like so fucking what, does that mean you or any other person will enjoy the film less, if you watched the movie adn enjoyed it or its direction or its cinematography then it did its job, a gold statue doesn't cement shit. also the oscars are far too predictable anyway, the very fact that there is only one foreign language section and the rest of the films are in english shows how retarded it is

joining this thread
I saved a baby bunny from my dog yesterday

I want to hug that bunny

awww lil babby!

yeah i dont get it either however he wants to be a movie maker/screen writer so maybe he gets mad because he believes his work wont get nominated which, lets be honest, is a given

Plebs need their opinions validated by the masses and most of them are smart enough to know that ticket sales aren't a good validation, so they crave more.

I remember saying this exact same thing when a fight broke out in a capeshit thread.

fuck off newfag

make me faggot.

My bunneh died last year.
It was very difficult because the little guy was handsome and had a great personality.

Didn't know Sup Forums liked them.
I knew you wanted to fuck them tho :3

Tv isnt a hivemind, i like rabbits but am not a furry but then im not a guy so maybe not a surprise.

Go back to London or post more bunnykino

pay me to back to london and i will
i miss london :(

heres more bunnykino tho

>shit thread gets saved by rabbits


kek chris is that you?


Sorry, friend. You've got the wrong guy.

Well you sounded pretty salty so cant blame me making that mistake.