Anyone have the uncensored nudes that leaked of us congress woman STACEY PLASKETT? she represents the virgin islands

Anyone have the uncensored nudes that leaked of us congress woman STACEY PLASKETT? she represents the virgin islands

All I could find was this. BUMP for the uncensored? I wanna see dem big TITTIES

b u m p


Ayy nice find. Bumping for interest

God damn.

Found it OP

Holy shit those are nice tits

bump for serious interest

those trips don't lie.

here ya go, lads

US Virgin Islands don't get a Congressperson, they elect a delegate who can go to D.C. and exert no influence of any kind.

Nose looks a little small

she can influence THIS DICK

Nah, I'm not in to bestiality

where was she hiding those things? nice rack



>Sees thread
>Ha that's not going to happ-

Where the photoshop wizards at?


Why woulld you put black bar over the good part? Fuckin faggot. Show the real 1.


bump for interest

bump for two interests

So she hired this staffer so she could fuck him? Or she did and then broke it off and he got angry?

I think the staffer just stole the pics off her phone.

Weird link though for that guy to be on that reality show, funny though

For the love of god, bump.

