Any fags been to CAMBODIA? Do I need a visa?

Any fags been to CAMBODIA? Do I need a visa?
Also what else do I need to know before I go

Lots of Gooks/

Happy pizza, cheap dirty pussy, Buddhism

Supposed to be one of the cheapest countries? Way cheaper than Bali and Thailand.
So keen to drink dirt cheap beer

This guy wants pizza

Going to Thailand at the end of the year myself. Tips also appreciated

Tomb Raider Temples, Red Khmer Killing Fields and one beach. That's about it.

Get your vaccines before you go, happy pizza, aids everywhere. Angkor wat ftw

Yeah, I've been there.

There's a visa requirement (for me, a Brit, and my gf, a Filipino), but it was "apply on entry" - you give them 40 USD cash and they give you a visa. Make sure you have some USD on you for it (40 is from memory, might be less/more).

Actual country is a shithole. I'm glad I went though. Check out their genocide museum. I suggest renting a tuktuk for the day and get suggestions from the driver. They won't speak good English.

Oh, btw, expect to be scammed/etc at every corner, esp if you're white. I'm still salty after some bitch tried to short-change me at a temple.

Oh, and I got the shits for like a week afterward.

OP here. Been to Thailand. Keen for Cambodia because of Thailand (right next to each other)

Cheap as fuck. Bangkok is a filthy hole so don't stay there too long, go somewhere chill and it's laid back as fuck. Get a $3 massage every day. And don't overpay for your beer. Buy it from a 7/11 or mini mart. Sooooooo cheap

>what do I need to know before I go there?


What vaccines? Are they 100% necessary?

Yeah I'm pretty wary of that shit, and I've been to Thailand so should be ok. What gave you the shits?

>Do I need a visa
What passport do you carry?

Dunno tbh. I ate some food at their stalls and probably swallowed some shower water so it could be anything. I regretted not getting vaccinated/etc..

That sounds sensible. Actually flying into Bangkok, curious about trannys and dive bars but I'll bet that gets old after about a day. Drugs and underage a serious nono

Oh, and what's thailand like? I haven't been there but kinda want to. Not for the pizza, mind..

Both of you. Fly to Thailand (bkk), take the train to the Cambodia border, spend the night at the town there. The next day grab a minibus to Ankor Wat. See the ruins, drink come beers at night. Two nights, then head back to Thailand, either up north to the hills, or down to the beach.

Phnom Penh is a shithole. Plenty of these to be seen in asia. SihanoukVille, meh. Why go to meh when you can be on a Thai beach.

Oh, don't go touristing places you shouldn't. Cambodia is not Thailand, shit get real very fast there. Ur face on a poster in the youth hostels if you get my drift.

Australian passport.

Yeah usually flying into a capital is cheaper. So yeah fly into Bangkok would be cheaper I guess. Yeah check it out but don't stay more than a night, it's filthy, stinks and sewer rats everywhere

Yeah it's awesome. Pretty cheap and chill, on the beaches and islands anyway. I went to Koh Samui it was great there

No I don't really get your drift... please elaborate...


I don't get your drift...

Wanted posters?

Just answer the question everyone wants. Where the best pizza shop at

There was/is an area outside of Phnom Penh once known for pizza. You can't tourist a place like that. Either you're partaking in a crime or you are a libiability with a cell phone camera.

So, just don't go.

Shit, just read a little about Koe Tao in Thailand and the number of murders and dissappeared. Why, cos they pissed off the wrong person at a bar.

missing persons posters with your face on it. "Joe was last seen in...any word of his..."

>This guy wants pizza
Why would you go to Cambodia to eat pizza? Can someone explain? I don't get it.

Street vendors will give you the shits, food in general will give you the shits. Water will give you the shits... Welcome to the third world, where everyone gets the shits

Weed pizza is happy pizza is good pizza

More white dudes going to south east Asia to bang children.

>Awesome never change bro!

Yeah it should be, just get some bitches, get high if you can and you know you won't get fucked so badly you won't get mugged, fuck and drink

Op, did a Pizza Hut and go nuts