So /b is it possible to be depressed and not actually sad about anything...

So /b is it possible to be depressed and not actually sad about anything? I never thought I'm depressed but a friend sat me down and tried to have a conversation and wouldn't believe I'm not going through something.

I am awake all the time, I sleep 2-4 hours a day maybe, I never eat which is making me uncomfortably skinny, I don't really shower much and I stopped shaving. I don't go out with my friends and I don't have a job. I don't really talk to a lot of people anymore. The list goes on but I have an excuse for why I do all that stuff.

An I depressed about something subconsciously? So subconsciously that I'm not even vaguely aware?

Because really I'm just content where I'm at in life, I have no problems, being happy and content made me lazy. I realized a lot of my friends were users so I stopped hitting anyone up and I've just been learning stuff and working on myself for the last year almost.

Also nudes

Other urls found in this thread:

I also drink alone at least 4 nights a week, I do other illicit substances fairly regularly but not usually alone though. I don't drink drive but I drive really fast. The friend that tried to have a "sit down" with me thinks I'm engaging in risky behavior because I want to accidentally kill myself.

Tried to tell him I'm just stupid and have bad impulse control sometimes. My brains just like, "this drives boring, you should speed up a little." Then I'm hitting 105 and screaming out my windows. But I don't want to die or anything.

depression and sadness are two different things

Also im going through what you're going through right now too

your serotonin levels might be low though

try hitting the gym or something


clinical depression =/= sad. you are describing textbook clinical depression symptoms, sadness not required.

I actually run pretty often but I don't lift or anything. I mostly run because it gets boring being awake 20 hours a day so I just kill my lungs running and smoking ganja on trails near my house.

You think I could actually be depressed though?

Yeah, I'm just here for more of girl in OP.

But shouldn't I feel bad in some way or the other? I looked up the symptoms and I definitely recognized a LOT of stuff in my everyday life.


insomnia could also mean anxiety, which has a lot of overlap. you have to remember that the common usage of these words is not the same as the clinical usage. you should tell these things to a doctor. you've probably got a serotonin issue or something effecting sleep/apetite/motivation/etc



>So /b is it possible to be depressed and not actually sad about anything?

Yes. There is a huge difference between being depressed and being sad. Many depressed people would kill to be able to even feel sadness or just remember what it felt like.

no actually, not all cases of depression are like the dramatizations you see in films, you arent necessarily going to be constantly bummed about some specific thing. it sounds like you have a lot of coping mechanisms (drugs, risky behavior) that your brain may be using to try and level out your hormone levels and those are not the healthy ways to do that.

Teenage Angst: The Post.


I don't have any health insurance so a doctor is out of the question. I'm not struggling or anything and my life is stupid easy. I feel like I hit the lottery or something compared to my life working a 9-5. It was just really weird having a friend so concerned and so certain I'm lying about something. Like dude seemed pissed I wouldn't tell him some problem I'm keeping in. It was cool knowing he had my back but an intense strange moment all the same.

I can kind of get that. Like all the emotions I get is happiness pretty much. Like my loved ones have died and everyone's crying but I feel out of place because I'm just thinking about them probably being happy, one of my good friends attacked me over a basketball game and literally getting hit in the face 6 times by someone I trusted want enough to make me mad just confused, I don't even get super happy. I don't wake up in bad moods. People act like they think I'm balling stuff up but it seriously just doesn't affect me. Not to sound like a hard ass or anything. It's just something I've delt with for a long time.


seeing a primary care 1 time is cheaper than buying insurance every month. this doesnt require surgery.

I'll have to look into that. I had 9 kidney stones last year and went to the hospital. $4,000 later they told me it was stones, gave me some norco 5s, and sent me on my way. I haven't even considered medical care again in my life.



ya ive delt with stones, unfortunately when you're dealing with stabbing organ pain they have to rule things out in order of severity (so you dont die) rather than order of likelihood, and that's way more expensive than going to a clinic for $30 and getting a $20 SSRI script


Would fuck until death

Yea I guess that's the truth. I still thought $4000 was a ridiculous ticket to not get any help. I already knew it was stones from webmd. I was pissing straight blood, like no urine and it felt like fire. So my girlfriend forced me to go, I was definitely scared even knowing what was wrong so I just went with it.



ya, but if it were gallstones instead and they gave you kidney stone meds you coulda died.


I don't plan on paying it anyway so idk why I'm bitching about it. It would be cool to see a doctor if I am fucked up. Even if I don't realize I'm fucked up I should probably fix some shit before signs start showing up.



depending on where you are they may see you a couple times before you get a bill in the mail. as long as you dont sugar coat it and tell them the sorta stuff you posted they'll probably get you on a cheap antidepressant. I hope it helps. i know it pulled me out of a super funk i didnt know i was in. turns out my serotonin re uptake wasn't working right and shit is fixed now.

That's wild. I'm glad to hear it helped though. You don't have to like take pills every day do you? Like it fixed what was wrong? Or are you still treating it but not living with any symptoms?




i was on effexor and an antihistamine every day for a year (not expensive) and then it started to give me headaches. I guess that was a sign i didnt need it anymore because when i stopped it to reevaluate none of my symptoms returned. and that was 6 years ago.

Know this girl irl. Got to tongue punch that fart box on multiple occasions through the years.

Hell yea that's what I want to hear. I enjoy pharmaceuticals but I'd never wanna be one of those people that have to have a scheduled medicine regimen every day.

I'll look into effexor but why antihistamine? Isn't that for like allergies? I know I can Google it but lazy af man.



serotonin also affects your intestines, i think it was to help with some of digestion problems, and lack of appetite. that's what worked for me, you may need something different. the brain hormone issues all share the same pool of symptoms so it can take some time to narrow down, but it's worth it.


Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Yea I guess it would be cool to be able to actually get angry at shitty people rather than just recognizing their shittyness and just not caring at all. My natural reaction to that is smiling and laughing which confuses some and pisses most off. It's not my fault done people are really in their feelings and I'm not.

You're correct sir, I won't challenge any doubt.






Save this and email the guy. He's been around doing this since 20012 at least and he's good