What is the worst South Park episode


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you already posted it


Anything with that fucking towel.
I never found it funny

that's actually one of the best newer episodes my friend

loved that one

agree with this. insta-skip.

>people hate this episode
I see it time and time again, why?

You posted it, OP.

retard detected.
sorry man but that episode really does suck.
i'd put my vote on that, though what i've seen from the latest season, any of those episodes could easily qualify.

The one where they make fun of my dumb alt right viewpoints. >:(

But I LOOOOOOOOVE it when they make fun of those LibTARDS!!!!!!! XD


Anything beyond season 6.


And The China Probrem.

I always dreamed of an episode with the kids bored to death because they are so funny when they're annoyed by others.

This episode was like God listened to me.

Ladder to heaven

Worth it for the Columbia shuttle joke alone.

I really hate the live action episode

I don't love the pan flute episode, or zip lining. The meme episode's pretty funny. Oh Humancentipad was lame and a shame it got to be the focus of that Doc.

Scott Tenorman

This. SP was never good but at least early seasons had better plots and were not a slog to sit through. Creative bankruptcy started after Canceled.

>being this insecure about one of the very few comedy shows that hit liberals

That one with the jerokoffosaurus or whatever was just unfunny.

What was the point of it

Not him but the episode was about memes. I don't think it really even did anything about politics.

It's actually a good episode in my opinion.

It was an episode devoted to bashing Jar Jar. It does suck.

Towelie, Mr. Hanky, are all bad episodes though some had their good parts. I still prefer to skip them. Cripple Camp is the only one I rewatch.

The world of Warcraft one


While we're on the South Park topic, what's their best musical scene?

I nominate vid related.

>It was an episode devoted to bashing Jar Jar.
SP creators confirmed for literal redditors.

The Jar Jar hate started long before Reddit when you were but a boy.

I genuinely thought towelie was hilarious. What's not to love?

which episode marked the show's decline?

Basically all the episodes that have the 45 degree face angles instead of the old straight on or sideways are pure garbage.

Have you ever seen the show or movie?


>Eric Cartman is a ticking time bomb

That was actually a good episode.


I really hate that episode where the plot is just thinly veiled soapboxing about shit nobody cares about.


I cant help but love this one.



Any of the Cthulhu shit.


Any song from the movie is good.

It's used in the The Passion of the Jew and that episode is great.

The correct answer is Licecapades

yeah. all that for the joke to be that Jolie's pussy hair doesn't get washed

>SP was never good

what is it with people who spent their formative years on Sup Forums and thinking "it was never good" about everything that's been running longer than they've been aware of it?

World War Zimmerman
That 2008 election one
Most episodes 2011 onwards
The Pewdiepie one
Most Randy centered episodes

It was more a mockery of every "disaster" film ever made.

>pewdiepie one

the what


I don't get what people don't like about this episode. Its really funny for a posr-season 10 epiaode

A million little fibers

All other answers are wrong. All other answers were posted because people completely forget it was even a south park episode, because people just want to forget it ever happened.

>World War Zimmerman
is a fucking prophecy. we need to be investing in robocop technology an shit to keep them in line

>Randy centered episodes
*Takes shirt off*

What's up?

You wanna go?


If you think this episode sounds like total shit, that's because it is.

don't worry about it. If you don't know now, you don't want to know.

He stared in a episode about youtubers
It was the day I dropped south park

>Randy centered ones
What. They are pretty damn good. Even though Lorde was a low point, Randy made it good

the first towelie episode is great. they're all pissed off that they can't play video games while they're basically living the plot of one.

>stan's aborted brother in the trash can
>kyle has date rape something

All of their multipart episodes are shit now.

Randy is bland. It's always the same "hurr I want to be cool too" bullshit.

Probably Mr. Garrison's shiny new vagina or whatever. That started a lot of shitty edgelord anti-trans maymoos.

>you shouldn't have done that, he's just a boy


Is this the best episode of the last 5 years?

>hurr emo

Shit came out 8 years too late.

i wanna fuck henrietta

the opening of the south park move is my favorite. all of the musical numbers are great, but the introduction really sets the tone beautifully.

The queef episode or the christmas critters one

Trey was probably a goth in high school. I know he loves the Cure anyway.

>Disintegration is the best album ever!

I'm actually dating a 5'9 heavy set goth chic rn as a 5'3 manlet shits pretty hot

how the fuck can you not like christmas critters

the reveal that it's cartman's story for class is one of the funniest moments ever in the show. plus kyle's abortion and the closing line with him dying of aids.

zipline shill detected. get a new job cuck noone likes to ride your dumb zipline

Tenorman is objectively where the show became shit.

He's just fishing for (you)'s.

Oh man, remember when Ron Paul ran for President and didn't stand a chance because he didn't know how to play the media?

Truly that was Our Last Shot.

South Park-season XX: they changed everything and will change even more things.


It's definitely up there desu

That shit always makes me crack up. It just a great visual gag.

tweek vs craig and this

Holy shit.
Never, EVER post this reddit garbage """analysis""" here again.
How can people watch annoying cunts like this, who try SO hard to sound smart, but fail horribly?

>Humancentipad was lame and a shame it got to be the focus of that Doc.

this but you could tell they didn't quite like it while they were writing it so that added some substance to the doc

Are there any episodes from the last 5 seasons that just center around the boys doing something and it going wrong?

I love episodes like Scott Tenorman Must Die and Something You Can Do With Your Finger. Episodes that don't revolve entirely around american news and politics.

holy shit kill yourself for posting that video

South Park was great. Now they only focus on the internet. They need to stop trying to tap into pop culture. Almost all the episodes from the last 3 seasons suck.

When they dressed up as ninjas but everyone thought they were ISIS
When people thought Tweek and Craig were gay

Anything that is multiple parts like Imagination land or the console war bullshit.

>South Park paved the way for The Daily Show and Last Week Tonight

Cartman's Mom is a dirty whore
That one was great


city on the edge of forever
fucking flashback filler episode in like season 2

The same reason people come to Sup Forums everyday

>USA would be North Korea without South Park

Makes u think lmao

It was retarded but to this stay I still reference barbradys uncertain delivery of "blue... blue is blue"

Cow Days probably

or Pip

I'm not being aggressive, I'm being dominant

now you try it

You didn't like it? Probably one of my favourite episodes.

I love it. I just watched it and found this thread, so I decided to shit out a line here.

they memed towlie too hard after his first appearance

S15E3 Tooth Decay is the absolute worst episode. Matt and Trey tried to write a script not dealing with pop culture and it was absolute trash. They milked the gulf oil spill to death and had NOTHING to satire that week.

That live action segment was hilarious

The Oprah one with her vagina talking for 30 mins

Shake weight ep

Butters in Hawaii


The night of

Last of the mehicans