A site that suggests spotify songs no one has ever played


post what you get. bonus points if it's a good song.

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Time and Again by Josh Rager. Some good instrumental shit.

something from an italian opera. not awful but i'm not a fan.


It really picks up towards the end...

some irish/scottish violin shit, sounds like it was made in fuckin finale notepad

not bad, kinda sounds like most 80s rock with female vocalists

Not very good.

damn this is actually pretty good

This is uh okay at best.

what the fuck is going on in that album art

anthony fantano
internet's kinkiest music nerd

this gives me boner


didnt mean to quote

no fucking way

wtf i love india now

there's almost something here. It really doesn't sound bad, but something feels a little off.

lmao what the fuck

this is pretty good

what the fuck

Drummer can barely keep the beat, but it's so raw that it really doesn't detract from anything for me. I'd find them relatively inoffensive if I were to encounter them as a local act.

this would be fantastic if literally anyone else did the vocals, or if they had effects on them or something

Well I found something I really like

Some soft piano piece, apparently the artist was a Mormon Missionary who died in Guatemala in a car crash in 2013, his mom updates his Facebook still.

Nothing like a little classical to wind down the mood at night.


pretty decent grind