There is a progressive folk version of In The Aeroplane Over The Sea?

There is a progressive folk version of In The Aeroplane Over The Sea?

>progressive folk
Just stop making genre's up

Los Jaivas exist my dude

are you stupid?

Okay, define progressive.

Whats your ideal date with this girl?

Hit her in the face to make beautiful music

semen stains, mountaintops, etc.

introducing her to real music, transforming her from pleb to patrish


her mountaintops are too small for me to want to stain them. Would stick fingers in the notches of her spine though.

That is a girl, yes.

>what is Comus

Is there?

Not them but progressive music is typically defined by drawn out, complex song structures, the use of rhythms, scales and instrumentation uncommon to the parent genre and a tendency towards more narrative music (with a particularly large number of concept albums being progressive). I don't know why you think it's so bizarre that these concepts would be applied to folk music at some point, almost anything can be made proggy.

>progressive music is typically defined by drawn out, complex song structures, the use of rhythms, scales and instrumentation uncommon to the parent genre

So trout mask replica is progressive music?
Classical music is progressive music?
Aphex twin is progressive music?

Sorry bro, but that's a dumb term.

Take it up with the entire world, I didn't write the language.

All the examples you listed are progressive music in one way or another.


what a qt





>tfw two of my favorite albums of all time are on that wall

christ that hand is stubby fuck

how do i get a qt potato head girl

you must have shit taste then

i love dream pop
i bet you can't even recognize them lol

>he thinks p4k bnm garbage is "obscure"

>songs from the wood was released in 1977
Jethro Tull is one of the most famous prog bands, I'm surpised Sup Forums. I figure the way everyone talks about ITCOTCK people would at least know a couole other dadprog bands.

That hair

t. avant-teen /rym/drone

Oh man, musique concrete is the endline of all this patrish you fucking shut-in. :-]

Its a tambourine

more pls

...can we go back to talk about the album?


a singular band with no peers (i.e. not a genre)

no its not