What's next for her career?

What's next for her career?

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I heard she's planning to do a non-nude flick.

I hope not

It's that flick she doing with Tim Burton.

I really hope she doesn't become his new waifu and then he 'JUST" her like he did with Helena or Johnny

Are we in bizarro world?

holy fuck, she's got that freckled cougar chest already? isn't that too soon to be happening?

A b-movie or shit tv series, why would anything change

inb4 burton flop

She has done movie where she keeps her clothes on user.

Nobody just bothers to watch them

Kino where She's a succubus teacher Who anal vores little boys' souls.

New Miss Peregrine clip got released btw

Actually Beautiful
Can act well
Ready and Willing and Prefers to show Tits even after becoming famous

Makes you wonder why fat cunts like Emilia Clark and Olivia Munn still have careers

nobody cares

>poisons everything she touches
>is literally in nothing good


>You'll never be scolded by Miss Green :-(

>nobody cares
delete this

I do care user

I want a film that pairs Saoirse and Eva together.

I think they would have good banter together.

I agree user, I bet they'd have a great chemistry

Over her dead body

>pairs Saoirse and Eva
10/10 best new name


Though honestly I can't think of any ideals for a film that doesn't end with them being somewhat lewd to each other
