Hey Sup Forums, If your going to an hero, how would you want to go out?

Hey Sup Forums, If your going to an hero, how would you want to go out?

standing underneath a fucking rocket, I want nothing left

Suffocation by several pairs of large tits.

Side note, would you want your ashes swept up, or put somewhere?

Smothered by Selena's sweaty stinky feet as she punches my balls repeatedly

Um, whatever you want Sup Forumsro.

By hanging myself with Apple headphones.

The force of the propellant will probably send the ashes scattering for kilometers into the air

Thats why Apple made the AirPods, they were scared.

What are you, every apple fanboy ever when they discover the superiority, flexibility, and upgradability of PCs?

PC master race

Hanging my self in front of a large crowd

blowing my brains out
>tfw britfag

Publicly or just unofficially go to a mall and tie a noose?

>first, i would acquire a jetpack and many ropes
>then, go to a mall or a crowded space with lots of people
>tie the ropes to my arms and legs
>turn the ends into nooses
>in quick succession, throw each noose onto a random person's neck
>turn on jetpack
>rocket through the roof, breaking the newly acquired human streamer's necks
>self destruct the jetpack

That's how i'd do it.

Jetpack Joyride: Extreme Edition.

walk off in the woods and tcob. my death isn't to be a televised spectacle for normies to memorialize and feelbadman. in fact, fuck all of you who want that

>i am retarded
yes you are

Just go to the mall and do it, i want to be burned into peoples memories

this is why people will never feel bad for you

you do realise there are gun ranges in the uk right?

dont want people to feel bad for me faggot, stop assuming

>english is hard
nobody DOES feel sorry for you simply because you WANT them to. cancerous idiot

Being this faggoty

for you? always

Askes about killing them selves, starts a mini war about killing them selves

Thanks user means a lot

well what else can be done

no prob man
you tryna start some shit, faget?!?

Jump in front of a train during rush hour at a busy level crossing to inconvenience as many people as possible.

while having my way with a little girl

Whatever you want.

Fuck you and your kind.

words hurt

a shit load of painkillers but not after cumming in as many women as possible.

Co2 poisoning, pretty peaceful as far as i know