I fucking LOVE watching baby monkeys get tortured!!!!! Anyone else love it...

I fucking LOVE watching baby monkeys get tortured!!!!! Anyone else love it? I got 3 really good baby monkey torture videos below:




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Well, congrats this is the first time I've ever seen this here
so I guess you've accomplished something today
here's you're (you)

thanks Sup Forumsrother

Same here, I can't say I know why though.
Sup Forums has never helped me find good stuff though.

Short clip but very satisfying.

well today's your lucky day. I've posted some of the best baby monkey torture videos that exist.

the ones i posted are MUCH BETTER

Afraid I've seen them, I feel like I've seen them all, and not restricted to baby monkeys.
here's another of my favorites, however the good stuff doesn't last for too long.

Sad as fuck

oh yea man, i enjoyed that one too.

i guess we've both seen them all

monkeys are evil. I get so high by watching them suffer. It's like a drug


What the fuck

I correct myself, I had not seen the third bideo and it was quite a good one.
Sadly the videos I know with baby monkeys specifically are very numbered and usually in thai or vietnamese so I can't look them up.

what the fuck is wrong with you faggots? you love seeing another animal being abused, can't you understand their pain also what if you were born in their life?!?!?

fucking edgy newfags wioth their HUR DUR WE ARE B AND WE ARE ANONYMOUS DONTY MESS WITH US LOOK HOW TOUGH I AM, fucking kill your self faggot OP do it with gasoline and lit yourself on fire

I think it's instinctive, I will go out on a limb here and say that OP is an animal lover like me, and I'm not proud that monkeys are an exception but they are. Personally the only rational reason I can imagine for hating them is that they have all the characteristics of a spoiled child. Selfish demanding rude and loud, they are like little evil mockeries of humans.

I’m a 37 year old man who would knock you on your fucking ass in a heartbeat if you had the stones to say anything you’ve said to my face.

Seriously, you wouldn’t get out of that conversation with all of your teeth, fuckboy.

yea, the main ones are from Siem Reap, Cambodia. I watch those too

baby monkeys are evil little shits. I FUCKING ENJOY WATCHING THEIR PAIN!

shut the fuck up you faggot cuck.

It saddens me that people like this exist on our earth

I'm not even mad, I just can't fathom the mindset you would need to enjoy this.

hey guys im an edgy little fucking cucklord that loves watching baby animals getting fucking abused i just really need to seek professional help

fucking losers, I hope you get cancer or become a burnt victim so you can suffer and feel what they feel maybe then faggot piece of shit like you can understand

Go fuck your mother little bitch boy

Failing to understand it's not baby animals but baby monkeys, and there are many people out there that hate them specifically. I have been frequenting Sup Forums for the past 7 years and I have not ONCE watched animal abuse because I can't take it, yet I actually ENJOY seeing monkeys being hurt, not proud of it but It just feels instinctive, and for the record, if I was given the choice to torture a monkey I probably wouldn't do it because I understand that it's not my right to inflict pain.

>watching animals feel pain and get enjoyment out of it

I have a desire to meet one of you and cause the same amount of pain to what these monkeys are feeling, you should be ashamed of your personality trait

I do think that's part of it. I'm actually rather fond of apes and monkeys but there's a pretty large group of people who seem to loathe them on Youtube. I suspect it has to do with their being so human like yet without many of our redeeming qualities and their shrieking and thieving.

baby monkeys are EVIL

how can you NOT enjoy watching them suffer?

same to you

i only enjoy baby monkeys. I do not enjoy watching ANY other animal get abused.

EXACTLY. There's tons of people that love animals but hate ONLY baby monkeys. There's something instictional about wanting to hurt them.

>and their shrieking and thieving.

i want to fucking torture them while they scream and shriek

Exactly, I find gorillas very interesting animals, perhaps not orangutans and chimps as much but I don't hate them, and I actually love lemurs, but monkeys are not the same.
Actually last year about august was when I was watching all the videos of monkey torture and it was actually stressing me out a lot because even when I was at work I could only think about hurting monkeys to the point that I would lash out just thinking about it. I have it under control now but I still enjoy the videos sadly.

Fuk u this is Sup Forums we can post whatever tf we want

it's macaque monkeys we love watching being tortured

macaque monkeys are just the most obnoxious, selfish, and disgusting animals on earth

it's impossible to like them.

imagine youre born into a monkey and next thing you know you are being abused because insecure faggot such as your self does it for enjoyment, imagine thinking for a moment why? why is my existence to suffer to simply exists, can you even come across that in your head? can you even put your self in that perspective... I truly wish you nothing but misfortune and bad things to come for your life, you are the problem, I really do hope you suffer and kill your self, in fact if you are considering suicide you should in fact do it, here is a good guide! please consider it OP!!!

I dislike most monkeys but yeah, macaques are just filthy little shits.

getting upset obviously cause you are absolutely ignoring everything we've said.

well i would never be born as a monkey because i don't have shitty bad karma. Souls that take birth in monkey bodies were evil people in their past lives.

macaques are the goddamn worst.


saying what you said about monkeys is no different than me burning a "witch" alive because she is pagan and not christian (FOR EXAMPLE)
I WOULD LAUGH SO FUCKING HARD IF YOU GET INCARNATED INTO ONE AND GET TORTURED, Not going to lie I would feel pleasure if somehow I knew that it would be your fate

well if that is my fate then it is my fault.

but the truth is, baby monkeys of the macaque breed are just SO FUCKING OBNOXIOUS.

I wish I could tie one down and just slowly torture it with a knife and inflict absolute HORROR onto it. I would practically ORGASM, it would be better than HEROIN.

It be better watching gypsies being tortured

there is a difference because I don't think hurting an animal is right you thick cunt. Take the fucking time to read what I'm saying before you let the stinging in your ass take over your brain cunt wipe.

You are a very ill little edgekiddy. Please kill yourself.
>sagin' tardthread

no i am 32 years old. and my fascination with torturing baby monkeys only started this year

trying this hard now to troll me, people like you do make me genuinely sad and angry at the end of the day, being this stupid and not developing a mind to understand perspective is truly frustrating, it's like being a little kid and asked why are you bullying that kid, don't you feel bad and the response is "I don't care I think it's funny LOL"... and then you think but what if it was you!!!!

> I don't think hurting an animal is right you thick cunt.

not considering a monkey an animal because of your own bias towards them, I am seriously not sure if youre stupid or trolling


Farmer here. I know rats to be vermon so i dont have a problem when my terriers rip em to shreds when we turn the soil before harvest, but what do you have against baby monkeys? Do you live in a jungle-like area?

Ok you're trolling me I get it.

Go onto youtube and start clicking on the people who leave comments supporting the abuse. They tend to be subscribed to stuff like minecraft lets plays and shitty creepypasta channels.

Most of them are probably children (or have the mental development of children) who are bullied and abused themselves but don't have the wherewithal to go full Dylan and Eric so instead they get off to animal abuse. The weak have no one to abuse so small animals tend to be the only way they can get out their impotent rage.

Thats what you get when boys don't get their uncles attention anymore. They'll do anything to get their own minds of the sexual abuse they enjoyed so much when they were younger.

These are all continuations of Harry Harlow's experiments. Harlow put the nail in the coffin of Skinners black box psychology and ushered in the era of modern psychology by showing that it's possible to measure an emotional state, and the effects thereof.

And Harlow hated the fuck out of monkeys. Came up with all kinds of novel ways to damage them for life.

Question here: So there are people who can't stand animal cruelty but gives no fucks about human cruelty, while there are also people who thinks the other way around: can't stand animal cruelty, but don't care about animal cruelty. My question is, what is the psychological causes for those behaviors?


Harry Harlow is a goddamn BAD ASS

The fuck. Faggot zoo keepers dont even help. This is why China will never advance past the stone age. Plus they eat dogs too fucking freaks.


trying too hard microcock

it's just normal weaning behavior. The mother monkeys literally have to knock the shit out of their dumbass fucking babies to get them to stop sucking on their tits 24 hours a day.

Baby monkeys are goddamn retarded




Hold on while I get some tissues and some hand lotion.


My feelings about this thread are complex.

The baby monkey videos are actually very sad (although they're being abused by their mothers, not by people). But the perversity of a baby monkey hate thread makes me laugh my ass off.

It would be hard to explain this thread, or the fact that I'm laughing my ass off, to a normal person. I think I've spent too much time on Sup Forums.

summer is getting a little too comfortable here.

don't you get just a bit of satisfaction from watching those disgusting little shits shriek and scream? It's so easy to hate them

More monkeys or any rodents being fucked up!!!

go to youtube and type in "baby monkeys torture" and see what you can find

ITT: Edgy 12 year olds and troubled adults.

It's like I can almost feel the abuse and neglect from the parents of the people in this thread.



