About to watch this, what am I in for?

About to watch this, what am I in for?

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Why can't I get a women who will fart in my face

redpill dicking of your life

I don't know, you can't trust any media source when it comes to Clinton. How about you watch it and tell us?

There's plenty of reasons to dislike Clinton. They aren't in this movie. Instead, you'll get conspiracy theory garbage, most of which is actually about the Democratic Party itself, or Obama, rather than Hillary, which is fucking hilarious, given the name of the film.

Why are conservatives always releasing so many of these shitty propaganda movies every damn election?

A hatchet job.

Wonder who could be behind these posts.

Okay David Bossie

Were you gonna say CTR? I bet so.

Rational people that can spot shit coming from both sides of the political spectrum.

If you like the idea of fandom and unquestioningly supporting an organization, try a sports team.

You're not superior for being slothful and not being an upholder of Western civilization, you just a fucking beta cuck. kys.

No, I'm superior because I don't delude myself into thinking I'm an 'upholder of Western Civilization'. It's hilarious to me that that's what you people think you're doing.

>I'm a cuck
Good one, really didn't know that.

Save your buzzword insults. I don't care.

Not an argument.

ok cuck

Why would I argue with you? You don't seem capable of arguing anything and you're starting to bore me.

Go watch you little propaganda films. Hopefully in the future you'll gain some perspective. I'm out.


Decent exit

>Rational people that can spot shit coming from both sides of the political spectrum
These are the people voting for Trump to begin with.

Right now the whole government exists as an apparatus at the mercy of big business and lobbyists. Both sides of the govt are bought and paid for by the same people. This is why they hate Trump; because he is not under their control.

The big government conservacucks and democrats have to go.

It is also why he is going to lose. Trump has no power in the grand terms of things.

focusing on big business and missing major political fields like foreign policy, domestic job creation, education and public service funding is doing each candidate a disservice.

There's a lot more at stake than who is in the pocket of whom.

>it's a Sup Forums defends a documentary made a by a brown convicted felon

you can't make this shit up

Is it propaganda if it's stating facts, or because you don't like the facts?


And calling someone a cuck is the height of debate?

Eat shit.

it's not stating facts. maybe if you look them up (as well as D'Souza's personal history which is littered with controversy and lies) you'll see he's just a nutjob conspiracy theorist:


Someone summarize the point of this movie for me, preferably with as few memes as possible. I don't plan on giving my money to any non-Marvel films this year.