So about two weeks ago I'm going through my step-sisters shit while she was out of town...

So about two weeks ago I'm going through my step-sisters shit while she was out of town. She told me before hand I could take some of her coke if I left cash, whatever. Well I'm going through all her shit and I find this. I honestly had no idea what it was at first, just thought it was a normal vibrator/dildo or whatever. Fast forward to yesterday and I'm using her mac to dick around on the internet since it was already there on the couch and I didn't feel like going upstairs to get my computer. Well I go into autopilot and dont even realize what I'm doing when I see some funny shit and go to save it and the folder it goes in is full of these japanese comics of stepsisters growing dicks and shit and fucking their stepbrothers. I read a few of the comics and now I'm now scared shes gonna try and drug me and fuck me (happened in one of the comics) with that weird dildo thing. What do? I'm not into that shit

Dont be a fag, user.

do it faggot


Drug her and fuck her first

Fuck her first.

You fuck her and in exchange she fucks you win win don't be a fag

Kill her

Don't be a pussy.

Did you suck on it?

Picture of sister pls

Is she hot?

stop being a gay faggot and go get fucked in the ass

This was just a sample of the PAGES of shit she had save, some of it was color some just b&w, most was English but I saw a few that were all Japanese characters and I'm pretty sure Jennifer cant read japanese. It's all weird af

FYI, it's a strapless strap on

post moar

let her fuck your ass so you can fuck her pussy. it seems like a good trade off if she's hot enough.

Post pics of her

>It's like a swamp inside your ass!
Welp, not even shit is gonna save you. better hope she lubes up

We're gonna need a pic of your sis user.

You gotta be proactive OP, take the dildo and shove it up your ass becoming the human embodiment of dickbutt

(pic for reference)

post pics after btw

Holy shit, yes.

Let her fuck you

First, post her
Then tell her you'll be her slave if she fucks you like the sissy you are.

Confront her about it, make sure to have some sort of weapon, I dont know what to say but it seems like you're not going to post a picture so Im guessing shes butt ugly. So avoid the your anus being raped.

Make it happen op. I would if I were you

this man speaks truth. you have a fantasy on your hands, OP, and you're being a little bitch about it. let your stepsister get a strapon and wreck your boipucci

This is her for all yall wanting to see what the face of a sick fuck looks like

>not going for it
OP is a gay fag, you fuck her in the ass and she fucks you

she can fuck me any day and twice on sundays ...

Fucking fags.

8/10 would let her drug and rape me

Hotttttt, let her fuck youuuuuuu

Browsing Sup Forums for quality content is like fishing. You gotta wait til night for all the weak ass young fish to fuck off first. Then all the big delicious weird stuff comes to the surface.

Throw yo boy in the screen cap!

OP Listen to me, these guys saying to let her fuck you are trolls and the other half are closet fags who cant accept the fact that they love dick. Please dont do this.

>throw it in the trash or sell it

what's gay about that m8

>not doing it with GUTS AND HARD WORK
nice try faggot

yeah goddamn right

im not into this pasta


seriously faggots, this shit story is fake as fuck

I'm not, I just dont want this to be some sort of fantasy she plays out after I fall asleep one night or something. I mean shes a weird girl and all but after reading comics of chicks drugging their brothers and tying them up and fucking them all night with either dick growth potions or weird strap-ons, I'm honestly scared of her now

If she was my step sister I'd let her rape me

what if it was one of her friends that wants t sex you

Well most fetishes are the concept rather than the practice so you're probably safe.

I'd still fuck her though faggot. If her coke is good she's worth a dildo in the ass for - if it isn't fuck her once and never again.

She ain't going to drug you - that shit's hard to do.

OP me again, mike pence. Please confront her about it, and make sure to grab a weapon you dont know what the crazy bitch will do.

yeah, tbh the dickbutt thing is funny but don't do this, guaranteed you will regret this for the rest of your life. In addition, this will seriously impact your relationship with your stepsister and things will never be the same. You also don't have any proof that she wants to do this to you, your just making assumptions.

While I would agree with you, she had lube and what I am now finding out to be a FUCKING STRAPLESS DILDO so yeh I wish this was just a fantasy but then why the props?

you are full of shit and are looking for Sup Forums to fuck with her. How about you just post all of the pics of her, so i can jerk off to her. All awhile, I fantasize about her fucking me while i snort all her coke

Accept your life as your stepsister's sissy slave, user.

put me on le screencape too lole


Listen - You're what 160 lbs? Getting a good drug to drug you on is a literal pain in the ass - that's the weight where it kills you if you go to high and it doesn't work if you go too low. Plus you can't even get erect in that state so while her power-play fetish doesn't seem to need that it does seem like she wants some of that. The props are just for getting her off - don't confront her because if it is just fantasy you'll both embarrass her and nothing's going to happen.

Maybe take the role of the seducer? Leave doors unlocked while you jack off, make noise - I dunno I don't think it will work but that seems to be the only semi-non-retarded idea. I don't think you need to worry about anything if you don't want to fuck her though.


Look, I know how many different types of porn there are out there, and for her to have a practical treasure trove of a VERY specific, niche stepsister fucking stepbrother shit ALL over her computer and then the fucking props to pull it off... I dont think I'm assuming anything here

She could just be bi and have it for when she has chicks over.

then she would have way different porn on her computer

OP, she's literally giving you cocain, at what point do you realize that maybe something is not right with the cocain, If I were you I wouldn't even touch shit she gives me.

Shit dude we all have weird porn, did you look to see if there were more folders hidden?

She obviously has nudes somewhere. Do your job op

dude, ive jerked it to some pretty weird stuff too. (yeah im bragging) that being said these are just fantasy's. I would never act on such things. "words" are one thing actions are another. I would imagine if people had a chance to look at the laundry list of things youve knuckle shuffled your piss pump to people would assume a lot of fucked up shit about you as well.

wanna switch sisters?

A fetish doesn't mean anything - think about it this way;

You have a blonde girl who happens to be a friend - if she sees you have blonde porn on your computer she's going to assume you want to fuck her because she's egocentric as a human.

If you get caught looking at MILF porn by your mom she's gonna probably mention Oedipus.

Gay porn and get caught by any dude? Oh you're gay for him obviously.

You caught her with step-brother porn which is pretty specific and you're her step-brother. Most likely? Just a fetish, possibly not but who cares - you're more than likely being egocentric about it.

Lube and Straplessness is hilarious but points more toward her being a lesbian with weird control fetishes. I dunno - I got a fake degree in Craigslist and Fetlife fetishes from 10 years of debauchery, so I might be wrong - but I think you're alright.

crazy whore

>confirmed that this is actually OPs fantasy and he wants his step sister to have sexual relations with him but she never will

Hey you ruined the conversation by calling him out nigga!

Can't ruin the obvious, just like you can't rape the willing lmao

I can't get over that discount dildo

Just look at that one fucking ball

you know you whant it

Do you live in Kansas OP?

so OP's sister is a freaky druggy dyke
and OP has full access to her computer, including porn
and OP has not looked for pics and vids of his sister using that feeldo?

The only thing you did not understand is that the real faggot is OP.
He wants to be fucked by his sister, the strapless dildo does not exist, and he's fapping right now

the ball is supposed to be put in the ass and the dick us superposed to hammock out. almost like a dick attachment. bruh your sis is totally into that shit lmao

Fair enough, but I was drunk enough that I could pretend it was his scenario and now I can't...

Nigger you don't see people reading rape hentai going out and raping people, you don't see people fapping to loli then going out and fucking a kid. I think you're good.

kill yourself.

My bad user, have some consolation tits

recognize chick's shirt, says seaside, beach town people in tallahassee frequent. other girl's phone case is an FSU sorority. fake af

I live right near seaside feels good man. Hot chicks rich people and very few niggers


Its all about the Gators man

word is that gators like to get fucked in the ass by their stepsisters

Fake AF! But just in case... OP, what makes you think she hasn't already drugged and raped you? Many times over!

That's a Feeldoe. Invented by a lesbian in Florida.

Tough break user
Delete everything on that folder, and replace them with scornful looking grandmothers and priests

i like this idea

Implant a rat


>sick fuck

calm down everybody has fetishes and most of them are weird. doesn't make her sick though

also you could have probable deniabklity if she asks you why the images were deleted, just say it was a virus. If she ends up asking you about it than she might drop hints and you and your sick mind can get the convo going about doing it

haha i like this idea. and no she doesnt go to FSU or anywhere north of florida.

tell ur sister ill pretend to be her step brother, she can fuck me anytime she wants


make a deal with her boi

Put that shit in your ass and DP her


honestly OP, just ask her about it. Rail a line of coke, bring up that you saw the weird porn but are curious, have her nervously explain, have sex with her. Don't be a fag and be afraid of having a fake cock impale you from behind, you might even cum from the anal, and then you won't regret anything.

God damn it, user. Weird or not she seems kinda hot. You got the opportunity ... seize the day! And post pictures. /thread

>I'm not into that shit

Well you are now

>I just dont want this to be some sort of fantasy she plays out after I fall asleep one night or something.

Don't lie to us.

dont go to Sup Forums for advice

>>let her
It wouldn't be rape.

have you smelled the bulb end?