Vintage thread

Vintage thread





dumpin sauze


Rosina Ravelle she's 76, wtf

wish I could turn back time
to the good dope days
before women became unworthy filth
destroying the western world







even anne coulter
















That's beautiful


It looks like she's eating pizza.

jeez, who diz? This pic triggers a memorty for sure





peperonni pizza tpo be accurate

not sure on that one just a random vintage I saved that looks like it's from the 80s

I did a quick search and still no luck





nice thong
















Alltime goddess







underrated thread


yip, which is actually good free from sauce fags.



lol MODS



>tfw no vintage gf


t h i c c



Vintage is king


nice dubs




Why tho?

Bc of the faded colors?

Bc the models are in their 60s, 70s or dead now?








Cause they are sexy af nigga


