Hey guys! Hope I'm doing it right...

Hey guys! Hope I'm doing it right. I was sent here from Reddit because I heard you guys have cool stuff like how to make crystals but I can't find it anywhere. :(
Pls help.



go away redditfag


That's not a nice way to greet a new person. I just wanna learn cool stuff!

fuck off niggercuck


What's this?

You're being ironic, right? Only a retard would feel the need to point this out as bait

I was being serious, as a courtesy to anyone else coming from r/Sup Forums who might not be as experienced on this particular web forum.


oi! you only get the chance to post your bait pics every .5424 seconds on this board, so calm down yeah?!

You obviously


I come here for the first time hoping to get some cool stuff and you are all assholes to me.


>how to make crystals
>get toaster
>get bathtub
>fill bathtub with water
>plug in toaster near bathtub
>get in bathtub
>put toaster in bathtub

Yeah, just drop some copper (coins, wire, anything) into a mixture of ammonia and bleach, then blow into it. The CO2 in your air interacts with the mixture causing crystals to grow on the copper, if you can, blow until you're dizzy that way there's more CO2 in your breath

You think I'm dumb? Fuck you.


Where can I find ammonia? Will lemon scented bleach work?

And does it matter how much bleach and ammonia? Like 50/50?

Wow your captcha is annoying.

>smart enough to say fuck you to toaster in tub idea
>complies with bleach and ammonia coin idea

stupid reddit stop being fucking dumb


I've seen enough movies to know that electricity and water are bad. Is bleach and stuff bad too?

Google nigga
Do you know it

yes bleach is deadly, bleach and most mixes are bad especially ammonia even breathing in to much bleach is deadly.