Any femanons here who actually gave birth?

Any femanons here who actually gave birth?
What's it like?


gave birth to a healthy cumfetti baby. Very easy

(for science)


30yr old father of 2 here. It's still crazy to me to think about how hot, cute and little my wife was before kids. It's crazy to think all the smoking hot pieces of ass out there end up like this at some point in life.

Would you say that it was the pregnancies or the births that ruined her?
Also, how is she ruined?
Also-also, do you love her still? Differently?

Idk painful? I gave birth quickly plus hormones make you forget just how painful it was.


If the chick doesnt let herself go she should be fine after.

did you orgasm?


So, would you say that the pain is more constructive than eg a kidney stone?
Also, did it ruin your vag or is it back to its former functionality?

IDK stock photo


>keeping the thread alive...

I never said she was ruined. I'm sure it's not this way in every situation but in mine, it changed everything. Her body, her mind, her pussy, everything. Her pussy internally feels different, "gaped" hips got HUGE and stayed that way, tits are sad puppy dog ears looking things. She got PPD bad after the kids were born. She changed in every way for the worse. Yet, still care about her and love her. She's just not hot anymore or even really attractive at all. She will never know this and no I don't cheat.

32 y/o father here, witnessed my son completely decimate my wifes vagina. She should have had a c-section. Shit was pretty gross, hernias coming from her asshole were scary af. The cord wrapped around my sons neck was pretty spooky. The asain doctor who looked lile the dude from king of the hill holding my son up like a freahly caught fish saying, "If I KNEW IT WAS A 10 POUNDER I WOULD HAVE DONE A C SECTION!!!!" Was pretty funny. Overall the experience of birth was pretty cool from my side of it.

Im sure she fucking hated it. Even with the epidural. (He was also born during the end of summer and we live in so. cali, it was hot as satans asshole.)

And this is why they invented Viagra. It's not because guys get old. It's because old women are disgusting.

Good story and nice quads.

At least it wasn't so cold she wouldn't stretch.

Also, nice quads

Thanks for an honest reply!
Is it true they lose all sex drive after giving birth?

Nice quads!!!
Also, did you name your kid Simba?
Also-also, kudos for you for being cool about something as traumatic as this.


it's statements like these that give me crippling anxiety about the future. i am planning on ending it all before i'm 30.

Oh also, hee birthing the Placentia made me vomit in my mouth a little bit.

>At least it wasn't so cold she wouldn't stretch.

Why are you even here?

dude, you gave me the feels

however, i remember that my mom was mega fit even in her fourties but i guess that physical labor and healthy food are to blame for that

has your wife been disciplined with her body during and after childbirth or did she just accept the decay?


Also, it appears that women turn into wife-bros, once they give birth?

No, but to be fair the last thing i wanted to do was to have sex with her for a while since the healing process for her was pretty intense, she got an infection a week after giving birth from the stitches down there from the episiotomy. Broke my heart for her.

Was pretty pissed after the dust settled whenlooking back at the care thats given. The kid is 100% taken care of. However the aftercare the mother got (least in my case) was absolute shit.

The sex started happening around 3 months after, because of what i said above. Took a while to get her stretched out again. Wasnt fun, however it got better for both of us id say around month 6 post birth


no way, 30s and 40s are pretty tight. idk about after that though.

Just a question
Can a woman really be gay ?
Can you make a woman straight by the power of the dick ?.

the power of boobs.

That's kinda hot

I heard that women may shit while giving birth

The dude with the quads here, ya my girl lost her father at 35 weeks, ppd is a motherfucker. Good for you man for bein legit.

Yeah, right?

Pic related

Quads guy here,
Yea. It happens. But poop is really not that big of a deal in comparison to what else is going on.
Kinda like driving down a road and seeing oncoming traffic and not even batting an eye.

Just get a fucking bowel cleaning, takes only a couple of minutes and you dont shit on your fucking child

Thank you to the dabros for sharing your experiences. Please hand around and continue to do so!


what. The. FUCK!!???

no cuz they are sleeping n working n shit. unlike us men who do nothing all day n fap.


aaaaaah good one, user

Once their water breaks they must go to a hospital. Theyll never know when it happens, or when its going to happen. So they really cant schedule something like that.

Never had a kidney stone before. I was I really good shape from being a runner, so for me labor felt like a really intense ab workout. Active labor was super quick too. I guess it was constructive? Because once the baby's out the pain is over.

I know for a fact its often an option. Unless the child is already completely sunk in and coming out, you have time do a quick bowel wash. Boty my nieces did it first thing when they arrived in the hospital

Momanon here. AMA

>had daughter 8 years ago
>pregnancy went perfect
>the last month of pregnancy had intermittent ghost-labour - very unpleasant
>3 days before due date I went into proper labour = your whole torso cramping uncontrollably
>went to hospital
>whole body aching in ways I never knew
>as she ascended down through my cervix and vag it hurt like nothing else because every mucle was contracted while the flesh was being stretched.
>eventually she plopped out, i got a few stitches and put it all behind me
>love my girl and would do again 10/10 (if I had a man)

Actually good question

I guess you're right...

Single moms. Single moms everywhere.

was her father black?

Thank you moms!!!

would you say that there was anything sexual over the birth?

Can confirm. Seen it happen when ny son was born.

wtf is even this threaf? why are all those babeis shoved up some whore's vulva? why the blood clots and the runny poop???

Nothing about the process was sexual.

By the way you describe her she sounds petty ruined to me.

Nope (even I have standards)

>anything sexual over the birth?
You men...! Everything that evolves around a vagina must be sexual...
It was an extremely satisfying experience, and I was definitely full of endorphins afterwards. But I didn't have any sexual associations as such.

If i were a woman and saw this thread, i'd turn gay just to avoid such an unpleasing situation.

>she's ugly, has saggy tits and her vagina is a fucking subway tunnel
>I never said she's ruined

>nothing sexual

Was it expensive?

Not the answer you were hoping for?

Single motherhood is probably the worst thing that can happen to a child alongside getting diddled by priests and being beaten at home

What was your sex drive like during pregnancy?

40, father of 2 reporting in.
Saw my wife give birth to both.
First one with epidural, second one all natural with no meds.
She was in good shape and mentally prepared, so both were kind of quick.
IMO biggest fuck up is if you go to the hospital too early, they connect you to machines and touch your vagina every few minutes basically cutting all your concentration all the time.
If they have to shoot you oxytocine it's 100% you'll get the epidural, there is no way anyone can handle the pain of synthesized oxytocine induced contractions.
After the second one everything changed, had to put her in her place often, kind of insane but stable. Never was the same. Stopped enjoying sex at all. Pretty bad

Not op, but I loved sex. Had it all the time.

Nevar change anons... Nevar change

Because nature? You were born the same way

To be fair, I did develop a pendancy for large toys afterwards when I discovered how roomy my vagina had become.

I live in a country with free healthcare, so no.

Not living in Murica, so she is doing just fine. Don't worry.

High. Frustratingly high.

'''You fuckin' medic, those are my fokkin' eyes, you faget!!!'''

just gave birth to this

Not really. I heard stories of orgasms during births, but they may just be male fantasies?

Thanks for sharing bro!

I won't!

>large toys
WOW! Story pls?

that's a nigglet !!!!!

Kids need a strong father figure and role model. They wont learn honour and integrity from a woman.

ok look at the dude in that photo those are hippie freaks. she is faking that its some beautiful, joyful experience for the photo

Has sex changed for you after pregnancy? Harder to cum, anal, loose pussy?

Day my daughter was born was legit best day of my life. Watching my wife give birth was indescribable. Scariest, happiest, craziest thing ever. Have sex less frequently now but when we do it's better than it was before.

my wife's body got completely ruined during her pregnancy with stretch marks and just a lot of weight gain, when she was giving birth they cut her beautiful innie pussy open about 2" to the left of her ass to get my son out quickly because umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. Her pussy is completely ruined, I could never go balls deep because it was shallow and so tight but not the only feeling I get is from the opening. Her stomach sags a little and her ass is now nonexistent. The only thing that survived was her tits, they stayed a firm and perky c cup.

Despite all that I love her but I'm thinking I need to get some 18 year old pussy. What you think Sup Forums?

Use her ass

>Not really. I heard stories of orgasms during births, but they may just be male fantasies?
I've met a girl once that claimed she had an orgasm doing birth. She said that started to touch her clitoris to relax during the process and ended up having an orgasimc birth. She is kind of very sexually active. I believe her.

We have good insurance so ended up only costing $13 out of pocket from conception to birth. But got a price listing from the hospital for $20,000.

Im thinking youre a father now and that should be your primary concern. Not getting teen pussy. That point in your life is long behind you. You are now a husband and a father. Be a good one, while you can.

you better get a long double ended dildo and start upgrading your sex life with that aging whore you have at home

A woman gaining weight during pregnancy is pure gluttony.

The baby's body is developed slowly over 9 months 24 hours a day, yes nutrition is needed but not the quantities that some people think.

>WOW! Story pls?
I expected that would catch your attention Sup Forumsro...

>come home from hospital with magnificent new baby, spend all time catering for her while watching and feeling my body heal
>eventually get horny
>dig into toy box (because permasingle)
>favourite dildo barely detectable WTF?
>eventually shove hand in, feelsgoodman.jpg
>go online and order bigger tools
>have since shrunk back to previous size but now more flexible.
>good times are had with big toys.

[citation needed]

LOL I thought the same thing!

I come more easily, and my G-spot suddenly surfaced. Vagina is back to default, but will stretch much further than before. Anal is the same.

And trips confirm that you are right!

Tried DP?

[Evidence in both academic studies and real life observations]

Kids, especially boy, with a good fatherly rolemodel are far more likely to become honorable men and move into jobs like firefighter, law enforcement, doctor, etc. Kids from single moms are more often than not social and professional fuck ups. Far more likely to get into drugs and other self destructive behavior.

This has been very widely and precisely studied. But its not PC so obviously doesnt get the reacy that it deserves.

>I'm thinking I need to get some 18 year old pussy.
who does not think that?

Breaking into a happy smile at the exact time when the baby breaches through your stretched-to-the-point-of-ripping vagina and labia is not credible, OP...

Multiple times, but not in recent years.

>But its not PC so obviously doesnt get the reacy that it deserves.
Plus that I don't give a fuck.


What about kids from single mothers who become fathers and want to be a good fatherly rolemodel?
Asking for a friend.


You're an idiot. The female body gains weight not for the babies growth but to help with milk production to feed the child after it is born.

So no, it's not glutinous.

dat asshole, would fuck 10/10

>Multiple times, but not in recent years.
I was talking about with toys/masturbation but nice to know you tried it.

I know you dont, otherwise you wouldnt be a single mom. In about a decade time, just know it was your fault.

Anal is fun until it's not fun anymore
Being a good father and supporting my wife has nothing to do with where I stick my dick
Been trying to "upgrade" it but no success yet, also stopped giving bjs after giving birth. Also she's only 21 years old

Also, workout a real heavy leg or back day and tell me how hungry you are the next 2 days. And that just muscle tissue. Imagine a person inside of you growing. Stupid ass autist.

It's the "I want to be better than my dad ever was" complex. I'm telling you now for the sake of you and your future children drop this idea. It puts you on a pedestal with expectations you'll never meet because you don't know what a good father is. Just do your best and don't stress it.