"For the last time there is no mons-"

>"For the last time there is no mons-"
>monster roars

>I need a day
>you have a minute

>main character tells black character to do something risky
>"oh no. I've seen this movie and the black guy always dies first"

That's what I liked on the Conjuring 2. Everyone can see things happening from the very beginning.

>characters talk to each other
>no "uhhm", misspelled words, mumbling or nonsense sentences (like trying to do a quip but it makes no sense what it comes out of your mouth)

>golden retriever covers its eyes with its paws

>bank robbers trying to evade police
>money starts flying out robbers car windows
>cut to inside shot of chase car in pursuit
>$100 bills land on windshield

>one of the main heroes dies to a grunt because he was distracted and not the big bad


>it's a shot played in reverse

>movie begins with character waking up

>guys, we've got company!

>Movie starts

>character walking down the street
>somebody runs up to him
>"would you like this anvil?"
>"i have too many as it is!"
>"when will i be rid of this anvil?!"

every. fucking. time.

Name 3

>character senses a presence
>turns around quickly
>brief relief
>turns around one more time, but slowly

It never took off. Stop it.

>Skeptical atheist character upon seeing a ghost/UFO/monster
>"I'm sure there's a rational, scientific explanation for this..."

>"sign the contract"

>paw print for signature

>character senses a bull
>turns around quickly
>brief relief
>turns around one more time, but slowly

>Children's movie about talking dogs
>Terrible CGI is used to make the dog talk and smile

>monster is introduced
>it roars at the camera

>so...it's like looking for a needle in a haystack?
>no, it's like looking for a specific strand of hay in a haystack

>Villain is at the end of the line, turns to hero.
>"Everything I did, I did for the good of the Organization!"

>ominous event draws everyone's attention in one direction
>camera zooms in on ignorant-looking child, who looks the opposite way of everyone else
>child sees the monster

>scene where golden retriever gets kicked in the balls
>guy covers his eyes with his hands and whimpers

>Post-2000's movie monster
>It looks like a cave troll from LOTR

He's right behind me isn't he?

>Camera is pointed at a character's face but we see the monster appear behind him
>Other characters back away in fear
>First character looks confused and turns around
>Stares at the monster instead of running away instinctively
>Gets killed

>kid is the only one that sees the monster
>tell his parents he saw the monster
>"thats it! no more video games!"

>movie is from after 1999


>movie doesn't explain how the character got to be awake

>Walking On Sunshine starts playing

>movie is from after

>episode/movie takes place during Christmas

>Villain does something evil and says "Merry Christmas"

>main character falls asleep sometime during the first act
>at the end of the movie it's revealed that nothing from that point onward was real

>communications are disrupted
>no invasion

>character saves rape victim
>gives her a bowl of eggs
>"before you leave, you have to eat these"

>"In a world..."
>*serious music*
>"one man"
>"has to save his... dog?"
>*confused dog sound*
>who let the dogs out starts playing
>protagonist gets hit in the balls
>"oooooooh thats gotta hurt" says a kid while the dog covers his eyes with his paw

>characters go out for ribs
>he sneaks her the old slippery jimbone

>"you'd have better luck finding a needle in a haystack"
>"more like a strand of hay in a needle stack"

>music plays as protagonist brushes teeth in the mirror, showers, and grabs a cup of coffee from the kitchen

you forgot the
>*record scratch*

To be fair, i hate when that happens irl


>Finally catch extremely dangerous villain who killed numerous people and has no regrets
>One of the characters realizes that he's dangerous as fuck and could still be dangerous or even escape
>"Don't kill him or you'll be just as bad!'
>Villain escapes and kills even more people
>Eventually gets killed

>in a meeting room
>boss is on speaker
>the "cool" character makes a joke about his boss
>It wasn't on mute

>main character is not a good person

>I got the DA chocking on my Adam's apple

>what's plan A?

>"this guy isn't talking"
>"give him the old slippery jimbone"

>talk to each other
>misspelled words

>there's a black person in the main cast
>says "OH HELL NO" in a sassy voice while smacking their lips and snapping their fingers at least one time during the movie

>he's right behind me isn't he?

Dumb frogposter.

dumb dumb frogposter poster

>Dumb frogposter.

>Appalachain war movie
>slippery jimbone starts playing

Dumb dumb dumb frogposter poster poster


I always pre-cum to this webm

>chase scene
>"you're losing him"

>"oh hey, didn't see you there"