/Chart thread/

You know the drill.

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a lot of good picks dude but i've only listened to 25% of these desu


Rec: Stars of the Lid, Tortoise

Nice Sigur Ros
Recc: Windy and Carl

>Windy and Carl
thanks, i've got this rec like 3 or 4 times,definitely got to check it out
didn't you like joanna newsom's stuff?
also how's that pulp album?

bardo pond - amanita

lnrdcroy - much less normal
d.k. - drop

puscifer - conditions of my parole
Cloudkicker - Let Yourself Be Huge
Natural Snow Buildings - Daughter of Darkness
Susumu Yokota Sakura
switchblade symphony - sinister nostalgia

Where can I make one of these charts?



+frank, hopkins

Osamu Kitajima - Benzaiten

need to update this at some point but its all ive got to hand

new york dolls - self titled
death in june - but what ends when the symbols shatter


lowercase - The Going Away Present
Secret Shine - Untouched
The For Carnation - The For Carnation
Comus - First Utterance
Mojave 3 - Ask Me Tomorrow
Beat Happening - Beat Happening

Snazzy chart man. I fucking love Hop Along. You should try a band called 'Told Slant' if you haven't.

I don't suppose you have a copy of your chart in text form so it's easier for me to go through the albums I don't know?

Its great, id definitely check it out

And im still waiting on my Ys vinyl to come until I check out Joanna


I can't find a web app that will quickly turn my list into a chart, so here you go if you care.:

Modest Mouse - This Is A Long Drive For Someone With Nothing To Think About
Hop Along - Get Disowned
Told Slant - Still Water
Andrew Jackson Jihad - People That Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People in the World
Bright Eyes - Fevers And Mirrors
Daniel Johnston - 1990
The Antlers - Hospice
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground And Nico
Violent Femmes - Violent Femmes
Wolf Parade - Apologies To The Queen Mary
Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
Brian Wilson - Smile
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Guided By Voices - Bee Thousand
Bob Dylan - Blood On The Tracks
Bruce Springsteen - Born To Run
Casiotone For The Painfully Alone - Etiquette
Elliott Smith - Elliott Smith
Horrors - Strange House
The Moldy Peaches - The Moldy Peaches
Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Areoplane Over The Sea
Patti Smith - Horses
Pixies - Surfer Rosa
Placebo - Without You Im Nothing
Rilo Kiley - More Adventurous
The Flaming Lips - The Soft Bulletin
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy
The Postal Service - Give Up
The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When Were Gone
Brand New - The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me
Bruce Springsteen - Darkness On The Edge Of Town
The Front Bottoms - The Front Bottoms
Neil Young - Harvest
Rural Alberta Advantage - Hometowns
Shilpa Ray and Her Happy Hookers - Teenage and Torture
Stiff Little Fingers - Inflammable Material

all the same shit anyway that everyone listens to, branch out a little

pärson sound s/t
the soundcarriers - entropicalia
James Ferraro - iAsia

So edgy. I do, but I wouldn't put it on a list of my favourites. My favourite albums I've listened to this year would look pretty different.

Despite having a lot of Sup Forumscore, I didn't find most of it here

The Pharcyde - Bizarre Ride II

I think you'd like Kid Dakota - So Pretty


>I think you'd like Kid Dakota - So Pretty
Yeah man you're exactly right. Great album, only found it a couple of months ago.

I've got cLOUDDEAD in my chart senpai

Lazy post before I head off to bedfordshire

Ah sorry, try Deep Puddle Dynamics - The Taste of Rain...Why Kneel? and cLOUDDEAD's Peel Sessions EP
Fifty Foot Hose - Cauldron
lowercase - The Going Away Present

hey that sounds good,thank you.
i won't get home today so i can't go on neverendingchart and put the names on, sorry.If you tell me wich ones i can give you their names though.

bretty gud pics bro

All good, I'll reverse image search.


a lot of bad picks dude and i've even listened to 75% of these desu
Patrician Black Sabbath and BÖC picks
why you keep lazyposting tho bruh
Try santana's self titled

>Implying Spiderland isn't a top 10 album of all time.

Imagine having such shit taste.

ruben silkk - 8ballshawty anthem


it's really fucking not though, more music exists that just Sup Forumscore


Shame the other music is bad though.

Good music incoming.



I refuse to believe someone on Sup Forums has this as their genuine chart.

>Not Available
my nigg, I also recommend Earth And Fire

Kid606, Giles Corey, Juno Reactor

Great rec bro I like songs with moaning sounds and the lyrics are as deep and meaningful as a Kendrick Lamar song

>it's really fucking not though, more music exists that just Sup Forumscore
>no no THIS Sup Forumscore is better xDd


Disco Inferno
Red Red Meat
Built to Spill

Prince Paul
Ol Dirty Bastard


The Gordons
Black Randy & the Metrosquad
The Fall

this is a long shot but maybe you'd like crying ?when loveless is the second mbv album

last 3 months chart
Brainiac - Bonsai Superstar
Dog Faced Hermans - Those Deep Buds
Broadcast - Tender Buttons

a little Sup Forumscore but I love basically all of these albums, nice
Wall of Voodoo - Dark Continent
Jandek - Chair Beside a Window
Dome's discography (side project from Bruce Gilbert and Graham Lewis of Wire)

Today is the Day - Sadness Will Prevail
New Model Army - Between Dog and Wolf
Goodbye, Blue Monday - s/t

Pig - A Poke in the Eye With A Sharp Stick
Street Sects - End Position
Exquirla - Para Quienes Aun Viven

dont see the spore soundtrack getting posted every day...

Rate my taste & guess my personality

an classic

Recent listens, might add a film section sometime

The Smoke - S/T

Bert Jansch - Live at La Foret

Disorder- Perdition EP
Polak - Swansongs

>Johnny griffin


I think I was the guy to recc you kid Dakota way back when

Idaho - The Forbidden
The Avengers - Be a Caveman (single)

Mark McGuire - Solo Acoustic Vol. Two
Richard Ramirez - Daffodil (you seem pretentious)

Broadcast - The Book Lovers
Super Mayro Galaxy - OST

You're the kind of person who would complain about music being a lost art and think the 60s/70s will never be topped.

I haven't even listened to a 1/5 of your chart but there's King Crimson and Piper At The Gates of Dawn, which is nice.

My problem with these kinds of charts is that there's too much variety to suggest something in particular. Anyway:

Nujabes - Metaphorical Music
Marillion - Script For A Jester's Tears

It's a long shot but since I don't see Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division, you might have not listened to it yet.

Also, The Sound - From The Lion's Mouth
Sun Kil Moon - Benji

Candy Claws - Ceres & Calypso In The Deep Of Time
Jeanne Added - Be Sensational
I'm loving all those Leonard Cohen picks

What's the second album at the first row of second-tier classics ?

i like these