Computer, create the perfect waifu

Computer, create the perfect waifu.

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Say no more senpai

so who's job was it to clean all the cum out of that place?

*process complete*

Computer, create a perfect replica of the Fuehrerbunker circa 1945.

this appears

>It's a Barclay creates a projection of his own penis to suck episode

Computer, create six billion hitlers

mfw hitler is probably the most iconic guy in human collective consciousness

Insufficient data for a meaningful answer

I think its officially Jesus, then Hitler. Muhammed probably up there too.


>anime waifus

>tfw nobody cares about you


here you are sir

Hitler will stop being relevant in 100-150 years

Personally I want Dukat in it because he did nothing wrong

would it be immoral to just let pedo's let off steam fucking kids in the holodeck? seems like a win win honestly. no real kids get diddled, and we don't have to pay to lock them up or kill them. downsides?

Haha, nah. He came as close to conquering the world and abolishing disease, war, and genetic unhealth as anyone will ever come in the next century. Hitler will be talked about for the rest of human history.

Shakespeare > Jesus > Napoleon > Tom Cruise > Muhammad = Moses > Hitler > Lincoln = Washington > Alexander > Hank 8 > Jefferson, Aristotle, Darwin and other nobodies

Preliminary attempts examined for waifu potential. Results unsatisfactory. Subjects discarded.

Perfect waifu creation process complete.

you never watched the show and dont know how that thing works.

The same arguments would be used against it as are used against cartoon loli now - that it just fuels and encourages their desires. The only way this will ever change is if it stops being seen as a mental illness and becomes an accepted, if intolerable, sexuality.

Stalin, Einstein, Shakespeare etc is probably the next tier

and Tay-tay ofc

In 100 years everyone will know the truth.

Hitler was a proud black man who killed six million black Jews before the black armies of Russia, Britain and the United States invaded and wiped out the black Germans

Damn, nice hairy armpit


err wait, who says it isn't just a sexuality? that's what it is. it's what someone is attracted to. I'm attracted to 20 year old or so blonde girls. If i could fuck them in an extremely realistic holodeck anytime i felt like it i wouldn't really care if i got any in real life i don't think(or care a lot less). Why wouldn't this concept apply to guys who want to fuck kids? I'm not saying it would 100 percent eliminate child rape but i bet it would reduce it a lot. How is that not a huge victory?

Fuck off hag

>aristotle and plato are more famous than jesus

this makes me happy. i wonder if there will ever be another legendary philosopher. i don't think current society would allow it sadly

>>aristotle and plato are more famous than jesus
not true at all


maybe that's your kneejerk reaction because of how carpetbombed your life is with religious shit, but think about the world in a broad sense.

there really isn't much religious influence in my life at all, but I can assure you Jesus' influence in media, which spreads around the world, is far more prevalent than aristotle or plato

what's with that nose
its like fifteen inches from side to side

What's the create hundreds of hitlers one?

>err wait, who says it isn't just a sexuality?

Doctors. Pedophilia is near-universally considered a mental illness that can be treated by the medical profession. Of course, less than 50 years ago homosexuality was considered one too. Things might change, but there's absolutely zero popular support for helping or accepting pedos anywhere in the world. More people would have them executed without trial than would in any way validate their desires as normal. That's just the way it is.

is your sense of the world that broad?

You get your demographics from the internet, or maybe, even surprisingly, from a book which maybe, but not necessarily, have been written by somebody who actually has experiences abroad.

I'd normally agree with you, but in the Star Trek universe Khan is the new Hitler.

>Civilian dead 45m; 4m
no bias

that's pretty stupid man. I have no love for pedo's but it seems pretty obvious they just have an abnormal sexual attraction. shit there are people that want to fuck fish, or floor tiles. we all have our fetishes. theirs is just an unfortunate one that can hurt children, i think the appropriate response is to tell them to man up and cut it out, or let them relieve themselves with some realistic dolls(or holodecks if that ever happens). Not something you can treat i don't think short of castration, which i'm sure some people would be ok with

Khan was more like Napoleon the way McCoy and Kirk were gushing over him.
The new Hitler was Colonel Green.

95% of those were Russia just letting millions of its own civilians die in sieges as the alccohoolic Russian army took food from starving families' mouths, then suffered embarrassing defeats like pic related (22:1 loss ratio)

Computer, create the perfect opponent!




>lay down, close eyes
>open eyes
>perfect waifu rikka stands over you


>Aristotle that low
>Jesus that high

Do you even theology?

m8, the plot runs very deep between Christianity and Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle, and Aristotelianism was the paradigm in Christian theology for a very long time. Read some books.