I lost my other briefcase, my whole life was in there

>I lost my other briefcase, my whole life was in there.
>That's okay sir, briefcases aren't allowed in here.
>You can let go of that now.
>They aren't allowed, please sir let me take that for you.
>For some reason, I'm scared
>There's nothing to be scared of. You can let go, just come say hello.
>We love you daddy!

Has there ever been a better scene than this in any other TV show?

>sorpanos dream/coma episodes

visual nyquil

>The Office image

How fitting for such a post

>he watches the Sopranos but does not like dream episodes


his reading of "I'm scared" is so touching. I miss you James.

nothing beats take me to the river

isn't it?

garbage supporting garbage, only all of the office is prime dumpster diving from behind a grocery store kinda garbage, where you can find food unopened and semi-fresh, when coma/dream episodes of the sopranos were like a dumpster filled with old chinese food thats been sitting in a pool of rotten milk

i mean back when the episodes originally aired, i never talked to anyone who actually enjoyed that slow, pointless, dragging, never ending, arch of visual anesthesia

Pussy fish is literally the best scene in the series


>trying this hard to convince yourself you like every part of the sopranos
the show is still GOAT but the dream sequences are fucking stupid.

The dream sequences have always been my favorite part. You just have no taste.
You don't seem to realize that the supernatural exists in The Sopranos universe, and hence the dreams do have actual intended meaning not just for the viewer to pick up on but also for Tony.

You're not funny. Don't pretend that you weren't trying to be either. You've failed. Eat my shit.

who let the fanook in here?

Shivers down my spine the first time I saw it.

>babbys first time watching mafia tv

this and the pussy fish scene were the only good things about sopranos. Everything else was a never ending circle jerk of people repeating the same shit over and over because "that's real life, bro".

bizzare post


how so?

t. Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones fanboy


>buttblasted at factual statements.

What is it with this show's fanbase and their superiority complex? The Sopranos had as many great moments as it did terribly written ones, yet you guys think it's the be all end all of television. I've never seen a more impressionable group of fans.

really liked the coma episodes. vulnerable tony/Kevin Finnerty episodes really struck a chord with me. Couldn't stop thinking about them for days after.

Because it's hyped as one of the greatest shows of all time. I'd rather sit through the last two seasons of Boardwalk Empire again than watch the best episode of Sopranos.

Go back to your marvel vs. dc threads, you little shit.

its only the people who are just discovering it

honestly, its just the italian version of shaft and dolemite if we're going to be serious, obviously with better production and blah blah blah...

but i cant remember if it was jsut the last season or the last 2 seasons that sucked...


The story of this website... Fuck, this place is garbage. Good night, fags.

Nothing will ever top this scene. David Chase gave us his only masterpiece.

The Sopranos probably has the most uncanny dream sequences I've ever seen. Really captures how they feel. That said, I never really considered the Kevin Finnerty scenes a dream sequence, more like an actual spiritual experience Tony was having, whether or not we're supposed to register it as being a visual allegory or something he literally experienced while in the coma

calm down, it was a good show, a great show but it had its flaws and moments where it just dragged. those moments were amplified in the coma arch

Best dream sequence wasn't even a Tony dream

The coma stuff is probably some of my favorite sopranos. I'll bet the chodes ragging on the coma/dreams didn't even like the vegas peyote episode. It had the second hottest piece of ass in the entire show.

it's the same principle as the solar system

That first few episodes of the 6th season were easily the weakest part of the series and yet this moment was the best of the show

I think its the other way around. The first few episodes of the 6th season are goat and it goes to decent-tier on Live Free Or Die.

My favorite scene of the best TV show in the history of the medium.