/daily/ - faust again edition

The point of these threads is to encourage people to look for new and interesting music. We do this by listening to and ideally discussing albums we've never heard before. Many of us already listen to new music daily, these people are in it to venture "out of their comfort zone" by listening to albums they otherwise wouldn't have, or just to have a good time.

>make charts

>listen to tunes

>listenalong schedules, OP pics, etc.

Previously, on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


first 4 faust


Should I eat these?

looks poisonous so yes

it look like benis xD

That's the aim

Fucking delete this


What are you listening to tonight?
I'm listening to Terminal Tower again, why does urban loneliness sound so good? My Dark Ages is extremely underrated by the way

join this tourn while I'm waiting for Huttoad

no one's guaranteed to get knocked out, get a 3/5 and ya stay in


Imagine Talking Heads, but Bulgarian and with a vocalist that sounds like Jun Togawa

ooooo fun
unwound - fake train

this is me


heyo it's ya boy swarthy

Dubs decide which album i will listen next from here

Larry Young - Unity

i like the concept


Unnamed Trip's 2+ hour EAI album, right after I go through a bunch of Boomkat singles and EPs

i can't recc any good rock sooooo

Sajjanu - Pechiku!!


Yuh Yuh

Hades Park

reminds me i started a tourney on that premise but only heard 2 albums from it before giving up haha


revisiting meme - chitotetochi cuz i just want some comfy folk music while i chill and get ready for bed

Tubular Bells

trips and you never listen to music again

lucky :{}

anyone know any music like that really nice vocal bit at the beginning of the faust tapes? asking for a friend.


why not. Lust for Youth - International


Go Sailor s/t

Cows - Peacetika


Swans - Children of God (1987)
>post-punk, experimental rock

The perfect bridge between no wave Swans and gothic/post-rock Swans. Simplistic, stark brutality still seems to be the band's primary focus, continuing the sound perfected on the band's first four records. Tracks like "New Mind", filled to the brim with bone-rattling percussion and twangy vocals from Gira, end up as the album's best, the perfect summation of the band's years as a primitive no wave band. Tracks that take on a more long-winded sound, remiscent of the band's later years as a post-rock band, sometimes come off as overly affected, especially concerning Gira's hilariously off-putting vocals. There are certainly some highlights in this sound, like "Blind Love", but most other tracks in the sound are baby steps towards a much more fulfilling sound that Gira and co. would perfect later in their career. Their best album up to the point it was released, but they've certainly outdone themselves since.


nat what the flipping heck is up

gimme that bcd 2 or 69 love songs review

the epic is neither as bad nor as good as anyone will tell you but it's mediocre for like three hours

hot take: Psy is pretty good as far as radio pop goes.

i will get on these as soon as possible

and man why the hell is the epic such a polarizing album

>King Krule - King Krule
Not much to rescue to be honest, the beats are alright and the voice didn't feel polished yet but he tries to make the most out of it; just like Elias Ronnenfelt in some way, last track specially.

>Jacques Brel - Jacques Brel 67
Something similar to what happened with Jorge Ben, it's all about the emotion of his interpretation and how consistent he is in giving a strong delivery song after song, the instrumentation helps a lot but nothing special to really focus on.

wanted to do another but just got a message from my friend and he's coming to crack open a cold one

This is actually a pretty decent album.

Bodychoke - Cold River Songs

The Books - The Lemon of Pink

Hey /blog/

Long story short, I just finished all this garbage with my car. Drove up to LA yesterday, kicked it with my bud for the night, sold the old car this morning and drove all the way back down to San Diego. Good lord it was exhausting. I might actually be able to stop by here more often though now that everything is cleared up.

Also, if you like pointless rankings and / or an opportunity to shit on my taste, I just polished up the Sup Forumscore chart and posted my vague rankings


>nothing special to really focus on
the lyrics tho

you're gonna make me cry with that sing to god score

>Grimes and Cardiacs scores
>Those Coil and TMBG scores
This is not ok

i have listened to all good albums
what do i listen to now?

sorry if my english didn't help to explain that, I was talking about the instrumentation, the lyrics and the interpretation really outclasses it

oh god i just saw the song cycle and henry cow and residents ones too

boy what the FUCK am I looking at

the sounds of space

Oops, pic related

>all of this

especially the part where pig destroyer and grimes are better than skinny fists

If you couldn't tell based on the list, prog/experimental stuff, especially on the rock side of things is not really my thing.


Lmao I was very confused for a minute.

I didn't get the Parks hype oh boy. I kinda said earlier but prog isn't my thing and neither is experimental rock so that explains most of those rankings right there

Hot take - Skinny Fists is overblown, drawn out and uuuggggghhh it's so damn pretentious

That's not even one I can explain, it just annoys me and everyone else seems to love it

its shit

>Skinny Fists is overblown, drawn out and uuuggggghhh it's so damn pretentious
exactly what makes it good

It found innovative new levels of pretentiousness.

this album is kinda blowing my mind rn. thanks.

it's okay
totally okay

its a really special one
i'm glad you like it

controlled chaos on this level is really hard to come across.

Anyone want to give me a not so common but not bandcamp obscure album that will be memorable


>not so common but not bandcamp obscure
seems like a pointless restriction but okay, this has dozens of memorable moments

that's like half the shit this general listens to
Hell - Hell III
is what I'm listening to rn, pretty obscure I guess, good so far
It's metal or post metal or some shit
no it doesn't

I just don't want something I've already listened to or know about, I want something new. And bandcamp is 98% trash.

I'll check that out

Thanks to both

I'll check that out too then

Good shit as per usual

smol breadbrain can't process a straightforward if slightly technical punk album baka gaijin
tho tbf this is prob catchier
but no one's listened to literally all the essentials and if a bc album wasn't memorable no one would recommend that to you anyways

Ken Ishii - Jelly Tones (1995)
>detroit techno

Ishii's take on techno is a lot poppier and generally more light and present than I normally like the genre, but he pulls the unique take of with a lot of energy and playfulness. It's very simple, often too simple to engage the listener long enough to make these extended track lengths worthwhile, even if it's rather cute and precious in its own way. The title is really a perfect fit, these tracks move and bounce just like jelly. Similarly, their saccharine nature and lack of any real substance is a definite negative.


>A positive comment

Woah. Thank you man, glad you dug it!


Is this 55:10 or 1:00:43? I keep finding it in both

Bill Evans Trio - Sunday at the Village Vanguard (1961)
>cool jazz

Cements Evans as co. as the absolute masters of cool jazz. Every note played by every musician in the trio just absolutely reeks of sheer coolness. This performance is much less of a group effort than Waltz for Debby, with Evan's solos taking up much of the runtime here, but the trio's interplay is still absolutely mind-boggling, even if Evans is still very distinctly given the spotlight. Very unobtrusive, like a lot of Evans' work, and I'd like more input from LaFaro and Motian (who has the absolute best cymbal sound in jazz). These are just standard criticisms that come with cool jazz, though, and for the genre this is absolutely wonderful.


very very good jazz and hip hop onions

those cap'n jazz and converge scores hurt me deep tho

XXXTENTACION - Revenge (2017)
>southern hip hop, trap rap

XXX is obviously a really polarizing personality (the dude's an edgy piece of shit), but listening to this is's honestly hard to deny that he has talent, he's just really awful at utilizing that talent. His attempts at slowcore/post-hardcore are actually not as bad as they should be, and his trap rap benefits from massive beats and frantic delivery. The main problem here is that XXX can't sustain a song beyond one simple idea, leaving most of his tracks to stay restricted to a single loop, minus some variation. The beats bang, but they're so mind-numbingly repetitive that they get sickening, and the impassioned post-hardcore ("King") simply consists of one looped heavy guitar bit coupled with screaming. XXX is also not a terribly skilled rapper. He's got some bars on "Slipknot", but he's easily outclassed by his guests here, especially Ski Mask (on the album's finest track "RIP Roach". I hate this dude, and I kinda hate this tape, but I think he can actually do something good.



Thanks man! Glad you took the time to give it a look. I've found that I agree with most people on jazz/hip-hop and it's probably cause they're two of my favorite genres.

I figured the emo/prog/metal scores would probably be the most controversial cause I don't know much about any of those genres compared to others. Oh well

Is this the greatest song of all time?

I will agree with him, hip-hop and jazz are your strong suits, but Tribe? Their best (Midnight Marauders, let's be honest) is only a 8/10. But two as 10/10?


I suppose I'll put one of those together when I finish the Sup Forumscore, and I bet our hip hop rankings will be very similar, save for the fact that Wu-Tang is my favorite thing on there.

Rec me for my tourn or I shall also bully you for some of these scores

(Why'd you not like gun club tho)

Tribe is probably the first hip-hop group I ever heard and liked, so their stuff has this special place in my heart honestly. I think they're really damn solid but nostalgia puts them over the place

I'm looking forward to reading it! I think that Wu album is great but it's never been *that* album for me if that makes sense.

Idk I loved Meat Puppets II which has a similar thing going on from what I remember - so I'm definitely gonna have to go back more and see if it grows on me!

Also, my rec is Ornette Coleman - This Is Our Music!

Wise Blood - id


>Silvia Ocougne & Chico Mello - Musica Brasisleira De(s)composta
>Samba, Microtonal

This takes the elements you'd expect for Samba, and throws them onto a plate separately like retardedly fancy plating at a high-end restaurant.

Microtonal works very well on acoustic instrumentation, when it's especially difficult to perform. On a surface level it sounds simple, atonal strumming, but even in the melodic and slow portions of a song like Bebe, there are irregularities for a listener to pick out, like colored stones on a beach. 'Cept this beach seems to extend on forever, the sky is completely empty, and the waves of the sea come and go as they please.

It's this kind of music that is especially good at forming a surreal atmosphere, among the technical workings of the performers. Expect aspects of whispered and meek singing, instruments echoing within an empty concert hall, and silences that choke breaths.


>Flux Quartet - Morton Feldman: String Quartet No. 2
>Modern Classical

I'm no historical musical buff, and much of my opinion comes from emotion, production, and context. When I compare the likes of Feldman with someone like Sachiko M., I am limited to comparing textures, what little structure is present, and the history behind each piece. While you could call both musicians adjoined to the Minimalism movement, there's a great pleasure in realizing just how divergent each one's ideas are from each other.

Feldman's approach is greater in scale and much more sublime. This piece was described to be based on the patterns of antique turkish rugs. They were symmetrical, but with minute differences on each side being that they were antique and imperfect.

The easiest way for me to imagine this is Feldman painstakingly traversingeach line, each design on the rug. He takes his time on each shape, which is why each string phrase repeats for a handful of measures before moving onto a new concept.

Way easier to listen to than Eintstein on The Beach, too.


>MIMEO - Lifting Concrete Lightly

Almost 2 and a half hours of live improv.

It begins with the sound of conversation and high frequencies, that seem to love obscuring the rumbles and growls of other all 7 musicians. From there, the sounds fall from every electronic under the sun. Any amount of work could have been taken from this and compressed into an album, but it wasn't, and we're left with a massive pallette of noises, playing with each other.

Is this the abridged version of Noise and Drone?


>Amon Duul II - Yeti
>German Prog Rock

>La Petite Bande - JS Bach: Matthaus-Passion
>Baroque Classical

It's music for just two chapters of the Bible, Matthew 26 and 27, AKA the Last Supper. Really just an enjoyable performance, with a considerably small orchestra and choral section given the subject. Seems a draw for this album is that since the solo vocalists are also a part of the choir, it feels more genuine, rather than the normal solo + some choir in the back setup. The choice of organ in particular is lovely.


oops ignore Amon Duul II - Yeti

and the score for MIMIO

Good morning /daily/!

Another Sunday, another plane to catch! Today I'm going to France!

Gonna pack some albums with me to keep up my daily quota. Mostly classical that I missed this year.

What are you guys up to?

i can't believe i slept in til 5pm


>mfw new John Frusciante track is a big EAI jerk fest

Nothin wrong with a little beep bloop if I do say so myself

oh it's a great track! If you go listen to it on YT everyone seems so butthurt lol

New Godspeed out September 22
It's called Luciferian Towers

>no one's got dubs yet
let me help you out
etron fou le loublan

Good-morning /daily/, how are you all doing on this auspicious day? Tried the following albums;

Ogre You Asshole - s/t. Sounds very much like an early Modest Mouse album given the guitar distortions and string bending (to a lesser capacity, granted), uses somewhat pop-like samples which greatly compliment tracks such as タニシ, really enjoyed this thing.
>HAIM - Days Are Gone (Deluxe Edition). Really love Falling, a very funk-inspired indie-pop track that draws very much on Michael Jackson to make a particularly fun and catchy song, its a shame the rest of the album doesn't compare and is unfortunately front-loaded. Although the guitar solo on Go Slow gives a nice change of pace when the album is really in need of it.
>HAIM - Something To Tell You. This album is slightly more consistent though isn't as good overall, the energetic power ballads and funk is completely gone more or less replaced with a much slower tempo all around and very few decent hooks, which for an album of this type makes it sorely lacking. Still enjoyed some of the later tracks, especially Found It In Silence.

>that pic

Mike Keneally - The Universe Will Provide.

Not much, watched Tokyo Story yesterday, that was one God-tier film.

How is that even possible? Does the Sun not wake you up?

anybody got that daily pic with all the users as anime personalities?

Some picks from the chart:

>Martin Dupont • Hot Paradox
Derivative over-produced tedious Post-Punk/Coldwave ('Pressure', 'Inside Out' are great tho).

>Mylène Farmer • Ainsi soit je…
Great Synthpop post-Kate Bush with dated synthetic production is dated and a weak second half (the tacky Sylvie Vartan cover, the cringy innuendos, the final instrumental). Fans of Strawberry Switchblades or Shelleyan Orphan should check this: Mylène was hot, and the light Goth/Baroque touches are great.
Also, top-tier videoclips:

>Mano Negra • Puta's Fever
Like a condensed, joyful, "World" version of The Clash' Sandinista.

>MC Solaar • Qui sème le vent récolte le tempo
Classic Jazz Hop despite the antiquated jazzy samples and some weak verses.

>Noir Désir • Tostaky
CLASSIC French dadrock ('Tostaky' is still awesome). Their later albums are more interesting.

>Hector Zazou • Chansons des mers froides
Really cool (if 'Vespertine' was made in 1994 by This Mortal Coil: there are plenty of Goth/1980's artists featurings) but sterile.

>Jean-Louis Murat • Dolorès
Each tracks sounds a bit same-y (laid-back beats, mid-tempos, cold synths, poetic lyrics, cool voice): Murastango is better.

>IAM • L'École du micro d'argent
Damn, why nobody told me this was _that_ good. Sick samples too.

>René Aubry • Plaisirs d'amour
Yann Tiersen but less toy instruments and more sappy chords: what's the point…

>Christophe • Comm'si la terre penchait
More arty Chanson, with Trip-Hop touches; ' Aimer ce que nous sommes' is better, but 'Comme…' is fairly good.

Where are you gonna go in France? you're lucky: it's sunny AF this week.