Hypothetically, if this painting were for sale, would you purchase it?

Hypothetically, if this painting were for sale, would you purchase it?


looks like a highschool art project, so no it's trash and so are you

I see dead penises

Fuck you, Sam Sheers, you and your art




looks like logs of shit

I made a poo poo the same colors as your pallette

Shit I smear all over the wall in my school's bathroom looks better than this

i'd buy it for under $200

It's missing something in my opinion.

Its a nice painting op but lacks a focus point

did you paint it?
if yes, you've got talent but it lacks some detail and contrast at some points. for example:
>left tree kinda blends in with the background, make the colors stand out more ->more contrast
>tree in the middle is sloppy
>you didn't do the background first. do that.
>sunlight could be more pronounced, the shadows too
choice of colors is fine, just give more attention to details and contrast


I'm doing some painting myself

it depends on the price, but yes, it is quite nice

this too looks cool!

I like this one more than OPs picture, it's simple yet focused and effective. aquarelle or also oil?

aquarelle. I used to paint with acrylic paint, but I like the unpredictability of water colors more.
happy little accidents, as bob ross would say

Im looking out from inside a zombies ribcage, Ill take it, how much

if you really are interested, please email me at [email protected]

I can ship it to you and we can use PayPal, or I can put it on eBay if you want the added security of their guarantee