ITT butthurt trumpets

ITT butthurt trumpets

Other urls found in this thread:

is an instrument actual being used as a political insult now?

Trump has a small instrument

kek, this is the only good thing to come from this thread



Here ya go the best one I could find

What a sad and desperate attempt to say something.


INB4 JAP/Granny spambot.

>casino entrepreneur defeats multinational military fundamentalist organization








How bout failure? That work?


>yfw trump is caught suffering a non-fatal accident/injury on film









ITT butt hurt political fags who get their news from Comedy Central












Trump is the ebst thing that happened to US
With Hillary you would be in a war right now, most likely losing it





Instead, let's make this a "Libs in a nutshell" thread
I'll start



sure Ivan


















no burgerking going to save you vs vietnam






























