Minnesota or North Dakota girls. Post yours. Pic related Serena from Coon Rapids MN

Minnesota or North Dakota girls. Post yours. Pic related Serena from Coon Rapids MN


Stillwater here


Fargo ND


more of this lovely bush


701 fag reporting in. Trying to find oc I hid from a few years.

There is no reason for this thread. Same pics every time. Not enough people know about Sup Forums to get the nudes you actually want. Time to give it up.

Fargo as well!

Bump for MN

It's a dmn shame, so many womans that I wish I could fine :(

Brooklyn Park here.

So who wants to go get some shitty I hop food tomorrow night? I haven't encountered many btards around here

i've gotten wins


also OP, try using a pic of the MN flag next time or the state of MN. It catches the eye of people in "catalog"



I literally just deleted a photo of this girl I had in my phone that I fucked a while back post smash. Thought her name was Sonya, was drunk.

Same tattoos, same hair, same butt dimples, same awesome ass.

Anyone got Bismarck?

boy who are those fargo sluts >_>