He clearly doesn't listen to much jazz

he clearly doesn't listen to much jazz

Other urls found in this thread:


lol no shit

Im honestly really embarrassed for him that he would even attempt this review with how little he knows about jazz.

Yeah he struggled through that review
I wouldn't think less of the guy if he stuck to reviewing indie and hip-hop

Lmao. Look at Sup Forums trying to shit on the most relevant music critic rn.

jazz is about as far outside of a hXc punk bro's wheelhouse as you can get

at least with proggy stuff, he knows enough to sound informed when he's shitting on it

jazz is hard because it has very little in common with punk, but unlike other genres his punk sensibilities don't give him an easy out like "just shit on it"

Okay but he still doesn't know shit about jazz.

>nepotism: the album
be friends with famous and influential artists, pay pitchfork to give your album a good review, and hipsters around the world who have never listened to a note of jazz before will claim to love your mediocre 3 hour long jazz album that they didn't listen to either.

Doesn't change a thing.

Melon really is clueless on jazz, there's no defending it really

It's a massive album that is probably mindblowing for anyone who hasn't really heard much jazz, but sounds like totally diluted forms of jazz we've had since the 60s and 70s

How do you find out about new jazz anyway? P4k's jazz reviews aren't really any better.

you're completely forgetting that this dude has been considered a jazz giant (hence the band the little jazz giants or w/e he was in) since he was in his mid-teens, same with Ronald Bruner and whoever else grew up with him in that area of commiefornia. it's not like all of these people were just handed to him on a platter.

Neither 95% of Sup Forums

>most relevant music critic
>music critic
you're clueless and probably 17 years old

He has admitted plenty of times that he doesn't usually review jazz albums because he doesn't know much about the genre. Not sure what you're trying to prove here, that he hasn't already said himself.

That's not Myke C-Town.

lol no, nobody outside of that part of California knew who he was. He's never played with anybody good or on any good records. He played with a couple rappers and that's it.

Jazz giants are the people who grow up playing with the older jazz legends and then go their own way when they become adults.

>Sup Forums still all over Fantano's dick

stop it

So why did he review Kamasi then you stupid little fuck?

>doesn't stalk Discogs releases marked 2017 with Jazz tags
you shame me

>doesn't usually
>doesn't usually review jazz albums

You don't have to assign any worth to his opinions, not sure why you really care desu

>Lmao. Look at Sup Forums trying to shit on the most relevant music critic rn.
Some critics suffer from the lack of memes and emotional descriptors. Make sure to never even attempt to watch those. They use big, scary words too.


stick the word "vegan" before pizza rolls and this is literally fantano


hi Anthony

is it a good record? looking to get more into jazz


Give me some of what you already like

on a serious note use discogs and then try and look for some jazz forums or follow record label blogs ( the best way to find any music really)

mmmm you don't know what you're talking about

There are some amazing tracks but it's too long for its own good
I wouldn't NOT recommend it though

this, even if the guy had a lot of respect as a musician already, his association his kendrick and flylo blew him out of the water. So much great jazz is still being made, but this is all the p4k kids will cite.

God tier jazz coming through


Yeah, jazz is tough to review. I'm not a big Fantano fan, but I have sympathy for him here. I tried it once when I wrote for the newspaper and it was difficult just to get two OK-sounding paragraphs out.

I have a feeling that even if you know the ins-and-outs of jazz, it's still hard to create an accessible review because you'll be talking about things that only insiders understand.

>implying Fantano isn't relevant
I didn't use to think so until I noticed that right after he reviews something, it gets a steady stream of dls on soulseek. A decent amount of people want to hear what he has to say. We personally might not care for his taste or his reviews but that doesn't mean much.

Fuck off drone

post an original jazz album to talk about - which isn't so obscure that no one will respond to it.
you are what kills Sup Forums

I genuinely really like that Komeda Quintet album tho

Have you heard his ST for Cul-de-Sac? God-tier if you ask me

I did not hear it, thanks for the rec

How about listening to recommended albums and not discussing the same 10 albums for the rest of time?

>post an original jazz album to talk about - which isn't so obscure that no one will respond to it.
Sorry dude, not here to spoonfeed your big babby's taste
>you are what kills Sup Forums
Oh really? Good, that board deserves to be nuked considering the quality of what gets posted here regularly outside of the generals

Pretty damn accurate user

i download and listen to most of what I'm rec'd in chart threads - not sure what your point is.
if you have an album to talk about that fits the criteria i put maybe you'll have the discussion you want

>Relevant music critic
Such a thing doesn't exist
Name ONE that had any sort of impact on the musical landscape
Musicians are just gonna make what they make anyways

OP here

I actually enjoyed the album, but it's clearly not a 9/10 given the wealth of great jazz out there. It's a pretty standard triple album by jazz standards, not very interesting past a few listens

>you're completely forgetting that this dude has been considered a jazz giant (hence the band the little jazz giants or w/e he was in) since he was in his mid-teens,

lol no he hasn't

>i dont make jazz but let me clearly state on an anonymous image board that this jazz album isnt TRUE jazz

unironically scaruffi, also go to shows

>mmmm you don't know what you're talking about
Damn, you sure proved him wrong how. How about some examples? No? He's just wrong because you said it?

Jazz is for maths teachers and the mentally ill

The guy is a joke, I dont understand how anyone can take him seriously


truly he is the most relevant culture critic of all the skeptic community


you wud tho wudnt u ;)

Jazzthreadguy's reviews are good p

eh, it's jazz intended and marketed for that audience, I don't see what the problem is with reviewing it

yea kamasi is pretty shitty p4k flavor of the month

Plenty of hardcore/punk bands were influenced by jazz music, Universal Congress Of and The Minutemen being prominent examples.

It's been almost a decade now, time to stop hoping Sup Forums will change.

I remember something similar happened with Battles when the first album came out. People were getting assblasted about muh "not TRUE math rock".

>is it Rock?
>decent 6

...Like Clockwork is a Rock album and he gave it a 9.

>HAH, Sup Forums BTFO !!!!
seriously though, what is your comment trying to convey?

Im curious, can anyone recommend some good jazz material released in the past ~3 years?

I love my melon, but this is a pretty fantastic chart.


a lot of his favorite albums are rock albums so I don't really get that part.

so many great jazz albums from this decade he could review yet he picks the biggest meme one, basically because it's on the same label as all his favorite entry-level """"IDM"""" crap


the only thing accurate about this is the jazz/electronic part

I don't know why people think fantano is biased towards hip-hop. he completely shits on the majority of popular hip-hop and praises more underground/alternative shit. he gave DAMN. a 7, he gave Big Fish Theory a 6, he panned the shit out of Teenage Emotions, he gave the new Logic a 5, he gave the new Gorillaz a 5, he gave the new Kodack Black a 4, he gave the new 21 Savage a 3, he gave the new Freddie Gibbs a 6, he gave the last two Drake albums 4 and 5 respectively, he gave Drunk a 5, he has panned every Future album he has reviewed, he gave that Lil Ugly Mane project a 5, he has panned all of Kanye's albums that he's reviewed, etc. etc. etc.

where does this meme that he praises the shit out of all rap come from?

Oh, art music is for mentally ill. Only mentally ill people truly care about music? Good to know. I'm sure one of these geniuses told you that:

This physically hurts.

look at his 10 scores dummy

Not an alltime classic but this was enjoyable

>Neither 95% of Sup Forums
i didn't realize 95% of Sup Forums prided themselves on being the world's most famous music critic and held himself on some skeptical and music descriptive and or deconstructing pedestal

>The Money Store (2 white guys, one black guy)
>To Be Kind (6 white guys)
>To Pimp A Butterfly (1 black guy)

>total: 2 black rappers (although you could argue Death Grips isn't even rap, also Kendrick is conscious not thug stuff), 8 white guys who do other stuff

yeah man I'm really seein' that black thug rapper bias, hmmmm

>Kendrick made TPAB by himself

didn't say that but it is in fact credited to him as a solo artist

Swans didn't make To Be Kind themselves either, they had various guest vocalists (ex: St. Vincent) and other people on or doing production for the album (who were white)

also Kendrick had help from white people on TPAB

He gave madvillainy an illegimate 10 if that counts?

source? I don't seem to remember that.

Just started listening to this and I'm already contemplating why I don't listen to jazz more. Suggestions for more good shit?

It's crazy how accurate this is

that's really true.

well its on his rym and he talked about it in a video named "what is a classic" or something

well if we're going by his RYM, he also has multiple Weezer and Bowie albums rated as 5/5

Michael Haggins daybreak

pic related for all the jazz babies asking to be spoonfed.

Vijay Iyer - Break Stuff
Steve Lehman - Mise en Abime
Wadada Leo Smith - Ten Freedom Summers
Maria Schneider - The Thompson Fields
