Honestly why are you guys so fucking weird

Honestly why are you guys so fucking weird

"Weird" is relative. Everyone claims to be weird these days, because it's trendy and "cute." I just call myself normal and let others decide if I'm weird or not.

Found the fucking weirdo

I dunno, but post more of the paler chick.

I actually get called weird (not weirdo) pretty often. Strangely enough, people seem to like me, so I guess it's more of a "unique" weird in their eyes. You have no idea how many basic ass people run around calling themselves weird though. It's rather annoying. That's why I refuse to label myself as such.

Agreed. She's fucking adorable.

More nudes of the chick on the right, she looks like my ex and is 90 times hotter than the other bitch even though I would nut in both of them.

I guess I was called weird in the the first half of high school so maybe you'll be alright.
You talking about left or right in the first picture? Don't have any more of either just wanna know you're preference

> chick on the right is different in both pics

The one on the right in pic 1. Reminds me of a thinner version of my ex.

I'm 25. Lol.

Also, preference? Definitely the one with glasses.

Smh am i the only guy that likes the littler girl?

do you have nudes of the bitch on the right?
if so post and I will get dubs to follow your dubs

>do you have nudes of the bitch on the right?
> once again the bitch on the right is meaningless because the bitch on the right is different in each pic
> the only logical interpretation given your brain addled description is to provide your request for both girls since each is "the bitch on the right" einstein

this is now an on/off thread




abandon thread

But the other one is so much hotter


okay, bye




this guy gets it



FUck off normie

I disagree. But possibly because the one with glasses looks like a cuter, non tattooed version of a girl I know.


lets see some 315

id love these pics in non gif form

>print screen
>MS Paint crop

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