Literally the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I can't do that to my family...

Literally the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I can't do that to my family. I can't put them through that. It would absolutely devastate everyone In my family. I know my mother would blame herself, because I know she thinks she's a bad mother. I love my family. sorry if I sound like a Sup Forumsitch, I just needed to vent.

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Get therapy, you will feel better!

Move far away. Yes you can dont give that bullshit where you say you cant. Create what you want to live

If you murder your mom first, THEN commit suicide, your problems are solved!

I must agree. Plus if you're killing yourself afterward you dont have to worry about the repercussions

there you go OP heres a fucking solution now shut the fuck up and do it

The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I want to see how Berserk and Attack on Titan end.

Once those shows end, I'm definitely killing myself. I stopped giving a fuck a long time ago and the only thing I have to live for now are the mangas.

If you are serious there are ways to commit suicide that look like an accident. Get on the interstate, go 100+ mph, and then take the nearest exit into a concrete pillar, or if you are a coward just let Jesus take the wheel. At that speed you'll be speaking with him soon.

Nigga go read/watch One Piece. It gave my life meaning again as sad as it may be.

You think too much of yourself, they probably dont even give a shit about you.

I hear you. I was severely injured a number of years ago and have been in unbelievably severe pain for nigh ten years. My father died a while back and as soon as my mom dies I've got my escape laid out. I have two full bottles of 100 25mg methadone tabs, 75 1mg Xanax, Zofran, Compazine, and a bottle of 16 year single malt scotch set aside for just as soon as there's nobody left to hurt. My will liquidates my house, stock, and savings into a trust that annually pays its interest to an at risk youth program in the SF Bay Area.

Or if my earlier advice is a bit to real for you, get therapy, fix your shit. Stop being a little bitch and carve out an existence full of meaning. Create that shit for yourself, no one is gonna give you purpose but you. You have conciousness, that's a pretty rare fucking thing, even on this planet, let alone in the universe. Man up and tough it the fuck out, cause you will be worm food soon enough, we all are. We all go back to the same organic shit pile of atoms we consumed to grow in the first place. Might as well take the time to appreciate the fact that your atoms are arranged in such a way right now they can consciously appreciate their existence, even if it's only pain, it's the awareness of it that's important

Same here, therapy hasn't done shit

Pop some xans when you're feeling like shit

You sir get a pass. Sorry you are in pain. You appreciate what it is to be conscious of that pain literally all the time. If it's too much it's too much, if you think you can bear it you should, it's worth seeing things out of you can muster through em. But I won't condemn you for wanting out of constant pain.

>"Create what you want to live"

I did this 10-12 years ago and I can say it saved my life. Don't let yourself go down that route OP, get help or just hang in there (...not literallly!).

Think about the things you might miss, the people you wont be able to troll in the future, the children that might not get the chance to be born, and think about your own happiness, whatever happened or is happenning to you to cause those feelings/sadness can go fuck itself with a cactus. Nothing is worth more than your life.

Sounds like looking for excuses
Are you sure you really want to do this. Doesnt sound like it

Op, can't say shit gets better or fucking anything. Same boat, different outlook. Actually hang on, in case some cool shit happens. Hope you feel better, or anything besides shit.

I found this somewhere, hope it helps.

"If you are struggling please seek help. Here are suicide crisis hotlines for various countries:

United States and Canada: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline -

Australia: Lifeline -

Bangladesh: Kaan Pete Roi -

Belgium: 1813 -

Brazil: Centro de Valorização da Vida -

France: Suicide écoute -

Denmark: Livslinjen -

Finland: HelsinkiMissio Nuorten Kriisipiste -

Germany: Telefonseelsorge -

India: AASRA -

Iran: Iran Organization of Well Being -

Ireland: Samaritans -

Israel: Suicide line -

Italy: SPS -

Japan: TELL -

Mexico: SAPTEL -

Netherlands: 113 Suicide Prevention -

New Zealand: Lifeline Aotearoa -

Norway: Call 112

Romania: Alianţa Română de Prevenţie a Suicidului -

Singapore: Samaritans of Singapore -

Sweden: Självmordslinjen -

UK: Samaritans - "


Quit being a faggot. My life is a dark abyss, I want to die, but my family loves me. Eat a dick fuck face. Fucks like you are the reason people wanna kill themselves. Quit being a emotional twat, you don't have actual problems or issues, you're just a spoiled fuck.

Hey OP. Just a thought but I'm guessing you don't want to die, you want to not feel shitty right? Like if you have a button you could click to feel less shit, you wouldn't still want to kill yourself. In that respect what you're really looking for is to not feel bad rather than to die. If killing yourself got rid of only the bad feelings I'd say that was a fair trade, but when you die you'll never feel good either. You'll never enjoy time with your family, or have a good meal, or see something cool in nature, or play and good vidya or whatever. You'll never feel anything good ever again.

Weighing it up like that, suicide isn't really what you want. It's never feeling bad again, good again, anything ever again. What you want isn't to not feel anything, it's to not feel shitty. That's a bad trade IMO.

I'd say it's probably worth accepting things are a bit shit for the good that will come. Even if there's only one 'fucking hell I'm so glad I'm alive for this' moment in your life, that's still one more than you'd experience if you died right now.

Just my two cents, hope you're good mate.