Hayley Williams is the best female rock singer there is. Plebs will deny this

Hayley Williams is the best female rock singer there is. Plebs will deny this.

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You are clearly the pleb here, mate.

certainly best looking.

not even close

Her live preformances can be a little underwhelming

choa is better


You know there are actual singers involved in rock music.

She's the pleb choice. The patrician choice is Sharon Topper

Such a powerful throat...


Not bad choices, I suppose.

You have to go back. :^)

literally who

Debbie was hot for sure, but Hayley still better tobehonest.

Sharon Topper


How do i succ goth tiddy?

Thanks for the link. I'm a sucker for female vocals coupled with Noise Rock and/or Experimental Rock. Hayley still best though.

Best posted so far.
God-tier song, by the way.

this is where we belong

Gosh that's such a kissable cheek

Kim Shattuck is better

B-but, you guys have a general. >:|

this woman has to be shared with the world don't you see?
no longer should she have to suffer in a smalltime general

I've seen better girls from you K-Pop posters tobehonest.

be careful with your words, others have died for much less

She looks like Paramore

I know right. Uncanny, huh?

Well, there's that one girl name Somi, I think, and she's pretty cute. I don't know any other names besides that (and Choa now).

choa is the most important and really the only one you need to know
forget about the others

The sad part is that you're not trolling. You really believe this.

Hmmmm, I'm not sure if I can trust you just yet, user.

i would never deceive you, my conscience is as pure as this woman

more like chode lmao

How is that sad? She's an absolutely incredible singer. If you find it so sad, then post a female singer in rock music that is better than this:


boooo go away and take your bad joke with you

How is that sad? She's an absolutely incredible singer. If you find it so sad, then post a female singer in rock music that is better than this:

This is so dumb, but ya still made me chuckle.

>those short shorts she was wearing in the first video you posted
You're either trying to deceive me or trying to deceive yourself. :^)

she was dressed for the weather, you don't know what she's been through so don't assume those things

what the heck did you just call her?
don't mess with the kpop general's favorite girl or you will have problems buddy

>implying the kpopers are allowed to leave their containment thread

I wanna fill her up six or seven times in a row

Disagree, but this is awesome:


only shirley manson, emily haines and karen o are better than her

Actually a lot are better than her, you just have to not be a waifufag plebian like OP to know them.

yeah "a lot" is a great singer I agree. I think Hayley is still better though.

Are you being ironically or unironically moronic?

my opinions don't count because the singer I like happens to be attractive to many people.
and was that joke I made really that hard to understand? I made sure to not use any big words!

Are you being ironically or unironically savant?